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Everything posted by chrono

  1. Hoot! Started out abit rocky but it gets much better about 20 minutes in when they had the mangas 'humor' pop-up. *fist pump* "Yes! Yes!"
  2. I agree, but the story really doesn't start until around 50-100. Most of the first 50, or so, chapters read like a Quake tourny free-for-all with a whole-alot OWNZER/WTF! thrown in. Which, to be honest, you start to actually miss. Maybe's it's all of the Bleach & CLAMP I read that makes me think that. I dunno. But the 'fun' part went out the door around 150-170 for me. Now it's reading alot like a Samurai book.
  3. OMG! I had nearly forgotten about that dog getting too curious with that one girl. BWHAHAHA!!! The sex threw me a little in the manga at first though, but it became funny a time or three! gulp, gulp, gulp... tells Kei "I swallowed it." His look of WTF! was great! LOL! Buy it cheap, because it's cheap thrills-wise.
  4. Yeah having FF on the sony went along way towards my buying the first the backwards ability of the second was the largest reason I got it. Anyways I wonder what Halo 3 will look like and how long they are going to hold it for until they get their movie done...
  5. Actually I kinda doubt it given how bad EVA fans are. Seriously though if this is an homage piece then those guys have littered the entire series with little otuka-like hints. I mean hell #4 had Nono going Might Morph'n/Kirider on us!! Spatula, dude! It's the magical girl transformation sequence that gets you everytime. .... *slowly steps away from spatula*
  6. Yeah I was familiar for me too! I knew it had an X designation but it's been awhile. It's RL parent had to be the X-29 with it's cousin being the SU-37. http://www.centennialofflight.gov/essay/Ev...sweep/Tech9.htm
  7. It's to be an OVA directly following the manga. The first series was more of a gloss-over of the beginning chapters and then went it's own way. The manga has some excellent material and should be a great little ride. Now if the crappy CG has been axed over smoothed over from the trailer....
  8. Gee which gave the string the strength to actually hold together. The carbon line or those layers of Fiberglass tape.
  9. That is fugy. Very fugly! To many sharp edges makes it not flow well. Still gas powered, which is fine for a prototype, but it forces the ride upwards to nearly tradional seat heights which really spoils the aggressive look that the bike would have had. Though the way it's built suggests that it wants to transform. Really, drop those front side pieces downwards and slightly back while having a hidden piece extend backwards by 1/3 the length of it's parent. Extend the rear wheel back while the seat moves back and downwards and have the windscreen canopy also move backwards and slightly down while lengthing....... LOLOLOLOL
  10. Naw, just ask her "Do you want the truth? Or a lie?". Generally she'll stop and re-ask the question meaning that she wants the true, but then you can actually tell her and she can only get mad at herself about it and your bulletproof! Great work! Tempted to buy one, but upcoming lack of job doesn't allow for it.
  11. Personally Developer-level experience or second hand information via friend/coworker or magazine? Not that any of what you said actually matters for the current system architure.
  12. Low? or Long? the greater the distance between the seat and the footpegs, the less your legs are arched your footpegs could only go down so far 370832[/snapback] Sitting stop during testing. And yes I know about foot peg arrangement because I used to ride.
  13. After which we expect plenty of vids showing well earned crys of childish joy!
  14. That looks like the 3rd Akira prototype! Totally sucks sitting up that high though, makes it look like a carny ride. LOL! There was more then 3 that I knew of and they were all Japan based. One I saw in only it's rough working form(sans body), and damn was that puppy LOW! The guy on it had his legs strenched out and were barely angled.
  15. Don't forget the Home site as well. http://www.playstation.com/products.html Hopefully programming it is simpler then the first two were and the first gen games are buyable before they become 'bargin-bin' stock. The stats are abit on the 'light' side for RAM. And is it me or are they aluding to 2 HD monitor support?
  16. Yeah it does look odd, but then we've seen her pretty much as a boy toy for most of the series. It's definatly a more mature look for her and I have no complaints about it at all!! It's abit too Misato with the short coat and hugging dress though.
  17. Everyones worried about consoles, everyone knows that Sony hypes their stuff beyond what it's able to do so I don't see why people have problems with people pointing out the lies(know the fanboys are still denying that the PS3 stuff at E3 was fake), but I've not seen a single game that I'd drop 50 on yet. Won't see anything won't a damn until '07-'09 from either console and probably will have to wait until '08-'10 for Nintendo.
  18. A few thousand panel lines should do the trick. 369349[/snapback] Well DUH! 369439[/snapback] I was almost thinking making them myself if they weren't done already But seriously, I imagined that random panel painting technique used on that ship. Lots of masking but it would look so awesome! 369489[/snapback] *imagines Sdf-1 looking through a microscope while cutting out panels on a mask*
  19. That thing has more problems then the Akira bike! Balance being one of them and another being how poorly the engines tucked into the wheel. A gas leak and fiction later everyone would start calling you "Fireball"!
  20. Good article. Sure it's skipp'n on the details, but who wants to get fired over something like that!!! But what was great about it is that it's showing that the PS3 is no-where near ready for a winter 06 or spring 07 release date and throughly debunking 90% of Sony's claims of being a true next-gen machine. The next gen race will be a knock-down drag-out fight fer-sure!!!
  21. So, So wrong!
  22. Personal Stress relief?
  23. Those images need a person in them for getting an idea of size.... Yeah having a functional replica is great, but now it's time to refine it and update the tech to a much higher degree. And having a nice deep slightly cherry red metallic paint would be very sweet indeed!
  24. Great news that it was so easy a fix!
  25. A few thousand panel lines should do the trick. 369349[/snapback] Well DUH!
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