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Everything posted by chrono

  1. Yeah your finishing it up now and it'll come out nearly a full year after be telecast. Bastards! Gods I hope they don't totally screw up the dub. 'Cause I'm getting tired of hearing half the cast of Goddannar in most of the anime I get.
  2. No not yet. The Revolution and the big N will have to show me new games before I really consider buying it. Not just games that I've been playing for 15-20(perhaps 25? ugh..I'm old) years. 384200[/snapback] Yep! A Zelda that might not come out for years, another Mario game, another Metriod game, and possibly another RE game just doesn't cut it enough for me to throw 150+ at a game system. Not even with all of the backwards compatibility they are putting into it!
  3. Wow. I didn't know that they bought the rights for emulating those consoles! But if this is true then that's more points for N's Rev! Now if they'd just start putting out new titles.... in larger quanity....
  4. LOL! Not a flippin' chance at 321 bucks.
  5. Now remind me just how large this ship is? Oh yeah 4km's that pretty much makes 80% of the surface detail nearly invisible on most models under oh around 3 meters. Seriously though even with the 'unfinished' look to it I find ALOT of the model simply and clearly rushed and lacks the 'polish' for a model of 200 bucks. For an easy comparasion take a look at honneamise's projects with thier scales and prices. It's a 'no contest' as to which is of better quality and of which could rate the price of 200 bucks. Costs to much for too little quality.
  6. Oh great. Just what SW needed after those prequel failures. A tv series failure. Maybe someone should tell McCallum that darker and character driven DON'T happen when EVERYONE knows what's going to happen. This is only gonna fly if he's planning to kill off 50% of the cast per season to keep character mortality at the forefront and to make reality "Anything goes, and nothings 'safe' or a 'known'!". But they'll fail because they'll cast people on thier audience appeal and not how well they act.
  7. Totally agree! That helmet's finish is VERY nice. R, are you brush painting these or are you spraying them?
  8. I think they make it pretty clear at the beginning of ep #5 that the two series are connected. 381520[/snapback] Yeah I found the comet scene abit mind blowing because of it's implications.
  9. I kinda buy the thankgiving release date, because of it's pre-christmas date. It places them really well to sell for 2 full months instead of less then 1 month. We'll KNOW at E3 fer sure.
  10. Save that nightstand and hang the tv on the wall!
  11. Not when you live out of town. Remember that there is ALWAYS a stupid kid out there with money he's will'n to drop! My only problem is that having it is kinda moot if you don't have an SDF-1........
  12. Why does Ranga Murata's name sound so familiar? I know he's the guy who did the character work on LE, but his character work reminds me of a coupla mangka's work. Oh and it's only look good if GONZO has enough time in their scheual.
  13. Gunhed!?!?! Now I MUST be getting that book. But just how much did it set you back?
  14. Hell I barly use the thing anymore! Haven't seriously played a game in....... 4-5 months.
  15. Oh hell those are niiiice!
  16. $187 including shipping, yet to be confirmed. 380710[/snapback] Wellllll I suppose I could sell my PS2.
  17. Niiiiiiiiiiice! Shame he totally screwed up those vents. I wonder how much he's gonna be charging since he's nearly finished.
  18. NGE comes off as an experimental anime, though I'm sure many people believe it to be far more of an 'enlighted' anime. *I would never call an anime that showed that the main characters parents delibrately abusing the main character "enlighted" in any fashion!* Which I find funny, because it's really not. It failed in it's most basic requirements and that was to convey what needed to be convey'ed within it's alloted time. There was some much symbolism thrown at the veiwer that unless they did research on them(or had a degree in them) the viewer never really had an idea of what the story was about. To this day, for myself, the last 2 episodes of the series sound more like a therapy session then an ending.
  19. Wicked City.... damn totally forgot about that old stroke video. Neat art, but the story was kinda lame. Yeah 'Voices' wasn't as good as it could've been. Far too melodramatic for my tastes. I found the cat story better in many ways. His second movie, to be honest feels alot like his 'Voices', but shows maturity in his writing ability and the films visual quality shows HUGH steps forward. BTW, I found some of Kon's early work as a mangka. Surprisingly well written, though not as well written as "A Yokohama Shopping Trip".
  20. Well whenever you get around to building some PR kits I'll definatly point about dozen+ people your way.
  21. You have LW and you pass on going to the next level with the detail? Gods what a waste. Definatly do that fundraising and buy yourself a new computer.
  22. one Rerry Rhodan (German SciFi novel series) spaceship I´m building for its designer 379735[/snapback] OMG! Dude you wouldn't believe how hard it is to get hooked up with PR in the States! Put up some images of that project and I'm sure you'll have people looking to buy a kit or 3.
  23. I totally agree! That's why I'm such a hugh fan(whore) of Satoshi Kon's. Hopefully Makoto Shinkai will broaden his horizons and start to move towards a more mature style and depth and not continue with his style of 'couple' storys. Anyways, bot, there just aren't many that equal Macross. In character design, mecha design, ship design, story, or sheer movement. Legend of the Galactic Heroes puts out a great effort but it's plotting story can really throw viewers off and it gets overly political sometimes. Also it didn't help that it was seemingly everyway in a somewhat scattershot fashion continously bouncing around between characters like one would read about in a modern pulp thriller. Sure the format works, just not the way the were using it because it very easly leads to confusion. The first 12 episodes for me were fine examples as to how not to make an anime for the public. Crest & Banner of the Stars, another great effort but one that just didn't translate well at all their source materials. It starts out well enough but it depends overly much on cinematics to convey the importance of the scenes, so there are alot of slow, awkward pauses, and needlessly silence moments that really could've flushed out the universes background or really created deeper and more vivid characterizations(Spore for example). But it too tended to follow a book format that doesn't really suit a half-hour show format. To make matters worse they started to use larger amounts of 3d towards the series end and since the studio didn't have the ability to put forth a great effort the 3d is terrible looking and is nearly gradeschooler in quality. Eureka 7, frankly it's almost to early to truely compare..... But it's characters come through and are vivid enough that you can start to understand them surprisingly quickly. Unfortunatly it depends on the now well-established "Boy & His 'Bot" format with plenty of pseudo-religion-save-the-planet & NGE thrown in to wonderfully muddle the story under wannabe intellectualism. The pacing is surprising well done and doesn't needlessly waste alot of the viewers time by bounding around alot between apposing sides for several episodes at a time. Surprisingly though the animation is some of the smoothest and has the best intergrated 3D/2D in any anime to date. There are also 'hints' that point towards a future quality level that may just surpass the 1985 level.
  24. #4 is actually really neat(quite good looking in some scenes), but damn does it need translation!
  25. I'm still having problems with how 'slim' he looks. I get that it's a stylish gay look when I see it.
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