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Everything posted by chrono

  1. Oh wow! I didn't think that a dub could make my ears feel like they are bleeding. Within the first 10 minutes I've felt like they've made no attempt to get close to the orginal VA's and to make it far worse the voices are Micheal Jackson soft nearly all of the time and whoever was directing them totally failed to bring out the required acting from the VA's to reflect what the visual emotion was. I've heard better voices from the "Golden Girls". This dub is probably THE worst dub I've ever heard. It's not possible to give it a grade of any type beyond 0 ala F. Only voice so far that is kinda 'ok' reasonable is Hollands, go figure somebody who gets less air time gets a better voice. Renton's voice is a very poor selection it only sounds good when the character is yelling(WTF!), and Eureka's is nearly as bad being entirely the wrong tone! Talho's voice is slightly better then Rentons grandfather's but it lack's in something. Matthieu is another mis-cast(hello how about some accent here!). I'm shivering in fear when it comes to the other characters though. Gods only know what they have done for Moondoggie! The CD's are aureal heaven though and both the T-shirt & manga are fairly nice.
  2. Well MR UPS man was very kind to me today by giving me my E7 Special Edition box!! Can't wait to dig into the double cd.
  3. Yeah, but why take the chance anyways. Besides You'd have to put some many holes(tray, connectors, wireless feed, etc) in it that the problems would only be slightly masked for your efforts, unless you went crazy and spent some serious amount of time on it(which I'm sure someone will do & props to 'em for doing it!). I'd just try out an sound damping blanket first to see if it helped any and go from there. It would be a shame to coverup the design though. :/ Gods I wish E3 would hurry up!
  4. That last one looks like that one fake StarFleet ship from Voyager. Otherwise it's better. I really don't think that you'll find a design that is not familar in some aspect. You could try a more advanced version of the 30's-60's rocket design.
  5. I'd say apply some sound insulation, but the 360 runs hot enough as is! And given how you need access to the systems front putting it in a mini-fridge won't help either.
  6. It's not HomoTech! This version is T&A-Tech!! Or at least BrokeBack-Tech. Anyways I see that they still haven't gotten any idea of how to use 3D. Especially in those 3D characters, man those shadows are a give away! Those ship designs are horribly uncreative & the 3D is immature looking and slightly below hobbyist level. On that alone I hope it drains their accounts and destory's their remaining credit!!!
  7. Yeah that's how I use to order mine also, until the bastards at the comic store I used won't make the order automatic and I had to order them every month.
  8. Funky. This is most definatly one of those situations where the games quality could go either way. I just hope that the game has something like a storyline. hehe. I just hope that SOME console does a Macross game! And maybe a tank game(gotta have a tank game)... now a tank game would be pretty sweet with that new Nintendo controller.
  9. ... then quit watching it. 388264[/snapback] ..... umm NO!
  10. I think that Whedon would do the Movie industry a favor if it whacked 5 other idiot directors before sucking on the barrel himself. All the guy could ever write was camp and if it wasn't for those shows T&A 'actors' he'd be a nobody. ANYWAYS.... they need an unknown for alot of reasons.
  11. You guys are having problems finding V2!!! Good god! My Best Buys had it on the racks in roughly in January/Febuary. They get there shipments way earier then Right Stuff and many other stores! Anyways, this dub is making me ill. I've heard some bland and boring dub's before, but these have GOT to be the worst dubs I've ever heard! I can stand most of the cast except the main characters(sans Misa). It's like HG intentionally wanted a 'bad' dub made to increase RoboTechs quality. That aside I never realized just how bad Hikaru had 'hero-worship' until I heard Minmay call him on it! LOL!
  12. It's kinda funny that several people think that WW should be a non-American. I'm really surprised that few people have wanted to get a greek or Med. actress for the part! Ever since I heard that they were doing a WW movie I'd have thought that they would use the obvious source material for iconic women. Catherine Zeta-Jones would've been great for the role 5-7 years ago, but she's alot of what made her beautiful handsome. Katey Homles would've also been a descent pick in 2-3 years, but she's hooked up with that couch jumper.
  13. Nobody is gonna be in a price war with the Rev. Nintendo can easly bring it out at around 200-275. Both Xbox and PS have been losing consoles money-wise for years. Not really liking what Nintendo's doing with thier lack of news though it could because of the upcoming E3. Hope they have some good online multi-player, especally with that sword game they have coming out!
  14. I seriously can't see any of the lists slurms.... OOPS! I mean actresses playing that part well at all! Kates way too small as is Gellar and neither could act their ways outta a box. Charisma is yer basic Maxim slurm and with her career pfft... LOL! not to mention that's she's too lod for the pick AND she is also to short. Lohan's a teen star, far to young for the role and is also not leggy enough and also far too short. But all that aside Kate is probably the 'best-fit' outta of all of them do to her toned condition and age. I still expect Whedon to write a comical script that'll make the upcoming Superman Returns movie look like McBeck(spl).
  15. Well they better because the signals change over pretty soon! Anyways I kinda pity the people who have HD and get the Rev with it's lower resolution, because they are either gonna be switching back and forth between screen ratio's all the time or will have an ugly black ring around their screen.
  16. Yeah development costs really do impact the amount of releases per year. Remember some of the costs that Square had to pay out for the post SNES FF games? $$$ Another factor is the smaller amount of studios making games now. Many studios have to have several games in thier pipeline or have massive profits from their releases to keep afloat. Remember all of those Euro built games? Few European studios are still around. Even another factor is development time. Look how long HL2 took to come out! FF10 & FF12 were the same way. They took stupid amounts of time to make! Unfortunately Transformers: Armada completely disproves the need for more then 18 months of development time in order to make a solid game. -------------- I just heard today that the Rev is only gonna have support for the non-HDTV crowd. Is this right???
  17. Now now now. No Advent Children here!
  18. It may seem like that, but it's several things making it look that way. The shortening list of released games per year, the higher cost of the console, and serials like Madden 2006 all don't give you the feeling of console 'depth' that we had gotten with early Nintendo, Sega, and others. That aside the beginning of that demo is hot! I loved Warhawk on the PS1. It was the type of game that was fast fun and easier to play, yet had enough difficulty to make you come back and play it again. Something that later games like ZOE(ps2) have failed to do.
  19. So is powdered aluminium cheaper then powdered calcium? I'm only asking because Rubbermaid uses 14% calcium in some of their products for the same purpose. Only difference is that Rubbermaid looks for the cheapest of cheap source products to use!
  20. Yep it's well posted around the internet, but yeah the nearly 2 year wait is more then bumm'n.
  21. Well darn!! This definatly has me in "Can't wait for E3!!!" fanboy mode. However I nearly fully agree that the move is a sound one because this last generation of games didn't even start to peak until 4-5 years into the consoles cycle. But with this I gotta ask "Why doesn't the new Zelda look even remotly as good as RE4 does??" http://revolution.ign.com/articles/699/699118p1.html
  22. I don't know Graham. I felt that the art was so 'standard' that it's bland. But I'm not gonna complain to much about it. But know it makes me want to try and buy that specialty box now. On the dub. Super suckage! The only characters that remotely decent were Kim & Shammy. Gloval wasn't too bad, and neither was Claudia. Yet another set of idiotic castings by Green. I could've totally done without hearing half of the Goddannar cast, especially Flockers! Brrrrr.... But after watching the first 3 episodes RT and Macross is like Night and Day in way of comparasions. From the orginals very beginning the shows entire tone is vastly different and makes one hellva impression feeling somewhat gritty & mature. The pacing and scene transition is sooooo much better that it's damned incredible! So far the only thing that RT did that was removely better was to keep the album scene until the end. That really helped to set the series apart and made it nostaligic.
  23. Gotta say that Motorstorm looks like a$$! Yet on the other hand Lair is looking to be THE game at launch time!!
  24. Yeah it's MORE then too 'clean'. Very Very Pre-renderish in feel. Besides I didn't think that N was that far ahead of the curve on their developer kits and this clearly looks like it's had more then a year plus of work put into it already.
  25. Yep esoteric just like quantum mechanics. I just wonder how this will effect the long-held believe of electro-gravitation force being the key building block of stellar and planetary formation.
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