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Everything posted by chrono

  1. Well that'll definately stop ALOT of people from seeing it! LOL Knight26, interesting 'pure' numbers, but when you start throwing in variables like plagues, holy wars, world wars, nation against nation wars, famine, and societal pressures the numbers get jumbled pretty badly.
  2. What's always gotten me about the flim Magneto is they never even try'ed to show what a massive hyocrit he was. They really should've used his jewish background to throw a good contrast on his character. THEN they might have been able to pull off the "I think I'll kill a kitten." 'tude. The biggest and probably most continuing problems with Trilogy's and 'series' styled movies is that they don't get written with 3 or more movies in mind. Instead they are written singular and poorly, or not at all, connected to one another.
  3. Good work on the textures! I can only hop that my current model would look so good.
  4. Could you repost the image with less artifacts, their killing me. lol! Concerning the Toy look. Right now they have a painted high gloss feeling to them and the shadows need more kill to them. I would, if your planning on keeping the painted look, add a small amount of noise to your reflectance layer to help promote an 'orange peal'-ish and unevenly painted surface. I'd also tweak the change the specular settings so they are slightly larger. Does the Cinema renderer have photon bounce?? An easy study case would be to take a similar physical model into a windowless room and set-up a spotlight on it and then take about an 30 minutes and study how the model looks under that condition. You can do the similar thing for natural light using a single window and no lights.
  5. Agreed. Mind you, there's a few years of improvements in both computer hardware and software that added to it as well. 403999[/snapback] Agreed too. However it wasn't the hardware/software that helped alot. It really was the trading of and increased skill base of the people who worked together on FF:SW. Alot of those people who were working together on FF:SW traded ALOT of experience and many ended up bring back a better, slightly westernized, skillset and broader experience in large scale 3D operations. If you look at the 3D of that period even GONZO wasn't that great, but after the FF studios went down other firms benefited ALOT! Many of the artists who came from using SHADE and then learned XSI, MAYA, LW, and MAX came back to SHADE said WTF! and then quickly went back to the software they were using before. FF:SW failure hallmarks a turning point for both western and eastern 3D.
  6. It was pretty much a given when the trailers looked so bad. I have to wonder if IRONMAN will be as bad, but given how people are WOW'ing over action and cliches and supporting more of the same.
  7. Shame you haven't found a light-weight camera & transmitter so you could fly it from 'in cockpit'. So the next project is a VF-0s huh!? Well good luck!
  8. Well at least you'd make it as an American mecha designer. At least for awhile, because the way hollywood is going design-wise towards the smooth, flowing, and organic you wouldn't be employeed there long.
  9. Yeah that's true. They won't keep it 4/disc. And the way summer goes they may go longer on the early releases and release several back to back near the series end.
  10. HOLY CRAP! A transformable. Sw33T!
  11. Aww now it wouldn't be a Ryuji statuette without the long legs and bulge now would it!
  12. eugimon, Alot of people will disagree with that. The Prequels were about Vadir and the orginal was about Luke. To say the entire series was about Vadir is overstating his role within the series and dismissing most of the cast of characters. Yes it's safe to say that he was a pivotal character, but the series wasn't about him. The X movies have made it a point to focus the story on Logan as the main character with nearly all of the other character & big events being side story's. That's badly appearant when he had was the lead character in the first and most of the second movie was about him. I gotta agree with Fortress_Maximus that everything feels mashed together. But then again these are 'summer movies' where brain power is not required.
  13. Well the random battle system had it's merits and probably would've lasted longer if they had simply did what they had in a few of the old NES Zelda games. But anyways have they increased the summoning speeds any more???
  14. At first I thought it was a guy also, but then I saw the tail and thought that's a differently dressed Yuna clone from FF10. But what I didn't see was what system it's for.... Hey I thought that they dropped the Random Encounters in 12!?!?
  15. You of course realize that you are also acting like fanboy calling another fanboy names.
  16. Sadly it's NOT. Nintendo has been under heavy fire for the las 2 gens of systems and this is your basic company handwaving attempt to minimize the effects that blogging has done to them in the gaming community and it's a printable stab at their detractors. The gamers have been are right about not wanting MORE fire buttons and crappy analog sticks. Those situations were clear indicators well before those same customers started complaining about having to re-learn control patterns between games. The problem was and is badly designed interfaces in the game. Hell computers are taking the opposite approach with thier programs and have been for over 10 years now. Maybe consoles will finally get a clue soon about building smoother less control requiring game interfaces. It's only a 'fuss' because instead of a later released optional controller it's now a foundational part of the system. Something that no competing company has try'ed to do and Nintendo wouldn't have even attempted it if they didn't have the money to take the potential loses from. Your forced to accept it if you want to play many of the tradional nintendo games and that's what people are buying nintendo for Game brand recogintion. It's like an American buying a car in another country to drive there. If you want to drive then your forced to accept the steering wheel on the other side or your riding the bus. We are and when did Nintendo stop making Zelda games, any and all mario related games, Metroid games, & etc??? Oh that's right they haven't. So please save the Sony's Sequels rhetoric. Good catch! SquarEnix is their long time publisher though. Overall Nintendo IS in a 'good place' right now, with all of the monetary loses being taken by Sony & MS. If their plan for slight upgraded games work out then the platform should see more games and more customers. Totally agree. But it's easier to program a single multi-player console system then to program AI's. The game developer sees a WIN/WIN situation, because then they don't have to put much if any effort into AI OR multi-player 'cause both are provided! This has been a background problem ever since the 'net because 'popular'. :/ ---------------- Anyways.... has anyone seen the E3 NaughtyDog trailer yet??? I've seen the newest WarHawk2 trailer with it's clouds that are flatout stunning and very nice surfacing. But is it me or does FF13 look ever more weird then 12 does??
  17. That is one of the most insulting things to say about your friggin customers! Lets hope those same hardcore gamers don't have subscriptions to Time magazine, oh wait a-minute they're of the age bracket that actually buys that rag. However it's entirely Atypically of the console industry, and most other ones also, to say "Screw you!" to the fans that made them. Nintendo isn't surprising anyone. They are simply recycling tech into another package and the so heavly intergrating it into their "UPGRADED" GameCube that buyers are being forced to except it. If they are surprising anyone it'll be well after the first 3 years of GC2 games are out and are over overwhelming quality without being the retreaded sequels that have powered their business for years. ----ANYWAYS......------ I wonder if SqarEnix will do a FF/StarOcean game for 'Wii' (GC2). The new controls offer alot of interesting combinations for battles.
  18. Ye Gods! That video is great, the audio was pompus but who cares! Shes got some sweet manuverability and I totally thought you were gonna crash & burn when you scrubbed to much speed on that one turn! The ending really is telling on just how much vectoring power you have. Man if they were engines & battery's of higher power to weight ratios you could pull off a VTOL! Does it have the power to tailstand hover? Also have you done the calculations on the scale speed?
  19. Well since I have only 14 pieces of anime related stuf and only 4 of those not being books. $67 on my Kazutaka Miyatake Design Works book But my anime related stuff in total has got to be around 500-1500, because most of the manga I have is anime related. Which reminds me I gotta build/buy another book shelf soon!
  20. Ok Mr. Bobbit. Golems genius was lost on MiddleEarth's peoples! E3 *tick* *tick* *tick* *tick........*
  21. Now if you can just make it so it has a contrasformable flying Gerwalk mode......
  22. Oh now that's just lovely.
  23. Sure not a problem, and I do see the changes & they are fine since I made them that way I did it to reflect their size in the housing anyways. When I was going back over the model I actually found alot of changes that could be made. Basically just typical little tweaks. That aside I now know how to render the high poly model to produce textures from it. Just tell me what you'll need.
  24. Well Lucas was always good at advertisting his shows and since he'll have 2 shows coming out within 2 years this is a smart movie to keep people interested.
  25. No she said FAT. Because I was like 'WHAT!' he's ballerina thin. She was going on the 'roll' that was on the sides. That 'milk poster' is seriously wrong, amped! It's sending out all the wrong vibs.
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