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Everything posted by chrono

  1. :facepalm.jpg: *goes and watchs UTube....*
  2. While having sizes, *cough*, is neat. Who said what the sizes are? The magazine or the big head himself?
  3. Well Basara was the first to "hit on" Gamlin. Remember that Basara sang to Gamlin and Gamlin was giggling like a light school girl and Mylene was going 'wtf??' Macross Law: - Every 25 years all of the existing story's get merged together. - China girls are small and somewhat bratty. - Pop stars are vain slurms. - The main lead always ends up with the responsible mature girl. - Wearing non-hero colors means that your cannon fodder.
  4. Which is why they called it Cloverfield! "Attack of the Man-Bat" is just soooooooo retro.
  5. That explains why so many LoGH MOD's have been falling away. That EVE one was tasty looking though!!
  6. Looks like a fun project! Just wish things in RL were more stable then I'd help....
  7. Ok. The current "hero" plane has visually weak looking hands. 'Skeletal' would be a fair description of them. Unarmored another. It's more an issue with proportion to the body. The whole issue would be moot if the hands were set more deeply in the forearm or had a single bit of armor on the hands back adding to it's thickness. Anyways the whole mech gives of the "This is your starter mech!" vibe from Super Robot Wars. You know that mech you dump as fast as you can for a better one.
  8. http://community.tvguide.com/blog-entry/TV...orite/800032698 Some returning some not, and some that are up in the air.... (pun not intended).
  9. P2P is for the masses, but a good amount of net users don't have the ability, money, or intelligence to set-up direct or LAN networks. So until that gets far easier, we're talking plug & play level, the p2p is merely the geeks doman. Normal users can simply encrypt their materials, which works until some corp. lawyer or govt goes after the network as a co-conspirator and then the networks will change the service contract that you agreed to and start dropping regular users. Broad media piracy can be stopped, but the company's involved are all too greedy (R&D costs money that could be put into ones pocket) to get ahead of the "regular" users knownledge and create something new that would prevent it! Apple took the first steps towards that goal while keeping the customer happy, but they, like others, depend on software and not hardware to keep the their material safe. Trade the software protection for hardware protection, something that MS has started to push with VISTA, and you can nearly wipeout regular user theft because the software hacker is rendered helpless! But like it's been said in other threads until the company's adapt to the new 'Digital Age' the old methods of control are worthless.
  10. protostar, which is why that it didn't get much news time. You slide them into place and the gross population wouldn't be widely effected. Actually it's as easy as looking at the amount dl'ed in a given period vs paid for account type. Comcast and others do that right now. It wouldn't take much for a dedicated company to back-track the IP and ban it's user at the server level and see them in court or in jail. Besides most "It isn't going to happen!" crowd is also ignoring the fact that information tech will be changing making reductions and controls easy to implement. They also forget that they are actually a rather small portion of the population as well and easily ignored due to their social status. And to be honest if the "Pay-per-page-view" charging scheme gets put into place it most definitely cut into illegal mass downloading because the downloader would be charged in set number of KB or MB blocks. Also I've heard talk of removing the "Anonymous" status of the user. It's coming it's just when? But as 1/1 LowViz Lurker has well said it'll simply go underground, and underground for computers is directly p2p and not over a network either! Back of the van WIFI!!
  11. Read the rest here: http://gyaku.jp/en/index.php?cmd=contentview&pid=000320 This is 2 months old, but I didn't see it posted here. They is a lot more to the article than this and is going to be quite a problem when other nations follow their lead. HEH! Information regulation! Virtually ANYTHING and EVERYTHING can be blocked at the server level if it doesn't pass the national guidelines for what is "safe" and what is not. I expect some of the more blatant large scale dl sites to get closed, but I also expect an increase in pass wording and encrypting on some files types to prevent site banning/closure.
  12. Yep! Producers don't like to back a failed product. But the mid-season ratings will give a healthly hint at whether we'll see a MF movie or not.
  13. Well wouldn't that fit the stereotype mold for her character? But to me it rather looks like she's gonna take a bit out of it and it's freaking out!
  14. In my local area the news stand stopped carrying the dvd Newtype over a year ago, then reduced the thickness of the mag while increasing it's cost. Toss in the problem of having "new" information that is literally months old and it was pretty worthless. I'd pay 13-17 for Model Hobby though!
  15. Good old Rapid-Prototyping at work! Hard to tell whether these are going to be model or toy. But the white one has quite a few gaps that hint at toy.
  16. W0W!! 4Chan was actually right on something. 'Indefinite Hiatus' = perm death the way anime & manga company's handle these things, and it only re-enforces the viewpoint of the fan-subbers and dub watchers. Not happy about losing some of those titles. Not at all! *cries* GOOD-BYE! You overpriced, under paged, dvd lacking news stand piece of crap!
  17. Yep, it was a space opera in the fullest sense. It wasn't human vs human, but human vs outside force. Which really helped to remove a good amount of the "introspection of humanity" (for over half of the series run) that most SF has, but was able to keep human emotion one of the story's core concepts. In every other Macross there is a lack of fullest and depth that ran through SDFM. The others were basically SF novellas set in the Macross universe. That includes M7 which fell into the same category of "Humanity vs Humanity/Humanity vs God" instead of a space opera. I had hoped that MF would go back the the space opera formula, but it looks to be the same as the other Macross series.
  18. Well maybe we'll get lucky and they make it Cloverfield: Area 51 or Cloverfield Does Vegas. Blowing up hookers for the WIN!!
  19. On occasion /a/ has something non pedo. But I just hope they straighten things out and release the waves they've caused just with this little action! It really shows you how little it takes to make the "news" in the anime group!!
  20. Zinjo, you're making 1 LARGE assumption that a 'common practice' in one country is a 'universal practice' in every country! Which is what I've always been saying that it may not be so. We know that animation is lacking in the 3D category and has been for some time, so it's difficult to say whether there 3D production processes and controls are the same as their 2D ones. Some company's don't even use "common place/standard" 3D programs and rely on native versions. Hell, I've not seen a LOD in an anime as of yet! But like I said, It might be all caused by another designer placing their own designs on someone else's designs. A "Copy of a Copy" situation. - - - - - @Kurisama & Steve, agreed. But you've also given English based examples, so it's hard to say whether it's also the same for them in the 3D area.
  21. It's the same for most "Monster movies", and there are very few that are the exception.
  22. The drop is word of mouth in action. It just shows that many people who saw it disliked it enough to not suggest seeing it. Which means Clover2 probably won't see the same numbers.... unless it gets a lot more interested viewers when the DVD is released... I just hope that HW doesn't turn it into a trilogy!!
  23. From what I read on 4Chan, yeah i know, that it was just some conflicting interests between investors. And that one of the investors held the title licenses to the ones that were pulled from the site. Take that rumor with a large pinch of salt though since it was from 4Chan.....
  24. Good, so you've done TV work as well? Because if you've never done TV work then you don't really understand the time constraints involved. TV programs have nearly the same issues games do, especially in the polygon area. Render time = Money. Same ideas, but different beasts. However much I want to believe that SK held the model builders hand through the build the end result is clearly not as good as the designs show that they should be. Then again this maybe a direct result of not having the input of the real designer (Miyatake) either. Which, to be honest the more I think about it, sounds more like the case and would help to explain some of the issues involved. Because Miyatake basically designed the current era (sans a few things).
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