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The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya Thread
chrono replied to JValk's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Yes. And it rules. 408089[/snapback] Well then it's HELLA different from the manga! Which is on the boring side while feeling like a rip-off of NGE and just makes me wanna shot the b@tch(Asuka-clone). So... it's like FLCL then. -
I did say there were gems there! Death Race 2000 was good, but by gum Westworld was totally awsome. The Blob movies were only popcorn fun though. Solent Green was neat, but the idea of 'forced' cannibalism doesn't get touched on much anymore with any depth other then a 'minor' plot design(thinks of a certain mangka)..
Personally I never really got the whole following of BSG. I got the god names influence, the growing up with it, and the closeness to S&W. But it just never struck me as memoryable beyond the Cylons designs.
I vaguely remember having seen The Omega Man. That's where he hides in an apartment building and the vampires shoot cannonballs at the building in their attempts to kill him, right? I avoid 80% of the movies from the 60's-mid late 70's because they are just so so bad. There's gems there but you've really gotta dig to find them! The Price version is pretty good, but it's low quality and has a nasty 30's something slow feel to it. It kinda is like a Twilight Zone episode though because it's b&w.
*does a google on I AM LEGEND* HRM??? WHAT! *blinks* Ah! They are remaking The Last Man On Earth, but with a different name, again. No way in hell is Smith gonna be able to pull it off. Price did an awsome job the first time, but now it sounds like they are gonna make it a modern day lame 'monster movie'.
Didn't see that mentioned earlier. Thanks. Just remember it's also fan made art ANYTHING orginal is copyrighted and falls under the same umbrella when it comes to distrubtion.
Cool! I didn't know that Americans didn't bootlegs on the 'Net. So how is this any different then selling chinese bootlegs?
SW gets a B+(a C- on the Prequels though). It was a decent effort at Space Opera, spent to much on the fantasy aspect of it though(force bs). What I would LOVE would be a true space opera TV series that didn't depend on lame-arsed single episode show like most sf tv does. I'd love to see one that keep it's human perspective and didn't rely on techobabble, pretty people, or suck arsed scripts to solve problems. Killed person that did and didn't matter, but losing them made you feel like something was missing. I'd kill to see Ben Bova's "Grand Tour" book series be made into a series. It has all the workings to make a awsome modern day SF series, without a freaking alien in sight! It's totally Man against Man!! Actually it's not elitism. It's the lack of balanced SF that makes the SF fans look elitest because most of the current crop of SF shows are either overly dramatic or action based with with science involved other then as a cheap gimick for the main character to be cheesly threatened by and that 'normal' viewers have been trained to accept as SF. 2001: A Space Odessey & Alien is the 'ideals' SF movies because it balanced EVERYTHING so well! Sadly only The Matrix & Pitch Black has been remotely close to either.
Have You Ever Met A Celebrity Or Famous Person?
chrono replied to Phalanx's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Gotta remember his name.... Nick Nolte. Anyways... the guy who played in the orginal Black Lagoon, 007's Jaws, the kid(not so much of a kid anymore!) from the orginal LIS, Erin Grey, the TBS Witchblade chick(in suit), the wolf guy from American Werewolf in London, and a few other old B acters. Bruce Campbell was there but I could never find out which floor he was on(damn you sheridan!). -
Thank god they didn't CP ZOE mecha! *ottaubealawagainstdickgirls!*
Take all the time you need!! 408018[/snapback] *whacks 7H4_D00D3 with a Devilfish* Or at least enough time to get it done.
From what I understand they are!
Not to really kick a dead horse but some of the vehicles have been shown. And just a small, not related to the movie, video of what Prime could look like. http://www.blackfilm.com/20060512/features...est_video.shtml
Probably because Costas is more widely known then singular sports announcers. And I've never personally understood the whole 'love affair' that people have with him anyways. He's boring to listen to, he has little to no vocal character, and often sounds rude when talking to other announcers/guests. But the last thing I'd wanna hear is the idiot ex-driver announcers from NASCAR(Indy or F1) in a movie. JsARCLIGHT, I like how you've put the point about 'kiddie film' in THE BAD section, excellent move! It really highlights the fact that people are still looking at animation as 'kiddie' stock instead of looking at the basis or even pre-viewing the film before bringing thier little bastards into watch.
The Official Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Thread
chrono replied to Noriko Takaya's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I picked that up on 4chan. Thought it was a bad & cruel rumor, but damn that IS Mikimoto's work! Man I hope that piece makes it into the GB materials or one of his artbooks! I'm down on the 'movie' versions though. There's just too much subtle emotion that plays into the series for them to capture. Besides a BG movie would feel like Godzilla: Final Wars. One long continous fight. blah! -
The Official Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Thread
chrono replied to Noriko Takaya's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
When you think about it, she should have just warped into the middle of the Exelio VGW and pulled a Shinji and ripped her way out covered in blood. I mean, when your repertoire includes splitting planets and warping INTO them, you'd figure that'd be possible and in character for Gainax. 406721[/snapback] Yeah that would'a worked except then you'd have to have an even BIGGER & BADDER boss at the end. Also given as how it crawled it's way outta a black hole environ twisting warp would hardly be a challenge. BTW now that the Buster's in the shell look like VGW's(aka space monsters) and have grow to such staggering numbers one has to think that the VGW's could very well be someone elses version of a buster machine. -
The Official Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Thread
chrono replied to Noriko Takaya's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Dude.....that makes all your theories half baked if u haven't watched the whole of Gunbuster? But then again I need refreshing too....despite the fact i've rewatched it about December last year. I probably need to watch the Remastered edition now. 406136[/snapback] Well most 'theories' are half-baked until they are proven anyways. And I've been 'right' several times so far. They've got alot of Nono images in 4chan's /m/ section and that where I found this.... -
The Official Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Thread
chrono replied to Noriko Takaya's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Actually I mean 5-10,000 AFTER the end of Top1, not during Top1. So I'm saying 15-20,000 AD in the Top chronology. All that's stated is that Nono is Buster Machine #7 that's it! The whole 'welcoming back' thing is a "contruct of wanting a clean ending to Top1" and the 'iffyness' of two things. "Her wish..." and the present tense usage when describing Noriko, throughly known as the Noriri to them already and implying that it's either taught or it's a myth heavly known by they entire society. Humanity doesn't TRUELY remember it's history. Hell, the captain and the scientist talk about Lost technology and an Age of Gods as myth. And barely knew about black hole exilo. I think that they should pull a NGE and give us a NON-ending. Thanks Hiriyu! I've only seen Top1 1-3. -
The Official Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Thread
chrono replied to Noriko Takaya's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Yep SUPER UBER Gun Buster! And organic to boot!! But don't you just love the title for ep6. Hellva teaser. Exuse the radomness of the rambling of the rest of this post because I wrote it while watching ep5. WHOA! Could Dix Neuf be the ORGINAL Gun Buster!? But within the first few minutes of ep5 we have some evidence that it, nono, was either built to welcome back Noriko, was built by her OR that Nono is in some part the orginal GB. But then again the whole Oneesama stick implies that it was Noriko's pilot/partner did it. Oh this is ABSOLUTLY AFTER the orginal because it uses Noriko's newer name. More on Dix Neuf. War wear is over 500 years old and old armor from before the sixth recovery, impling that it's been trashed badly several times. With armor at least 40 generations old with a poem written on it "Alone in the snow on the voiceless night of ides, He remains and I pass on." Kinda implying that it was Nono's partner who wrote it. But the WILD thing is that since the Dix Neuf is well over 500 years old, and more if he's lost combat experience because of that 'horn, that means that the Topless have been around for quite a long time and that the Guardian Busters and the Topless have been evolving along side each other for thousands of years. Which could place Nono at several thousand years old. And Aim for the Top 2 at nearly 5-10,000 years after Top1. Please blow that outta the water by claiming that they had organic tech back in the first GB at the end! What's up with all of those planets? Have the GB's been bringing in 'new' planets to keep up the systems resources? And what the hell is up with the black hole bomb being moved to the systems edge!? Could the Space Monster been able to move it several tens of thousands of lightyears during it's little 'break-out attempts? Oh and don't you just love how they threw in that robot scientist. lol! -
The Official Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Thread
chrono replied to Noriko Takaya's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I wasn't referring to anyone wolfx. I was using the personal form of 'you' meaning yourself. But anyways we all saw how much 'truth' was in those twins words when they 'lost control' of the VGW immediatly afterwards. They only woke it up, which only implies they understood some of it's "workings/biology". The idea is only lent any weight at the beginning of 5 really, and unless Nono's is saying this it's their conjucture and iffy at best. It's kinda silly to discuss really because it's what advances the story. The whole machine/organic is nicely NGE isn't it! Well the problem with what the science people claim is that if they truely knew, then why didn't the military 'quietly' wipe out the topless LONG before Pluto got bisected? Especially since the military wasn't afraid of dealing with them and we know that military's are slow.... but come on! lol! The answer is pretty simple. They didn't know. They didn't know about the shell and it's relationship to anything! And oh started getting a clue when they were forced to really look. It really sounds like 'hand-waving' to me in order to keep the 'plot' cohesive. And then you've got the 'Jupiter Expresss' to deal with also. Several dozen thousand SSSM's flying past Jupiter so well known that it's considered something of a duck shoot! WTF!!! There is also still that very annoying part where Nono is sent on that quest and has those SSSM's shooting at her! The only thing I can figure is that it had warp tech, the SSSM's knew about it and seemed to know Nono. But is it really because of Nono or because of the ex-Topless driver? Gotta say though that shell isn't gonna be much against that monster though. :/ The "good thing" is that it does, ep5, imply that alot of time has past and that only seems to give hope to fans of the first series having a 'happy' ending in this one. COME ON! GB wouldn't be the cult hit if it wasn't for the ending. But I've gotta punch a hole in that theory because if they didn't win the 'war' then the ending would've been different. So I'll say that DieBuster takes place after the orginal GB. Freaking slow arsed download speed is kill'n me!!!! -
The Official Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Thread
chrono replied to Noriko Takaya's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Probably the worst thing is that you get the impression that the busters are related too the Solar System Shell Machines, mainly do to their organic-ness, yet you have nothing to back it up with! It's also easy to say that the some of the SSSM's breakdown over time and go rogue, for whatever reasons and possibly due to thier 'implied' ties to the VGW's attack what they were made(either manufactured or influenced) to defend. Also potentially justifing the in system piloted Busters existance as a safe guard against such problems. But that would mean that the system once knew about the shell, and still does, and completely forgot about it! Again something that can't be backed up via story. However the SSS extistance points out that it was set-up as a last ditch effort to protect Earth, and that it continues to exist and Nono's condition in the cometary fragment means that Earth doesn't 'know' that it 'won' anything and that a LARGE span of time has passed since Nono's 'breakdown'. I gotta agree with JValk, that Nono doesn't act like Jung at all. Even if Nono 'restarted' some Jung would've hung around and she wouldn't have been so happy about seeing birds. Frankly I hope that in ep 6 Nono and Oneesama 'merge' and they pull a 2001 on us. -
Way over lite and to much noise(of course), but your getting there. I still feel that the surface it too perfect looking. How long did you let it render, because Maxwell generally needs about 12-48 hours to get really awsome renders.
It's probably that they only have maybe 10 good artists and 3-4 of those are greatly talented, but what throws the art off is generally the lack of artist & inker parting for any length of time. ----- The start of the Marvel Civil Wars is fairly unsurprising. Cap has always been a private person and a strong believer in what he was fighting for, the very tradional values of 1930's-40's where it was still believable that the govt was empowered by the people FOR the people and not the way it is today. Stark on the other hand was always hiding his ID and until recently held the same ideal as Cap did. Stark now holds the childish view of "If you don't have anything to hide, you don't have any reason not to tell.". If anything the entire story is a blah! attempt at socio-policitcal commentary. ----- I've been doing art design research lately on old book covers when I stumbled across something very surprising at this website: http://www.sfcovers.net/mainnav.htm under From Unknown Worlds US and UK editions - NEW A sample of what it is below. The nearly knocked me outta my chair! Ross has some questions to answer.....
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X-men 3 Pics: Beast And Angel Revealed
chrono replied to bsu legato's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
That's a fair point, but because HW takes these types of chances on nearly every movie it's a little mote. And if it didn't 'pay-off' they would write it off like every other failure It probably won't have cost them 1.5 million for a trilogy length script given how many fanboy's were attaracted to the project and the amount of back history resources. Throw in the fact that they knew that action movies involving 'super powers' made money, remember this is post Matrix stuff, and already had 10-40% of their wanted audience already established. It's pretty much the typically lack of vision that HW has become known for these last few years. But that's mass media for you! -
The Official Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Thread
chrono replied to Noriko Takaya's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Damn right! Maybe we'll find out wtf is going on!