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Everything posted by chrono

  1. I got as far as the Rider vs Saber fight in the school. But even then I thought that the pace was somewhat slow and the main character overly boring. Which is a typical given since they virtually had to write a new character for the anime. Though that is kinda off-set by the fact he kept getting killed I do agree that more Saber would've been good. But if it got slower.... ugh! But even if it's not the best anime out there at least it's not more Gundam, High School school, or Super-powered kid stuff. *goes back to wait for more of his Hellsing.....*
  2. Yeah, but that Superman had 30 extra years of wisdom too! And he stood for something also this one doesn't even stand for simple cortesy. I think that having the "Kingdom Come" storyline come out this summer would've been one cool denoucement against super-hero movies. But then again I'm very happy that they didn't touch that story line, because they would've made a mess of it. Uwe Boll style no doubt! But I'm with alot of people when it comes to giving him a 'challenge' of sometype. Using magic in SuperGirl made it fresh. But I think it should be a national war of some type that he gets mixed up in(morally and nationality-wise, "Supes for president!"), but they have left plenty of hints that their maybe other Kryptonians out there. Maybe it's time for a telepath. Time travel is always a good gimmick. Maybe if it goes triology they'll give us Doomsday and the smack-down we want. Something to wash away the Matrix: Revolutions, Neo vs Anderson fight.
  3. Ok that made my 4th of July!!! But with my luck it'll come out when I'm getting 2-5 other series. Or need to buy a new car.
  4. LOL! I knew that their were people who didn't honestly have a clue in the world but I've never meet one until you. Did you actually read your quote from Wiki at all!?!? A teaser trailer is STILL a trailer and it's only spliting hairs and people whining because they didn't get what they wanted. So for you if the trailer doesn't show 100% transformers then it's only a teaser. That's fairly dumb and overly much like saying that the since the Spiderman 3 trailer didn't show Venom so it's a teaser. So then you know what's in the movie and what's not already? Even though it's no where near finished, and the ONLY ones who actually do know are the ones working on it. So the ONLY ways you'll know is if you watch the movie and then it's a fairly mote point by then. Trailers serve one purpose and that's to pull people into the theathers nothing more.
  5. A review this poorly written complaining about how Superman Returns was poorly directed... is hilarious. 413011[/snapback] Not quite as hilarious as someone complaining about poor english usage on the Internet. Epecially where 5/6 of which do not understand or write english well. But then again you were just taking the typical pot-shot and I don't see you bothering with more then "I'm confused." as a review. LOL (Oh and if your gonna slam someone at least correct your post before posting the dozen or so language errors that it contains.) therealfolkblues, a boring movie is a boring movie. It doesn't even matter if it was a 'comic book' movie with a thread bare plot. The characters were boring, the writing un-engauging, and the visuals were flat. This movie was like having to watch a movie in high school during the summer with the pool outside the rooms windows. But from what I've heard there seems to be about 40 minutes cut from the movie, so it maybe worth watching out for the Directors Cut edition. But if the movie feels long and drawn out now......
  6. Maybe you 2 should actually time some movie trailers. X3 comes 1:38 Alien 1:50 Aliens 1:51 Shinobi 2:09 Slither 1:34 The Omen 1:34 The Keep 1:59 RoboCop 1:39 Terminator 2 1:28 Talladega Nights 2:15 American Psycho 1:52 Monster House 2:01 The Sixth Sense 2:14 Final Fantasy 1:32 Negadon 3 1:44 Death Trance 00:53 Syriana 2:22 Lady in the Water 1:48 Ice Age2 1:16 MI3 Trailer 1:35 Superman II 2:15 Eight Below 2:22 Ju-on 1:29 Phantasm 2:09 HALO THE MOVIE 2:03 Ultraviolet 2:17 POSEIDON 4:37 Old, younger, new, and upcoming movies and this are ALL trailers. And your proclaimed 'teaser' comes in at 1:39. So really don't give me your sh!t. Especially when Japanese trailers normally go around 30 seconds. Blame the people who shove their credits and movie build-up crap into the trailer taking up time. I believe the term is fartING OWNED!
  7. Teasers and Trailer virtually are non-different now. 412798[/snapback] explain.. please provide examples. 412806[/snapback] A real Teaser is maybe only about 5 seconds of video or a few pieces photograph footage. Today's Teaser's run nearly equal to a full Trailers length so there really isn't any difference. They are now commonly called Teaser Trailers. So anything more then a few seconds of footage can easily be called a Trailer.
  8. Then you guys are idiots, because he went under the island so far it wasn't until orbit where the K grew past the earth shield he used to lift it and protect himself. I do agree that it was mildly stupid for the docs to remove it from him, but goes a long ways towards explaining why he fell from orbit anyways. Little K + longer exposure = Same results. ------------------- Now my review. The movie only gets a 1 star outta 5. And if you rate it any higher.... ...PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU SMOKED BEFORE YOU SAW IT.... and how much it cost! The ONLY "good parts", if you call an animated beginning showing work equal to talented high schooler level 3D & following another opening around the time the maker was born 'good', was the opening title/credits and the ONLY well directed part in the movie where they show a young Clark experimenting with his powers. Which is the ONLY part that they shoulded as 'human' through out the entire movie. There are several 'neat little things' that show up in the beginning like the radio dials face settings. Ka anyone? The various screens of flashed Scrabble boards with some interesting words on them that may or may not relate to something I say later in this post. This movie is full of stone-like 'pretty people' with equally boringly flat dialogue and unexpressive facial expressions featuring not only a completely laughable plot, but also vastly immature lackluster 5th grade written script that ANY aspiring writer or hack could manage to pump out within 12 hours. Or a caffienated 5th grader could do in an hour. Kevin Spacy is totally wasted on this version of Lux Luthor and could've been brillant if they used the version from either the books or Smallville(which seems to be the ONLY frigging show that gets him right!). In this movies role he is barely better then Richard Priors role of comedic relief from Superman 3. Visually dark, smothering and oppressive the ENTIRE movie with little to move the movie along to show that the world accepted Superman back or the buoy the audiences emotions during what should've been either inspiring moments or moments that were a turning point in the movie as a whole. I've come off with the impression that this movie was burdened down by it's own methos and is actually chained down by the homage that it poorly trys to simply "mimic". It could almost be said that Singer and Co. attempted to keep the same fans by merely copying what has given rise to the movie franchise. He does not, because neither he nor the Co. understand the character well enough to bring him back. If they ever was made a movie about a ballless, inhuman & irresponible Superman this is it, and it sure is hell not SUPERMAN. I'd have to say this movie rates below the movie Solider, and almost makes Matrix: Resolutions look like and feel like Shakespeare.
  9. Teasers and Trailer virtually are non-different now.
  10. That's a test done by a non-movie related studio. meh_cd/others, sorry that's 100% teaser/trailer! And everything else that I've seen implies that Bay is not gonna be using much, if any, of the source materials. I've all ready seen the physical mock-up of BumbleBee, pretty poor looking.
  11. Time to yell! "THEY RAPED MY CHILDHOOD!" The trailer is out. And believe me there is any ready plenty of WTF! going on. http://www.transformersmovie.com/
  12. All 3 X-Men sucked to various degrees that even non cb fans would agree too! Any how, Society isn't outgrowing these types of movies because that their core it's about a person overcoming a difficult situation. What 'we' have outgrown is the regression of hollywood writing. Hollywood has been solely about flash and splash for over 30-50 years now and it keeps getting worse every year because 'we' culturally don't care beyond being entertained. Singer's a hack, but it'll be 2-3 more movies before people start to understand that he's just a slightly higher level of director then Anderson or U.
  13. The kinda 'bad' side to this is that their have been several professionally made 3D comic book Venoms posted on the internet so we maybe seeing something far more along the lines of the generic black/gray suit that Spidey sports in the movie. Sam Raimi hates most of the current(post 80's) crop of villians and must have been very hard pressed to get Venom in the movies. So I wouldn't be surprised if Raimi intensionally fails the Venom character visually.
  14. I don't see how it couldn't get a sequel given how it's gonna be out for nearly 4 full days before the weekend comes around.
  15. Yeah I'm hearing that you have to be of one or two ideals. 1) the Superman fan who just wants to see him on the big screen again... 2) someone who is simply going for an action flick ala summer movie.
  16. So far it's pretty MEH!. That black suit is total a$$. A completely bad move. Only part I remotely liked was the bit at the end where Spidey is looking at himself. That showed alot of what the whole movies series has been missing(besides common sense). It reminds us that Spidey has a different viewpoint on the world. Something that's not shown enough of. The casting for Sandman was a great choice and his effects look good! The symbiont effect looked 'ok' but somewhat 70's The BLOB iffy. Topher/Brody. The face fits, but everything else fails including the choice of bringing the character in now when it should've had other scenes for building-up the situation between him and Parker. It gets a big olde 4chan 'FAIL'.
  17. After you unglue your eyes from her lungs... She'd be all right on a desserted island, but......
  18. I know they were examples and I addressed them anyways. However even if the authors worked with the re-writers/producer/director the studio would still try to push their veiw of the material over the writer. That is the normal agruement when it comes to countering the "It's too long for a single movie!" statement. But that statement always pops up because the fan feels that you need most of the book intact in the movie in order for it to be true to the book. And it takes a rare writer to brilliantly re-write a book into a movie well enough to get praise from both sides. But generally we book fans feel that most books-to-movies are fairly poor and never fill out the background plot well enough. Never really filling out the emotional build-up quite right. As for you explain... meh! Dick was simply an AWSOME writer who gave the rewriter tons of basic material to work with at the very beginning. We since 1990 Time Travel story's have been thrown-up nearly annually, so even with the HINT of Time Travel the story drops down to a B level because eveyone knows the main plot already! It's like reading LoveCraft after watching 50 horror movies. You get bored really quick! I'm not saying your wrong I'm just disagreeing.
  19. I hope they get the VA's back! All hail Bender!!!
  20. Well the biggest problem with contemporary SF is that unless they radically rewrite it they simply can't make a single movie from a single book! They either radically screw it up completely losing the books characters, mood, and plots. OR they use alot of the book and are forced to do thought dialogue that people hate from some reason. Besides it's almost impossible to translate Iain Bank's material into a movie. They are simply way to many abstracts and dialogue to reduce or show without looking chessy. Brin's StarTide Rising 'could' work but it has nearly 2 movies worth of material in it and if you crush it into a single movie most of the aliens would come off are the 'Evil aliens of the week' variety and devolve into a CG action flick. So much potential, but so little talent to properly translate it!!! Most of these would be best made into a single season series or Maxi-series to better flesh out the story which will make the story's far better then a 2-3 hour rush movie would do. Thank you! I totally forgot that Spielberg, the hack, was/is going to RUIN Foundation. NONE of Asimov's material has ever been made into ANY movie worth of collecting or watching more then once or even watching to begin with! His material has ALWAYS required an established background to be built in order to enjoy the story. But sadly more then half of his material cannot be used because it's outdated, by other, newer, materials doing the same thing(the matrix, bladerunner, gunhed, etc.). This also doesn't cover the nearly complete lack of talented actors under 60! And we can't forget that Battle Angel is being made! EXO, that looks a little weak and definatly in the vein of Silent Running. We can build a gadet to change an object close to 12 million km's in size, but yet we can't build a spaceship with FTL, coldsleep, or a semi decent design that doesn't require months in space for this silly plot to happen.
  21. I'm just glad that there was at least 1 large riot this year. It helps to be reminded just what countries are playing in it.
  22. Hardcore Feminism is nothing more then sexism dressed in a skirt! 1/1 LowViz Lurker, what do you mean the next gen?!? The last 2-3 generations have been getting more progressively messed up as more and more of each generation 'believes' the PC-ism as simple fact or that "it's always been that way".
  23. Well there wasn't much of a personality in the manga 1-4 other then the average guy who's bored with life and is simply going along for the ride. Thinking plenty of things, but usually never saying them when he should've. He's really not much more then a background level character in the manga(which I'm thinking is the first run that got canned). So I doubt that it's that I'm 'missed' it, but rather your seeing more of the character or a different character. Either way it's just isn't that interesting from what I've seen, imo. *shrugs*
  24. Well that's nice. But what short-hair mysterious girl? Total shame that those motivations didn't show-up within the first 4 chapters. BTW, just how far do those chapters last via anime? 1-3 eps.?
  25. Here's the wiki on it. http://www.baka-tsuki.net/project/index.ph...Suzumiya_Haruhi I got to like chapter 4 when I realized that it's not much different from NGE with the formula of a loud mouthed & arrogant long haired girl, somewhat weak willed 'average' guy, 'super/magical-girl' non-human with short hair and quiet personality, a slightly mysterious long haired T&A female character, and a plot about evolution/attacking alien poo. But maybe it's me just not liking the continuing 'ball-less' male lead. Maybe I've been reading too many Korean and Chinese comics where the male leads have a shiney steel pair and aren't afraid of telling the annoying b@tch off, but not so over-bearing that they act like jack-a$$es towards everyone....
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