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Everything posted by chrono

  1. Ah, great thanks.
  2. http://www.boxtorrents.com/details.php?id=10225 http://www.boxtorrents.com/details.php?id=127328
  3. Actually by my using 3D was to qualify what type of model builder he was. Anyways his name is Mux213 with the email of mux213 @ quicknet.nl.
  4. WWWWWWW!!!! Go DL some of the first series! The art is really sweet and so is the story.
  5. Thanks mikeszekely!!! From what I've seen I'm gonna have to agree. As a Film it'll blow. As B movie entertainment it gets props! I mean it looks like it have Kristofferson in it!!! That almost assures a high B movie rating! Cage has never been that great an actor anyways and the story isn't all that much about the possee himself but about GR, throw in the fact that the Daredevil Director is in it, and that the GR and the flame are both of low, and nearly ass, quality. Sorry but Demonic flame should reek badass, not marshmellow/makeout level. Frankly GH has ALOT of leeway to work with and doen't take much effort to work in his trademark powers/equipment. Hopefully they'll make GR very gritty/violent. I'll see it just because I'm such a GR whore.
  6. Gotta love /m on 4chan! . . . . . .. ... !!! And this thread needs more Jung *yes i'm spamming because i'm bored*
  7. I'll ask him.
  8. Yo. I've gotten a fellow model builder, 3D, who can't seem to sign up on the forums. He's even tried to contact the admin's without response. Now I've already told him to wait a coupla days because these are a hobby board and he has(since monday). So I'd figured I'd ask if there was something wrong with registering or he's just being a N00B about it.
  9. Aw she's really coming together now! Have your thought of a color scheme yet or is that still abit nebulaess(spl)? Bob Ross was the 3rd member of Cheic and Chong team, but was never on camera! The guy was great entertainment.
  10. I've been working on the ventral & stern surface details along with rebuilding a set of new man. thrusters. Most of the work for the last few days has been sleuthing out the details and making decisions on how to approach them. Totally anal retentive stuff, but it's the stuff that makes these things look nice at the projects end. I will need some help on something. In the last image where the big 'X' points too is a large problem that I can't seem to figure out, so any suggestions on it would be great! New thruster. LARGE render of the progress made. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v648/chr...0botrearang.jpg Examples of the hoops I've jumped through. LOL http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v648/chrono2005/Layout.jpg
  11. In the end a picture is worth a thousand words.... . . . . . !!!
  12. Well then I'll have to capture for you the one scene where she's talking to Hikaru after he's woken up from a fall when they were captured on board that Zentraedi ship. The episode was Big Escape. It was one of those innocent/playful/provocative poses that I think you could run with.
  13. If you having trouble with the renderer go try out the various freeware ones. Both Blender, PovRay, & trueSpace are all capable of rendering basic updates.
  14. Thanks for the scan, but I've got most of the Macross artbook(sans Macross Zero) and that covers 99.5 percent of the older material(to M.Zero). So Studio Nue is offical material then!! Well then takes care of the one image and I'll take the other with a grain of salt and see which version of the area that i'm questioning will look better. Thanks!
  15. Alrightly, here's a question that the informed almong you could answer for me. I need to know if the following 2 images are actually 'offical' art or just fan art. This is important because I've got 7 questions left, about various little details, and these two images answer 6 of them!
  16. Yeah sad, but that guy brought alot of entertainment to ALOT of people. He not only was a good actor when he was younger, but also have a great voice! I still remember him from M.A.S.H.!
  17. You forgot the rest! "... over the late 25+ years." But then again your lame counter fails because of expanded foriegn markets.
  18. I blame their culture of shortcuts and uniformism for the first 2. I completely agree with the last 3. Lacks tentacle beast hentai overall.
  19. I'd say that it's the lack of design awareness that alot of exposure gives. Also the builder is always more aware of the problems then the viewer generally is. So it's not so much as unaware laymanship, but one of lacking exposure. Remember all of the people who gripped about the VF's in that PS2 RT game?
  20. Oh no she still exists! I didn't lose her. I meant that I plan on coming back to the design and building another, better looking, model of it. There were tons of nagging little things that I didn't or couldn't polish to the degree I really wanted to. Maybe sometime next year...
  21. sketchley, Yep very true! There is a limit to the 2D - 3D conversion that always crops up. It just can't be avoided even on the most detailed of draws. I learned that lesson throughly with with the Zen Picket ship and it was reinforced on the Gnerl project and now the Salan. But then they are concept art!
  22. Yep shes mine. That image was a pre-trench detail color test that took stupid long ta render. Something like 8-10 hours. Man... I'm so gonna re-build that ship when I'm done with all of the Zen ships. Seeing all those errors is kinda embrassing. And an image for an image. This will be the last update for the weekend and it pretty much ends the building of the larger detail parts. Now I have to do some more work on what some of the shapes are on the concept art. Stuff like is that a panel line or a raised panel, PIA stuff really so I'll lean on you guys for clarity.
  23. That was probably me Mr March. A small Saturday update. I'm continuing to add the larger details and more minor corrections. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v648/chr...4botrearang.png *i've got to find out wtf the problem is with my images and why this board refuses to except them*
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