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Everything posted by chrono

  1. Ditto! It's been long assumed that the Eltrium was the place that showed up in Episode 3. But in ep 6 they show it partial undamaged! Gonna have to wait for the dub on that one.
  2. I don't see it being 'better' or even out doing anything. Around these forums if 3-4 artists/designers names are connected to something then it gets attention. Too much sometimes. Frankly I think that Gainax should get back some of the tradional character concept artists increasing their quality and move away from that damned stupid insanity anime that they think still works. HELLO IT WAS A FAD!!! But I do like how they placed the series real end more then 10 years into the future. It helped to prove some extra closure for the characters and the series and proved a descent segway between the two series. However I'm still slightly confused about why the main character was so damned "off" after episode 4 and why Nono basically continously had to cheerleader her on with all the Noriko references. It really clouded the story. I did dig the quick image of the Eltrium during the meeting though! That proved a rather nasty twist. The more I think about it Noriko becomes much like the Eternal Mythical hero/surviver from a battle. Much like in the Odessy(spl).
  3. Just finished watching it and while it's something of a let down action-wise compared to episodes 4&5. Except for OVER THE TOP-ness. It completed it's story well and doesn't seem to be distruptive to the orginal GB at all. In fact it goes a way towards answering some of the questions that people who watched the first GB had. However fans like Noriko Takaya, who cannot help but bring to the table thier experience, will feel that it's an insult to the orginal GB. It also did the classic job of implied mortality with the characters wrapping up their personal situations, too classically IMO because it felt stilted and blah. The art though, like most series, looks to have stepped up in quality. As did they Nono Uber-'bot did(what was she like 8,000 kilometers in height?). I still love how they keep the show humorous by showing that lol moon imprint! And before someone brings up again the 'Their sacrifice was a waste!' comment. I'd like to point out that they were both soldiers(well Noriko was more of a soldier than Amano was because she was running away from the death of coach) knowing that some actions were a waste and also knowing that this was thier last straw in the war, both had experience in time dialation so understood the results. Also that it may seem like a waste from your viewpoint, it wasn't a waste in theirs and we should honor that seniment. This series goes right next too my Getter Robo discs!!! And I'm soooo getting that Bome statuette!
  4. So basically what yer saying is that they pulled an NGE on you or they didn't tie-up all of the ducks in a row so you could have a sense of completeness. *goes back to waiting for his download*
  5. Wow! At 67 pages it's practically a TOME! But other then the text errors hows the graphics?
  6. If you've got to fight with it to make it then thats WORK that your not getting paided for, so why put yourself through it? Especially if you've got an easier way of doing it!
  7. What! Getter Robo? I swear the world will end if Go Nagai's EVER puts out an anime with a wuss character! Could you imagine the number of children running around if they had ever gotten the rights to make Tenchi Muoyo!!!
  8. That's another really messed-up show. I still wonder what the creators were smoking at the time they came up with that. Not to say that it's bad, mind you. Just really, really, really weird. With great mecha designs. 423988[/snapback] I wouldn't say 'really' messed-up. I'd say it's about NGE level messed-up at most because it pulls the wonky move of the cycle of rebirth on you at the end. Throw in all the grey areas and you just don't know what to think sometimes. Lots of nice designs and plenty of over-the-top action makes it WIN for me! I'd like to get Orange Road, but it's costly and even the subs are hard to find. AlienNine was a nice little 1 disc niche anime that totally needed a series behind it!
  9. Yeah, I'm also surprised that it didn't get on the list. Hell Vash was pretty much the epitome of the japanese gunslinger!
  10. Genocyber Tokoyo Babylon Detonator Orgun
  11. Jin-Roh doesn't even belong on the list, it's such a steaming pile! Frankly I'm not surprised at all. Step into 4chan once in awhile and visit the /m/echa area. 80% of it's Gundam or NGE. But looking at the list and it's diversity it really shows how many people liked the older 90's anime better then some of the newer stuff. It also shows that MAGICAL GIRL MOE is greater then Glasses Girls & Cyborgs!!!
  12. For a toy it's not too bad, but for 10,000 yen I want those guns to actually come out of her legs and the joint connections to be less obvious. I've seen 3 Nono BM-7 statuettes so far and it looks like the BOME version simply nails her design. I hope that BOME makes a couple more GB2 models.
  13. Well if we apply that reasoning to all visual media then I'm sure that the people who love John Williams works will be quite annoyed. But then again that's like saying that anybody who draws anime isn't an artist or a jogger who doesn't run in the Boston Marthon isn't a runner.
  14. Ok during their pre launch briefing they were told that the mission would only take 3 months earth time, instead they over shot the decel point and get back home in 6 months and not the 3 orginally planned for. So either my sub was bad or they had to spend 3 months being found and picked up. My basic question was whether the number of months was correct or not. Because it really helps to establish the shows tempo.
  15. lol, guys, I don't think the confusion is about time dilation. The Luxion wasn't pulverized... it was sunk and sent into acceleration in subspace. So yes, it still possible for Noriko to board it. I guess what you're thinking is destroyed = atomized. 422654[/snapback] IMO I was thought the bridge was destroyed in the alien attacks and anyone including Noriko's dad that did not evacuate either off the ship or elsewhere were probably sucked out. The OVAs never did clearly explain and/or identify why the bridge was destroyed so, it really is anyones guess. Also, for the time limit Coachie set, it was b/c as he stated too much time would pass in the present IF they remained on the Luxion which was traveling at near lightspeed. DanguardAce nailed it, "They had only 10mins to do their reconnaisance since 10mins relative to them while they approach lightspeed is 6 months for everyone else who are not traveling near light speed." Interesting enough, the entire GB series is testiment to how so much time on Earth passes Noriko as she is out in space. IMO out of all of the characters she alone experiences the longest missed time on Earth. After all, to Noriko her experiences in space only spans a few months, that is of course before her final return home with Kasumi. When you really think about it, Noriko is probably one of the loniest/tragic characters ever created in anime history. The world events and all the people she ever loved passed her by and she barely aged, it is practically as bad as being cursed with immortality. Poor Noriko... ah, how we love thee. 423023[/snapback] Ok, the subs I saw must have been flubbed some how because what caused them to be 3 months late was Noriko's having to be drug back into the dec-vehicle and that they overshot they dec-point by like 13 seconds causing them to miss their support pick-up and taking up 3 extra months of their time getting rescued!
  16. Well you've got a cost range from FREE to about 7,000. With professional tools starting at 1100 bucks. I suggest you try out SILO, Blender, & TrueSpace because they are ALL very cheap and have good solid tooling.
  17. SW has Hyperspace which is a slightly different dimension so it's not subject to relavatistic time. In ST, Warp travel is a part of a lower level of existing space/time but at the same time a part of 'hyperspace' and because of plot armor handwavium if they don't have a "complete" warp bubble in place they don't move at lightspeed and don't suffer time dilation.
  18. Pretty good for a first episode, but 45 minutes? They should've topped it at 15 minutes because at 25 minutes the retro was starting to wear thin on appeal. The music and intro was nicely done, but the lack of pop song will lower it's music appeal. The art gets a B- though, mainly because it had spotty fuzzy line art and flat almost lifeless colors along with the deep gray instead of black that digital gives. The story wasn't too bad, though you've got to enjoy the retro style in order to like it alot. I think that the SOS was homage to the Gozilla movies especially with the whole mystic/mysterious girl thing that they've got going on. Hopefully episode 2 will be more interesting as the plot moves along.
  19. Actually it can go both ways. FTL outwards, but then travel back towards earth at lightspeed. However your limited to your optics and overall tech level on how far going back would be possible.
  20. Well if you look at the GB series, as to it's era of anime that it was released in, it makes crap loads of sense. From the music to the sharp focus on relationships and developing personal strength to today's slow revealing of hazy information married with ridiculas Super Uber Mecha action. But the first GunBuster also helped to set-up one thing that is so prevlent in today's anime/manga and that's intergrated cycular foreshadowing. Remember the song that Coach Oto & Kazumi Amano sung in the series beginning? Now remember NGE's stupidly high amount of cycular foreshadowing? If anything BOTH GB's show us that a story can be well told and be emersive enough to become great!
  21. I'm pretty much the same way. All of them have always had something that they wouldn't let go of and it continually made for somewhat boring games. From Zelda's continued same olde character, same olde gameplay (safe), and same olde plot to FF's continued scattershot writing, trend based characters, and it's lack of creative item building.
  22. Yep that's the Zen's 'gunship'. I've also seen it labelled as the Rineunadou Lojmeuean Monitor class ship, which I prefer but one I doubt that is correct. That particular ship isn't only seen in #35 either! It has scattered shots of it across the series. Most of the images are when earth gets bombarded with a smattering of background shots when you have panning across the Zen fleet. I have 90% of the RT materials captured, but DYRL version is better detailed. I'll try and get my captures uploaded soon. Until then: http://www.artemisgames.com/robotech/Naval/zen_Monitor.html
  23. Yeah it does, but will they they? Unless there is something to prevent it from happening in the show, they make try the whole 'resurrection of man' thing.
  24. Looks quite awsome, almost like Eureka 7 color palette-wise! Pretty good list of talent working on it also!! Hopefully they'll keep the quality level enough that it doesn't jump around.
  25. Oh there is some of GB that you'll love and hate. Especially ep6!
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