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Everything posted by chrono

  1. Minor update. I've been adding the major seams, but it's been really time consuming(i've soooo got to upgrade my comp). Screen capture http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v648/chrono2005/update.jpg
  2. chrono


    I don't think that was ever much of a question really, but many of us who do attempt to build these in 3D understand that a balance between being faithful to the lineart/design can only go so far before we need to 'add' to the design to make it visually 'work' in 3D. In the end all you really can do is be faithful to the anime and the feelings that it imbued upon you as you attempt to bring those same feelings out from your our work.
  3. Well to be honest it's not terrible far reaching to say that the artist involved inately biased everyones opinion of the first one, especially since these forums have your basic shrine set-up for both of the Macross Mecha designers. But story-wise GB2 has always been weak with a C- level of anime quality, but what made it not really GB is the lack of consistancy and it's fad-based reliance on insanity style anime. And I liked GB2, but when your covering old territory any freshness of story universe is lost and that really hurts unless you make it unique, which GB2 really never did.
  4. So "pay-to-play" console gaming has become firmly established with Sony's entry. Good! Now that means only a few more years until they've brainwashed enough people and made the internet so relied(businesses of all types are having 90% of the paperwork digital entered as to cutdown on paper costs) upon that they can establish their "pay-per-page view" micropayment system that doesn't have to run through a bank! And you think PayPal lost money!!!
  5. chrono


    And I generally blame the fact that getting good discussion C&C on a Macross project is responsible for ALOT of the oddities in the existing Macross 3D fan-art. I've personally not attempted building this model but I've had plans in development for over 10 months now as to how I want to build it. We can never have enough Zen. on this board!
  6. Aaaa... are you mad that they tied it in to the orginal or that fact that it had a weirdly rushed 2001/Akira ending?
  7. *cues the GunBuster 2 "Groov'n Magic" track* Lunar's Episode 6 is OUT!
  8. The opposite. It was high end. Guy had a dime sized metal Gallactica made with super fine detail in the ten thousands range. Had a nearly pre-paint finished print quality too. It was really really sick!
  9. I never did ask but are these eyes build still that colored fold & clear resin method?
  10. Sweet deal indeed! Total shame that Right Stuff has screwed me over so badly in the past or I would've dived into this.
  11. I never said anything either way, only that it looked like a RS rip-off. But from what you just wrote it's nearly a clean copy RS sans all the beginning of RS(which you also hated & loved characters in it too). So unless it has material equal to or better then Buffy, the 4400, LOST, not going against anything else, and Wheldon writing it it may not actually see a full season or even 8 episodes. Sorry, but for myself it's falls into the catagory of "just another superpowered drama" show that's been copied again again from the Incredible Hulk format. But enjoy away!
  12. chrono


    Yep the models off in many areas, but the texturing is very good! @mojacko, give us a link to this guys work!
  13. That was already appearent last year when someone posted the summery for the 'new' seasons. Right now it looks that way, but with a premise as thin as this is I can't see them not doing somesort of group VS group senerio to give it more FX bling.
  14. Ever since I saw this advertisted I've thought one thing and one thing only about it. Rising Stars rip-off
  15. I saw one of these roughly 3 weeks ago for 12,300. But ever since I started seeing the results of the laser cutting print method I don't know if I wanna get one now.
  16. It happens, but haven't you watched ep6 yet?? But all that aside, I do wonder why they were attacking that colony. Was it because of the new Buster Machine? Or was it because of Nono?
  17. * @wolfx* Those were on 4chan sometime around within a few days of ep3 being released and I think that those were in the other thread as well.
  18. Could you imagine a Pepsi Machine as a TF! LOL His weapon would be an explosive can launcher!!! And he'd make Sound wave his batty.
  19. And here I thought that was ZOE!
  20. I'm sooorie my Shatner is a little rusty. sketchly could you translate more?
  21. @ Mr March, what they are pointing out is the sentinel design does the same thing that the TF's do lack of solidness. It's a simple matter of them subsitituted substance for style and it's a bad move in my IMO. @ Twoducks, EEK! I hope that fails and fails HARD. They seem to love the 1970's craptastic animation and to redesign from the ground up is only a money making move that removes the spirit of the orginal. And boy did they fall in love with busy designs for the ULTIMATES Ironman!
  22. Naw. Weak "Plot Armor". I'm afraid that they'll use the ULTIMATES version as the War Machine version, even though it's a mini-me non-SD Gundam with Zeon design influences. I just hope that they remember that Ironman was also an iconic figure used for business purposes because he was around Tony so much that it forces them to adopt a less 'cutting-edge' greebled industrialized post-modern look.
  23. That suit design is lame for someone with a coupla billion dollars to dump into the design and technology. But it's terrific for a Spiderman level character. This is not more then Unreal2 level. I've never have been a fan of Adi Granov though because all of his material is basically indentical to another piece. And that inflexibility is something that makes for a poor concept artist, so I'm not expecting much more then a Halo clone since they'll(the producers) think that it's popular which is what the audience wants.
  24. None right now, because money and time are tight. But Laser since it gives the better printing with less finishing work needed, but I've heard about other laser types that actually cut the material and have seen the results(which are very high quality).
  25. jenius, Yeah the UK person in the statement said they didn't want to put the extra problems on their buyers, LOL!. Which makes sense because your whole theme is user friendly gaming. Frankly I think that they pulled a Sony and didn't realize that even though they removed the region coding that each region is still slightly different(shorting their varous regions profits by undercutting them before the regional translations come out) and that it would be easier to access their backstock of already regional games. *walks away wondering if they'll have SRBW online in the future*
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