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Everything posted by chrono

  1. *thinks about Nintendo's history of violent games* *laughs at myk's remark quite heartly!* Shame about Zelda being designed and made for the other console like that. But then again many people have been wanting a matured Zelda since the SNES came out.
  2. About as close to the Wii as I'll be getting. [attachmentid=38290] Though I'm sure plenty of people will be doing alot of this: [attachmentid=38291]
  3. A lot of experienced gamers see it that way, but many of them refuse the agruement because it's from the company who's system they grew up playing. They've been riding the "what-has-been" wave since the Super N era with only minor variance in theme. Zelda is still Zelda. Mario is still Mario. It's time for them to create something actually NEW in the way of iconic characters. @ - Mephistopheles, I still feel that it's because they've all but removed the difficulty levels from the games in favor for simply more levels or level size. They've also gotten away from the 'fun things'.
  4. No what REALLY a sad state of affairs is when the stores KNOW from experience that this will happen and not get the proper police protection. But then again any one who's spent more then 30 bucks on a plastic model really shouldn't be pointing fingers either.
  5. LOL! Mr Fox would not be happy with you! Old news that I hope never happens. http://www.blog.konami.jp/gs/kojiprog/2005...000429.php#more
  6. Found this on YouTube.
  7. Mazinger Z in 1972 though aired in America as Tranzor Z - 1984 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Super_Robots M.A.S.K. LOL!
  8. The Slayers Haibane Renmei Perfect Blue (Best Anime movie ever!) Millennium Actress Grave of the Firefly's Macross Getter Robo: Armageddon Figure 17 GenoCyber Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (this series could've been one of the BEST animes ever if they would have gotten Saitoshi Kon as the director) Special Mention: GunBuster, is one of the two finest science fiction space operas animes ever to appear. Neither NGE or RahXephon go on the list because both are lacking in tons of those little things that make an anime 'special' for a singular person, though RahXephon attempts to fill in those holes it never really follows through.
  9. Unless you like being told what to do, how to do it, without a why. You shouldn't bother. Because right now are a fan site and basically illegal as it gets in at least 2 countries and internationally, so unless you've gotten written legal paperwork permission from Gainax, the US distrubtor, and the artists involved with the anime of course... Personally I'm hard pressed to throw money at the boxedset, because it looks "MEH!" at best and more then unprofessionally done(15 years can do better designs). I'll wait for the price to drop below 30 bucks before I buy it. Frankly this smells like another Art Box challenge just waiting to happen!
  10. Reminds me more of a FF8 character then a Macross character, with the attempt at being too realistic that it loses the characters essense. So I would add a slight bit of chibi-ish in the way of larger eyes, a more rounded face, a less defined nose, and a general less 'real' body putting more pressure on body flow then realism. H.M. has a organic & fluid approach to his character designs, but frames his characters around the upper body and eyes especially. So keep the eye detail and increase the anime/manga look of it. One of the things that strikes me as 'wrong' is the length of the knee to heel as being overly long.
  11. Congrats on getting pubb'ed, but let the publisher decide on the cover since they can pick a cover that attracts.
  12. So that's what a Macross 7 design(hybridized designs anyways) & an VF-1 design looks like crammed together!
  13. Props on a getting a Live Action outta this. It can't be any worse the the anime movie.
  14. Those are some of the largest types also. There is a scene in Daidalos Attack where Battepods are launched right next ta 3 turrets. A normal beam version, a point defense missile version, and the large version. BTW, there are roughly 5 different turret versions so you might wanna specify. But I place the normal version's base, the one that gets the most screen time, at around 18-26 meters and roughly 26-30 meters in length on the turret itself.
  15. Change to Boxers! I totally understand you on the Macross designs! You basically have to 'zen' Miyatake on these designs.
  16. Saw ep 4. The scene lighting's not to bad for a newer show! But that'll change in season 2, more then likely for the bad. Overall, *shrugs*, guess you gotta been a fan... Fairly typical hollywood rip-off of RS. Sooooo where's the person that can hear the dead and the Critical Mass copycat? I fully expect them to pop-up before next season or early 2nd season. OH!, btw isn't Micheal Turner doing the online comic? Or is that someone else? I found that particularly cute, given how some people are denying that it's not an RS rip-off.
  17. @ly000001, yer not doing it right. Ya gotta quote/post some of the articles content to snag the reader into following the linky! Looks like they are doing this one on the cheap! No dubs. Bonus Clips(more then likely the science lessons). A copy of the orginal deluxe art box(just how outer date is that gonna look). And placing this on HD(what a waste). I could spend 50 bucks less and print out my own box art and have the same thing(virtually).
  18. Mainly because nobody of name that was associated with the orginal that also did Macross work worked with in the show. Which is pretty much a given here.
  19. I just found out where the infamous planet 'slip' came from, or at least I think so! It's from Go Nagai's Getter Robo: Armageddon last episode. On the manga. I found that the story actually fits better in that format then it does in anime form.
  20. So are many shows that die-off quickly or simply die an ugly slow death(Enterprise for example). But if, it comes to that, they are smart maybe they will only go a full season and set up an example of short term story telling. Besides Kring, Dennis Hammer, and Allan Arkush will totally screw up their second season given just how bad their previous show has turned into.
  21. Well you gotta admit that the "Buster Blossom" was just great humor via stereotyping. Really we should start seeing how much parody is in this version. Episode #1: The 'heroes journey' that you see in just about every anime. The maid uniform gimick. FLCL reference with Larks Buster coming out of "no-where space".
  22. It seems that the movie really ties the 2 together even more! Spoiler spoiler: 2chan thread was talking about a new scene where Lark actually meets with Noriko and Amano.
  23. Don't waste your money on any 3D program just yet! Search around for the various freeware ones and when you become comfortable with the concepts of 3D look into the various demo's that are available and find one that's in your opinion 'user friendly' and whether you want to be a hobbyist or professional.
  24. Hollywood Re-Imagining is one thing, but fanboi re-imagining is totally something else! An envyable goal, but extremely poor follow through.
  25. I can't see Jr as Stark. He just doesn't look like a business man nor an arms dealing one. He's always looked like a bug-eyed drug addict to me.
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