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No this project isn't dead. I have most of the amidships trenchs worked into the hull and am working on getting the thruster deflector built, but wanted to run the build by you guys before I make it permanent.
The more I see of Peter and his story the more I think that he has several powers but become active at different times and are often jump started via contact with others. I base this on the 2 scenes where he sends the visions to his friends dying father and how he seems to dreamwalk to people he knows. This is good because it doesn't need to be mixed with the main arc. If it was then you've got your basic X-Men team set-up. Boring! Besides they need more material of the remainer of the season and next seasons. I'm seeing Hiro going to a Buddist Temple to become a Monk soon because he's getting crazy with his powers and time/space traveling pyschos aren't much tv fun. Maybe it's me but doesn't that chick in the wheelchair look like an ideal Wonder Woman?
Yep! And it's sooooo wrong.
Rule 34 on Comic Books > Movies/MiniSeries/TV shows "Any usage of the word(s) adapt means the the result will be horrible."
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
chrono replied to Ishimaru's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Not unless Link was multi-generational time traveling clone or an immortal. LoZ is the standard for "drag and drop" games. Marrying together the various games is basically time killing because when you have to 'start over' with a bare bones character every time, unless the producers absolutely state that Zelda is in the same universe, it's in a different universe. Just play the game for what it's know for nostalgia. -
Hypnotic suggest?
I knew they were gonna ruin this when they said that they were re-imagining it! This looks on par with poor Korean anime work.
But with this backstory we now understand why he was killed the cheerleader that way. Also who did he kill for the strength? Unless he used his power to hold her up...
The Worst Anime You've Watched Recently
chrono replied to bsu legato's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
@ Mercurial Morpheus It's beginning to sound like you maybe one of those viewers that need it verbally said in the show for it to make sense. *shrugs* You probably shouldn't bother watching any more because the 3rd arc doesn't answer ANY of your questions and also isn't deeply written enough to cover over the issues that you'd had continously, nor will the next arcs either. Because each arc is an independent story within itself and so far the ONLY consistent part is something that will be answered within the 4th arc(maybe). Not at all. I missed nothing there. Yes you did, or you thought it was just mad raving and didn't trigger your S.o.B.! Orge's/demons are well known in anime for possession and having thier own bodies that they can form to shape at will. So when 'Mion' said she was part orge/demon(which was hinted at several times in the first arc itself) and that the demon took over fully then it's possible to pull off the weird arc ending. But it's a storytelling issue for you, but a standard japanese 'horror' fair. True, but I didn't need confirmation of something I wasn't supposed to know about when I should be making sense of other things. Nothing was outright stated in the arc itself as to identity. Yeah it sucks that it was slipped. But there were several visual character deviations that allow you to see who's who in that arc. What they mean by make or break has little to do with the arc itself, I'm sure. They aren't saying it's a turn off at all. I mention it, as I have seen some conversations similar to this where someone was less than enchanted by this relatively highly praised series. The general consensis is that if you disliked the show, how you react to the third arc will pretty much seal it. They're basically saying that it's not a turn off, but that if you don't enjoy it a well, you'll probably not going to like anything else. It has nothing on people already enchanted with the show. It is therefore my conclusion from this and your own statement that the third arc is the highpoint to the series. So it's kind of like saying that if you didn't like The Empire Strikes Back (generally percieved as the fan favorite), you'll probably not like the other Star Wars films. One of those, "if you don't like this one, nothing else is going to change your mind". I disagree and think that most of them are full of bs. They're are alot of viewers that have no problem with death, murder, and nudity or sex but are scared-off by anything that has children under that. Rena's seeming psychosis, Mion's (Shions? ) ladder tirade) Typical foreshadowing. Which is why I pointed to NGE as an example earlier. Cycular BS. -
Split personality from an abusive childhood. How abusive we may never know the way she handled him.
Sylar's power.... Genetic Metamorph or a power retaining leech? The power's explaination is rather lame at best and at worse badly cliched. But I doubt that it's the real one. It's either aliens or some gov program. Either way we now know how Claire can be killed, so does Sylar. Decapitation or being gutted completely. I wonder if the painter guy bailed from the show for something else...
The Worst Anime You've Watched Recently
chrono replied to bsu legato's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Uh oh! I think someones talking about GetBackers!. -
The Worst Anime You've Watched Recently
chrono replied to bsu legato's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
tank. is short for tankoubon which is basically GN or graphic novel/illustrated book, etc... Ok the anime was first by a 2 months. Also Hajime Yatate, Hiroyuki Yoshino, and Noboru Kimura were involved with BOTH manga & anime with the manga artist and the supervisor being the only ones who weren't. But then again the info maybe as flawed as it gets too! But overall the Mai-Hime manga wasn't butchered it was more violent(thus why I called it shonen), they changed the host to Takumi, and had a different ending. But all the slight differences made it 'better' story-wise. The mangas still out on the net and I'll PM you a link if your interested. Mai-Otome came first, but it's the same way. It also has lots of little changes that make it better. Frankly the story nearly kills their story universe. They should've used it as a japanese PowderPuff Girls/Sailormoon replacement. And yeah I've read some of Zwei already and I'm not really impressed by it, so far. :/ -
The Worst Anime You've Watched Recently
chrono replied to bsu legato's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
TB won't be getting a 2nd season because the author is dead. I think that your wrong about the Mai anime coming first because the first tank. volume came out before the show did, which pretty much means parallel development. The manga's are still superior to the anime's though better art and a funnier story/plot. They are shonen driven, which makes them different. Look around for them. The new Negima! is far better then any of the previous manga to anime from Ken Akamatsu material. @Mercurial Morpheus, you missed the whole thing about the demon/orge and when she was explaining what she was going to do to him when he was strapped down... didn't you. It proves alot of explaination for the nurse bit and the ending. Rena is drop dead easy to understand IF you've seen anime with demons & demon possession. Shion & Mion well this was brought up within arc 1 & 2 by Keiichi himself and how Shion & Mion act towards him. Oh and why people say the 3rd story arc makes or breaks the viewers choice?!?! It's adult subject matter that few people care to view and with it's knowledge it'll taint the rest of the anime for the viewers because it becomes 'real' instead of it's flip flopping between cute & horror. But the people who say that the 3rd story is a turn off are utter fools! It's really solidly written. I'm beginning to think that this anime requires the viewer to have seen a diverse amount of anime before hand. Kinda like watching "Grave of the Firefly's" for the first anime you watch. -
New Robotech Shadow Chronicles Vid
chrono replied to terry the lone wolf's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I don't think that you need arse kicking 3D in order to have good looking 3D. That Kirby cartoon from not long ago used cel-shaded 3D and it was nearly seamless with the hand draw material. But there is a lot of simply bad issues visually with this trailer from bad model work to bad camera work. Harmony, like many company's, didn't realize that even decent 3D work takes time and it's coming home to roost. Hell look how long it took for Macross: Zero and Diebuster! -
LOL! People who can't handle their jobs shouldn't be doing them. As a person I can't condemn the employee for being that way, however since I'm the customer he is required to live up to the standard given to him by the company(ie he's a robot nothing more) and he better not be that way when dealing with anyone or his arse is grass! Hikuro, ignore yellowlightman because he's just attempting to continue the trend of bad customer service by trying to distract/molify you, with petty digs, from attempting to remove someone who should not be in that job anyways.
The Worst Anime You've Watched Recently
chrono replied to bsu legato's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Yeah Trinity Blood suffered the same as Hellsing did. GONZO-ism. But TB had a hugh amount of potential. That damned ending always had me jones'n for more and I simply loved the design style. ------------- I gotta elect the My-Hime and Mai-Otome animes as failures compared to their source manga. The manga's are arse kissing modern sailor moon with terrific art, but damned did the animes go in the wrong direction. Far too much "Re-imagining". Now I have to say that the Negima! animes are also one of those WTF! DID YOU DO! cases. The first series was straight out garabage, with the OVA bringing it slightly back into focus, and with the current series art and directing being stellar(PonPonDash styled of course). It's almost like that train wreck of an anime called Bleach. -
The Worst Anime You've Watched Recently
chrono replied to bsu legato's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I wasn't directing the 'plenty of anime to hate' part at you. Just generally agreein with the thread. Ok you've thrown me. I thought that scene made plenty of sense given the rest of the information from earlier in the same episode. Oh and BTW the 3rd episode in the 2nd arc throws an interesting wrench at you, but you have to look for it. However with several of the scenes dropped from the anime I don't know if it's actually a valid scene or not! As for your points about the first arc. If they would've stretched it into 8 episodes they could've established the characters more, so I do agree that it can feel disjointed, but sadly the game/novel is set-up much the same way. What is happening is that your being shown the endings first and then they spend the rest of the anime filling in the characters history(yeah supposedly the first arc is the beginning and ending of the story). Typical reveal mystery stuff. It works in a short-story fashion at best though, but I think that the writers throw in alot of horror in an attempt to cover-up poor writing. Basically the main issue is not enough series length to get a full story in. There's enough story for 48 episodes. The concepts behind Groundhog Day and not it's execute is what I was referring to. The whole 'reset' and 'memory carry-over' ideas, but just like that movie did this show has me asking the question of "What's the benefit of this looping?". It's also why I was referring to Evangelion. It also have the same lame circular story BS. Oh and the 3rd arc is delivering so far. I've been waiting to found out about this part. I think that people were turned off by both the lack of story completeness thus far and the sudden change of maturity that the anime requires of it's viewers. -
New Robotech Shadow Chronicles Vid
chrono replied to terry the lone wolf's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
If this is the same Chase Masterson then if you've ever watched ST: DS9 then you've seen her. Nicely stacked, but her voice wasn't really good enough for VA work. Oh and congrats on getting a freaking clue about bad cgi that I said was bad looking when the first trailer came out... -
Yeah there's enough bad service in the world. A little help at reminding them who the customer is will help them in their next job.
The Worst Anime You've Watched Recently
chrono replied to bsu legato's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Plenty of anime to hate isn't there! But agreed that much of the time of for some manga to anime it's directly the studios fault with thier re-creationship(and their towering lack of 3D computer training) and it's becoming more previlant that it's also the Korean art studios fault for bad art/animation work. But of course it doesn't help that the manga publishers basically have the mangka's by the globes when it comes to getting work published. Now on "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni".... I'm not gonna defend it. The technical animation itself is garbage, but everything else is solid. Except for the story which is like a bad acid trip and on par with NGE offal for "what-the-f&*(age!". What you find erratic character acting in one story arc makes sense in another story arc, which causes a lot of viewer confusion. And to be honest while it wasn't a great transfer from game/novel to anime, the game/novel isn't exactly as clear either NOR(and this is one of the key issues with 90% of the current anime) is the game/novel finished. If you think of the movie Groundhog Day and how it "resets" and then only give the characters a slight deus vu(spl) feeling of what they've done before it actually helps for enjoyment of the show. I franklly think that if they had gotten Satoshi Kon to direct this it would've been a HUGH amount better! But it's absolutely like Evangelion in that you either love it or hate it! ---------------- Super Robot Wars: Divine Generation is absolute total FAIL! From crappy cgi, the extremely lame premise, and the massive lack of 'brand name' super robots that the name was orginally inspired from. Avoid it like a crazy, unless your drunk/high/VERY bored. -
Nice gif. I hope they clean-up that 3d Venom though! And I agree that they should have bulky Brock not this 'punk' version.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
chrono replied to Ishimaru's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Most Zeldites will say this regardless. But it's a total shame that it'll be several years before Wii gets a 'true' Zelda instead of the GC upgrade. Anyways how are the games controls holding up? -
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
chrono replied to Ishimaru's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I'm hearing alot of meh! about how it looks and feels like it should be on the old GC. So how is it comparing with it's fellow release games? -
CopyPaste!! Too much 4Chan for you! Nice psycho killer character(kinda dig the character shots that they've used), they could've used more build-up before the big reveal though. Also they could've used even more confrontational build-up between the two. And everyone lets welcome Steffanie Mass also known as Critical Mass to the mix. As for how Claire gets killed I always thought that it would be the fire/radioactive guy would would've killed her. Makes alot more sense because he would stop her regenerating ability outright by decaying the genes involved.