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Everything posted by chrono

  1. 4Chan's grabbing captions off of 2Chan. And they are pretty good. Op or Ed showing the new M25 in full glory. "Gundam knee guards."
  2. After going back and looking at "what looks to be" M25.... I really hope that it's a completely different ship or vessel. The 'arms' look like 2 rail guns and the head looks like it's sporting bunny ears, while the chest plate is giving me the impression of being a mix between a Lion combiner mech and Jet Alone from NGE.
  3. I'd wait at least a full week for a decent sub, though with it being so similar a sub of it will go quicker. Well if that image of the Macross 25 is true then Kawamori might have done it's re-design as well! Since it's got the same-ish chest plate config. Don't know if want.... But if it's true then just how much of the mechanical did he actually re-design!!
  4. SOOOOOoooooo.... damned RIGHT!
  5. Yep that's a good example, however inflammatory. But that's human nature via group dominance. Even the Culture still suffers from it. Oh he challenges just fine (i really should say that his teachers ideas), but then he let his politics start to decide his books for him instead of his creativity and down the drain he went. Like I said it wasn't until last year that I realized just what Banks was actually doing with his writing. Throw out all of his glaringly obvious political agenda, like Volar(spl), and the guys a good writer! But if you don't... ugh. http://books.slashdot.org/article.pl?no_d2...8/03/19/1344250 --------- ALL of that aside. I completely forgot about James P. Hogan and his Cradle of Saturn and it's sequel The Anguished Dawn great books about the hypocricy of the science establishment and the transition from a material, market society to a society of true social and equal value.
  6. You see it all the time from one group or another that attempts to make another groups or people's viewpoint wildly incorrect, ignorant beyond reason, or just flat out raving mad for their own advancement. PBS, TV, Newpapers, and most major colleges/university's always do this or promote the practice. Wow! Verbal smackdown. Just like how Banks devalues everything current socially in the fax form of SF. His constructs don't have "revelations" they only promote Banks own viewpoint which is why suddenly the entire story gets sidetracked off into what can be called an "internalized debate on paper" where the personal viewpoint is always correct. Reads more like a "If I was God." sermon from a PhD than SF book during those times. Now I could be accused of that for Consider Phlebas since I read that when it first came out and attempted to debate it now. But no, not now. Reading State of The Art ripped my large fanboy blinders off. I was a HUGE Banks fanboy whore until last year. Again I would've agreed, however after reading the State of The Art collection and then re-reading Excession on a whim and then remembering the bad taste that I had after reading Look To Windward I began to realize just what Banks was writing. His own deconstructionist viewpoint on our current culture with the intent of showing how his personal viewpoint is the clear & correct one. When Asimov did so at least he remotely attempted to cover it up in the guise of SF and sounded far less preachy than some of Banks multiple mid-book mini-sermons. YEP! Banks is love it or leave it kinda of author. But this is not the place for such.
  7. I thought that as well, once. But then I began to realize that nearly all of his books were based on his own version of negative current social deconstruction (almost raving at times & completely disregarding the story because of it). Only within a few of his pieces show what he is capable of. I've not gotten around to reading The Algebraist as of yet or any of his more current stuff because his last few works put me off. The State of the Art book is a brilliant collection of work though! Hello Out There, The Engines of God, and Chindi by Jack McDevitt are excellent reading mainly because they deal with the higher lofter points in Space Opera. Nearly every book by James Alan Gardner & Charles Sheffield. The Starhawk series by Mack Maloney & Grunts by Mary Gentle for fun SF fluff.
  8. Not quite since Computer programming is increasing far faster than cybernetics is and should leap frog it for AI control. Actually WW3 is far more likely to happen because moderate govt's are losing power and a communistic govt is gaining power in all areas by the week.And it'll be VERY hard to stop 2 billion people from enforcing their will on others. Besides with the increasing degeneration caused by the digital media in the moderate countries causing the dumbing down will only increase the potential for destabilizing those economy's.
  9. Freakly true too! 1. Gattaca - yep! There has been talk for close to a decade about engineering out disease from conception onwards. However this movie takes it the logical step forward. Genetic Cast systems. We already dozens of small company's delving into this area and with the Insurance company's influence the Clinton genetic laws will be throw-out once the costs for testing drop down into the thousand. Also we currently have the beginning steps of bio-locks and quick testing. 2. Minority Report - yep! Sure Pre-cog is un-proven, but pre-emptive jailing for 'potential' criminals has already started and once the social patterns & genetic patterns that make a criminal are found and proven true crimes won't have to be done in order for a person to be jailed. 3. Road Warrior - yep! Compare the barbaric actions of the "cops" and compare them with todays police force. The only real difference is the missing dune buggy's! 4. The Truman Show - freaking Reality Shows! Damn you Europe! Damn you!!!! 5. Destination Moon - haven't seen it. 6. The Running Man - Survivor anyone??? I still kept expecting to see some bloodshed during the first episode. 7. Blade Runner - miss. New York & San Franciso had looked like that for decades before the movie came out. Cloned Humans - miss. We can 'print' organs that don't require immunity drugs and are faster to grow. 8. Soylent Green - some miss, some hit. Industrial cannibalism well all you have to do is look at history's of some country's and US states (Alaska) and you will see that it's true, but on a small scale. (Would Mexican's taste like chicken??) Overpopulation is a hammer that some groups of people have been using for longer than that film has been around. 9. Short Circuit - yep Military robots, but like Soylent Green & Blade Runner it's actually an old concept with the cute Asimov AI idea thrown in. 10. 2001: A Space Odyssey - 50% yes & 50% no. Space Tourism actually Pre-dates 2001 by nearly 20 years. But it's a good thing current AI isn't to HAL's point yet.....
  10. Well that helps to explain the eyes then.
  11. Well because of Kawamori's retcons there will be plenty of "links to the past" spread through out Macross. Nome helps to tie-in Macross Zero with the show and the main cast. So in that respect I'm seeing ALOT of Macross 7 & Macross Zero "Magical" hand waving happening. Expect a rougue singing AI to pop-up and plenty of Super-dickery and Batman plot armor spread through-out Macross: Frontier. You know kinda like Gundam Wing.
  12. I've recently found a new design in a one shot, called Blue Planet, from the Dragon Age anthology. Which are pretty nice.
  13. I just view the TV version as what it is. An alternate time line in which the producers do whatever they want and it mattering not one bit to the movies at all! Shame it's so formula based and rely's on the Time Travel crutch way too much.
  14. Since you design for a game, the designs are for a game. It allows you to design material that would never be considered for an anime. (design freedom) The original Macross concepts show this as fact because some of those designs were only slightly changed and then thrown into VF-X. Which is now considered 'official'. So a series of designs, even by the same designer, will end-up in a mish-mash of styles, and in this case it's because of Kawamori's "growth" as a designer. Besides there is always multiple designers on any game and they only did the materials that they were credited for. For the people who have not seen every bit of the chronology that is the current retconned Macross they will be confused as to why the designs are like that. Especially any of the newer ships and city designs, because of the lack of Miyataki influence in the designs. So for them M:F will have to stand by itself in many ways. Even if they only saw Macross & M7 there will still be a mild confusion over the designs.
  15. It's designed to grab the older fans and newer fans. Which is why it's such a mishmash of design styles. He had to be cross-generational or M:F will turn out like the newer Yamoto anime did. Liked, but generally reviled. Of course it doesn't help that the entire chronology got crushed together further screwing things up with alternate designers, who thought that their designs were for ONLY a game, having their designs throw in.
  16. To be honest this looks like a much needed step-up from the first HULK movie. Hopefully the Hulk's action will be healthy pushed in the Ultimates Hulk direction and the movie will delve into the Banner vs Hulk battle for dominance more and that'll keep the movie balanced between the characters and the action. Somebody say Deadpool?
  17. Ya know we really should count the number of fetish's & stereotypes being displayed. Space elves, Loli's space elves with head bands (& siggy's on them), Demon dog-loli's, pretty boy's...... the list is getting pretty big.
  18. Well since the show disregards 3's existence, & 4's possible existence as well, it (the show) should be considered separate from the movies if only for one's own sanity. I also wouldn't worry about it and movie 4's conflict until it's been stated that season 2 is going to be made or not.
  19. Yeah you could look at it that way, but that's like watching E.T. and claiming that it's "true" because they interview people. It's silly really. I'll just chalk it up as another 'rumor' until it's confirmed in either an artbook or in the anime itself. Ah the pareles(spl) of being a fan!!
  20. Gods this thread is soooooooo cruel!!! *weeps* I've sooooooo got to save up and go one of this decades....
  21. GG only put century old RPG's games on to paper in the form of a dice mechanic (which is something every current RPG is running away from). Healthily stealing left and right from dozens of sources along the way doing so. Also it's quite the reverse because RPG's own a huge amount of their popularity to the broad audience that VG's and computer games brought them. Sure he opened the door by putting gambling and childs games together, but hundreds of others did the job of making RPG's what they are today. He's equal to Supermans creator or Bill Gates founding partner at MS. Besides the guy invented trolling with his BS at CON's.
  22. It's "popular" because it's your basic MOE loli-droid which it THE CLASSIC japanese fetish. She wouldn't be even as remotely popular if she had big flopping udders or wore glasses. Also at the same time little in that same trend was airing and it was hot on the heels of 2 other singing/loli-droid shows. Next time save your time and just ask on 4Chan.
  23. Yeah I did and since both are adverts in hobby magazines and not official artbooks, and since I don't read Japanese. The question is pretty darn valid.
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