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Everything posted by chrono

  1. Wow!
  2. scott8539, That's the plans. briscojr84, Thanks for the heads-up! I'll take a look at that episode. *ah! those were actual mecha launch bays and I knew about them, but thanks anyways!*
  3. What!?!? You mean you didn't frame advance your TiVo to see the entire list including dead specials? ---- This episode was pretty bad in some ways. Peter's 'temporary power' was a far better gimmick then his 'remembers and has it now' power, because it keep him a random figure to deal with. Now he's Superman without the cape. Hiro's little bit was flat, lame, and stupidly typical party-line shat! I hope several older japanese trekkies at home weren't watching this! I completely hate how they've tied the invisible bum to Glasses. Even though it gives them a history it's a bad idea. The current storyline is basic X-Men 101, with nearly EVERYONE suffering from some trumped up personal over done drama. Is there not ONE special that's actually gotten used to having their power instead of having it control them like some bad disease or philosophical moral coda!? What I did like was Sylar and how he's being to really show his how murderous he's become and just how bad his built-up rage really is. Nikki's 'little', and not so petty, revenge on Jessica for being 'normal'. However Claries dad really should've been Glasses because it further cuts her to the bone with all of the betrayals.
  4. Thanks guys. I decided to forgo the extra details on the secondary turrets, in order to finish up work in this area. Here's the current level of work on the Amidships.
  5. Well Jericho is still around, so is Lost and Heroes. All of which sounded lame in premise, but made it to more seasons.
  6. Not anymore disgusting then how Eddie has totally ruined Van Hallen on the whole. So many tens of millions of dollars lost and so many potentially awsome songs all lost because of his damned EGO!
  7. Nearly done with building the secondary turrets. I'm gonna add 1 or 2 more details and call it done unless someone can show me detail I missed.
  8. That'll pretty much be the telling blow right there once serious accident rates start to go up and/or the insurance company's decide to charge more to deter their usage to save themselves money. -BOT- The new Blackout toy doesn't look overly bad, but it's still not good compared to the movies and it will be awhile for a much better version comes out.
  9. The new OP is abit funny(lol style). And reminds me of when I told people on this board(during the E7 series) that multiple OP's and ED's were gonna become standard. I'm also starting to like the amount of politico stuff and death of innocence running in the series.
  10. Ok after the first 2-3 episodes the show starts to take on a substance that is interesting with ep 4 being the key. Right now I'm at the 12th episode and it's become surprisingly and nicely complex, not really sitting in one place or on one person for to long. I'd have to say the last 3 episode arc has added well to the character and plot complexities. Though I do have to say after episode 8 the art quality has become 'iffy' with 8.5 being a VERY questionable move will cause problems down the line. Hopefully the current 'humanizing' arc doesn't last long nor the Cornelia story story arc and little miss corner humper needs 'offed' and badly, but I've a bad feeling that she'll be around till the end...
  11. Is that a trick question?
  12. Actually it is. Sure it's not like Trade Marking, which also have the same protections but falls under the use or lose garbage, however it's EXTREMELY abusable and DOES erode your copyrights value. I never said anything about losing it(via ownership), just losing control over it(your mistaking IP copyright with the normal copyright) which renders it public domain.
  13. Not protecting your copy right period is stupid and erodes your legal abilities to defend it. But yeah BV is running scared on this, but frankly "sounds too close to" isn't a valid enough amount of reason to not attempt to have it professionally looked into by others. Even then I'd be saying just get the authorization for it's usage simply due to it's age. Anyways I just want the 'legal & professional' translation with the convenience of a Dub, not a reconfigured adaption.
  14. Knee-slapping funny! Because the reviewer isn't far from the truth. LOL
  15. UGH! That means that the interludes won't make a damn bit of sense to the regular non-fanboy audience. Oh it'll get a box! Especially when it doesn't sell as well as they think it will. I'll only buy the boxed set. INFINITELY BAD and simple laziness/cheapness on their end. They will HAVE TO put in text translation because some of it is completely necessary to the story's development! Sheeesh! -------- What's the big deal with the "The Wings of Honneamise" re-release?
  16. I've thought that since the beginning.
  17. Actually you'd be surprised at how many there are that do! Some even go so far as to go frame and word bubble in hand!
  18. And there is NO way some people will spend 30 bucks on a single or 2 episode disc! I'll wait for the box set first.
  19. Yeah... "Year of the Mecha"
  20. I wouldn't hold your breath on that. Serously though EL the manga ended some months ago and had a terrifically bad ending and story for close to a full 50 chapters outta the 100+ that it ran.
  21. Bouncing around the design right now getting the smaller detail dealt with. Right now I'm working on the large top turrets and general placement of the smaller ones. But anyways how does the middle large turret look? It's the one that is nearly finished.
  22. Actually most of Bain's books have that element in them in some way any how. Remember his stort story works? As for Effectors I'm beginning to think that those are basically advanced and realistic usage of virtual particles Knight26, You are digging your self a fairly nasty little hole that will trip you up later on.
  23. Try lack of them. The units are just now starting to meet demands as can be seen by the increasingly reduced number of overpriced ebay units for sale. Konami would be utter fools for not porting it over. More units sold means more money. The intial development cost is the worst and is usually remade by the original release, porting is far cheaper because generally no additional media needs to be developed only recoding. Unless you have a DOOM3 senario.
  24. Unless the script was changed alot Megs doesn't go any further then this movie.
  25. Not alot of poly's really some where around 25-50,000 and many of the ones you see in the thrusters insides won't be there come finishing time. Plenty of time. It'll be textures... when I get a computer that will handle the model better and that's a ways off. Thanks for the feedback!
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