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Everything posted by chrono

  1. Gainax doing original!?!
  2. Zombie Flick + Tarantino = Stylized Autopsies But maybe he'll find his true calling and only start putting out gore movies instead of the other stuff that he pushs as movies. *begins to wonder what he could do with a Toxic Avenger remake....*
  3. *sigh* Another Gainax copy/paste anime, but one with a main female character that's happy to get her melons rubbed. Nice healthy pillow!
  4. Most of the show was painful, not just the intro. It started out fairly ok-ish with the 'dark hero' bit, but it quickly spiraled into WTF!?!? land.
  5. Yeah I think I'll be skipping this one also. It's gonna be a short series anyways because of the sheer amount of 3D that they've been using just in the first 2 episodes is gonna put a big hole in their budget. I did find it kinda neat how they are using pacific 'the ring of Fire' and hinted at the legend of the Mu via the dagger. However I found it horribly stereotypical with the 'base' similar in shape to several others. The pacing is nearly as bad because you never get a breath the entire show. I seriously hope that Kawamori only did the designs and had nothing to do with the rest of the show.
  6. Those legs look pretty damned solid right now. I can't tell due to the gray on gray, but did you put a slight curve on the legs front? Gonna do ALL 3-4 versions of the Regult? *but crap now MY Regult will have to go into stand by mode because I'm not gonna work on one while someone else is! Ah well I've got those orthos of Tenchi ships...* On the VF low poly. It depends. Do you need the full model as scale reference? If not then I'd just copy the attachment faces of where the FP rests and save the copied geometry and FP work to a file and simply NOT save the scene that you did it in to avoid changes to the VF.
  7. *shrugs* Don't know yet. (damn 56k dial-up) But I think that it got torpedoed by the 2 other mecha shows that came out as well. One by Gonzo and 1 by Xebec.
  8. The Artbook is really wishful thinking at best unless the Magazine they are shown in either has a 'best of' Annual book or they spend thousands backtracking the mess of copyright, nation laws, international laws, and pending court cases that maybe connected to it... it's more then likely not gonna happen Besides the guy/magazine is somewhat clueless when it comes to that, after reading the blogpage. They try'ed to copyright a photography of an image. lol
  9. *PST!* the raws are out...
  10. All right now that it's 4-3 how many hows do I have to wait for the raw? I was doing a little referencing and found that Kawamori was a very busy person the last year and will be this year. Apparently he is also going to direct an original work called Space-Time Wars with Studio 4oC sometime in July 7-7!
  11. UN Spacy, Looks more like a horrible kit-bash rather then a thoughtful design. Trekkies have pretty much exhausted the semi-descent possibilities and I see several of fan influences immediately. But I'm not expecting anything from the movie, especially with Jennifer Garner being hinted at being in the film.
  12. I've only watched the 1st episode. But I didn't think that it was bad nor great. It's middle of the road anime, however and I just can't see myself buying the series at all! Probably because I've gotten tired of the Japanimation European settings. The cultural complexity is nice, but once the plot kicks in out the window it'll go. It does have a character maturity level that is becoming slightly more a rarity though! Watch on TV or a NetFlicks at max is my suggestion.
  13. I've still got the low poly control mesh in my back-up files, which was around 3000 faces. But with spring here I just don't feel like sitting in front of a computer.....
  14. No, it had the fighters and alien ships that went faster then Mach 13+ and fired energy loops.
  15. *doesn't remember seeing the second episode of S.O.S.* It's not guarenteed but with the quality looking like a Madhouse work and the pedigree that the show has I can't see why it wouldn't beyond the problem of cost.
  16. Saw the GoW2 advert 3 times durign the weekend and 2 MotoSport spots(delish!). I'm still waiting for the game that will make me want to drop the money on the system. GT has turned into EverQuest, wtf!, and many of the other games simply lack any good gamer depth.
  17. I'd rather that they learned the techniques from M0. Actually I hope that they've already started on the new Macross because refining techniques often takes longer than actually learning to use them. And I think that it premiers on 4-3.
  18. Basically 'the little details' and a 'low' amount of Super moves.
  19. I thought that the drop-out part was very smartly done! Not much excessive movement, slightly boring to watch though... But why go for realism? The jet/walker separation already destoried that premise, as did the further morphing of the walkers body. Hopefully there will be a better version posted this weekend.
  20. Nice little plot twist ne?
  21. Sadly if you actually believe that then you are truly ignorant of contracts and the reality of business. Money = Control Popularity = Control Rights = Whoever lies best in Court, has the most money, and the best lawyers(or gets a socially bias judge). This is NOT my viewpoint of capitalism but the viewpoints of the large japanese publishing company's that control what is going on in the business. But my point was never about this garbage "artist control vs company's" anyways. It was solely about the comments which I've already covered, cultural impressions and differences are meaningless where paid artists are concerned. Paided artists are not altruistic, in any culture. Sure paided artists can have an opinion, but it's an opinion that is completely empty of worth in the face of the cash in their hand. ----- Graham that's good to know. Not really informative though.... :/
  22. Secondary panel lines are mostly done(still have some to do on the stern area), including the larger details. I Also have placed temporary markers for the Missile turrets and finalized all of the beam turrets places, and unless I can get my weapons under 2000 faces I'm not going to place any on the model except for specific scene renders. Just too many weapons with too high a poly count... Did a color test with the bow and it's finished trench.
  23. First off I never said anything about "rights". I said control. Rights and Control are a totally different ballpark when a contract is involved. Virtual ever manga published has it written into the publishing contract that they are willing to have the work turned into an show based on their work. Also the publishers have other options written into the contract allowing a large amount of leeway in publishing the work. No doubt this may also includes possible international relations. J-artists only get any leeway when they are making the publisher money via books or anime, ie very popular. Popularity = bargining power = control Yeah Images did try to do it that way where they thought the publishers should come to them. Yeah Image really did good didn't they. Less then Darkhorse status. *sigh* My point was that NO artist/director can say jack about somethings when they signed a contract for it and are getting paid to do it, especially on the topics of ethics/righteousness when talking about 'denying' other nation publishing. Wave money at them and they sit, rollover, and beg. (See the Tenjho Tenge/CMX debacle) Anyways any REAL news on the show?
  24. Yes a large amount of anime is directed for the native audience, that's a world wide theme. "A)" is about as incorrect as it can get because those so called 'artists' sign away a good amount of control when it gets made for monetary reasons, so their 'righteousness/ethics' takes a nice little hit and renders their idealism without weight of conviction. "B)" is the usual egoist director comment. Just like when Lucas craps on his critics and critical fans. Thank Buddha those insane crackpots are a dying breed! "TOPIC DOWN" "TOPIC DOWN!" "I REPEAT! TOPIC DOWN! I just hope that Satoshi Kon doesn't get into the project..... my head would explode from joy!
  25. Basara reminds my far too much of Minmay's cousin, but with a bigger part. Basara would've been a better character if he was a modernized monk from a no-sex sect. LOL! Now that would've been fun. This Basara though belongs in NGE. But yeah for all the more I want to hate Gamlin, he's actually a great character who actually shows some real growth as a character.
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