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Everything posted by chrono

  1. The 8.25" size is more in line with the concept art because of the angle of the front cover being more correct. It would also allow you to have more leeway with the shown floor's thickness(which i see as about 8-10' thick). IMO!
  2. I suggest that you go and look up the various related articles with Lost Tale as part of it's subject. This is HIS personal project with money not being as big an issue as you may think. Also you should go and re-watch the interviews attached to the dvd collection because it made more money in DVD format than it did during it's tv run. Really now if people won't touch an anime boxed set that has over 400 minutes on it when it's priced more than 50 dollars. Those same people sure as hell won't pay 75-100 bucks for 4 single story's at around 300 minutes with incredibly little bonus features. Besides there is NOTHING guaranteeing the story's quality other than the names involved and it's title. With TV shows & movies you have a very good idea of what you are getting.
  3. I'm as big a fanboy as anyone, but 24.98 for 75 minutes and only a single bonus feature? Pass. I'll wait for the collection.
  4. Oh god..... she would've just SNAPPED because Kaji would've just dropped her like he did Risako. If that would've happened before the angel rape part... god knows what she would've done to Shinji to cover up her own issues. But it really is a shame that they haven't stated that they are giving her, Asuka, movie time. And if it's Rei's part then it's gonna be fairly boring.
  5. I think that Sylar is like Peter in the way that he can use only 1 "Learned" power plus his innate power. Ultraboy +1. lol And it does seem to point in the direction of "If both or one of the parents have powers their children also have them." doesn't it. I just hope she doesn't have any, but I can't help but wonder about Nathan's kids... I'm really starting to hate Hiro's story. It's just gotten so stupidly Quantum Leap/Star Trek that it's just lame. The whole parallel time jump that happened before the break made me go 'ugh!' but the current "meets himself" is just horrible bs. It wouldv'e been better if he would've lost the time shift portion of his powers, but kept the space shifting portion.
  6. Yeah given how many airplanes had machine guns and ships had machine gun like flak cannons.
  7. Well THAT most definately explains just why it's so incredibly shattershot in delivery!
  8. Yeah at least Asuka had a solid healthy reason for being so messed up.
  9. Well it could actually be the last 5 for this set of characters and storyline, unless they pull some type of gimmick rabbit outta there hat. Frankly Heroes has a lot in common with Evangelion in the way that the cast is basically made up of screwed up people.
  10. Agreed, but by the released film captures the quality is at Gainax levels of inconsistancy.
  11. Well much of the Japanese design theory isn't based on visual appeal like many of the western designs are. You have dozens of cultural, religious, historical,and societal influences. Western designers tend to remove the excess and make them to look viable, mainly designing the mecha for a specific use and that it looks logic and more or less like a machine. The Japanese tend to design with the entire setting in mind and not just a sole usage, though you do see it on occasion. RahXephon, Evangelion, Mazinger, GetterRobo(Go Nagai designs in general), and Atom are all excellent examples of depth of influence. - RahXephon for example has highly defined 'slabs', high usage of long clean lines, uses a Gold/Blue/White color scheme, and looks more like an idealized human/god figure from an ancient past rather than a mecha designed for war. So there was a HUGH amount of historical, societal, and philosophical influence from it's setting. - Evangelion had even MORE such ideals worked into it's designs. O1 for example has a distinctive head design that clearly hints at the historical Japanese warrior, and the other EVA's also have a design that reflects their user/pilot. The highly defined human body styles that the 'mecha' are given help to further focus the viewer on the human element rather than the mechanical nature of the mecha itself. - Mazinger & GetterRobo some of the first 'giant robots' show clear sentai influences as well as societal influences with somewhat 'proud' looking head designs giving them a thud-like attitude heavily contrasting their simple body styles. It can be argued Western designers simply don't go the extra mile to breath a unique look/feeling into their designs.
  12. That would be pretty much a given seeing how there is already a coupla figures out for the anime. Hope'n BOME will do a Yoko figure...
  13. It's waiting to be dl'ed, but once I saw G-Gundam listed and it's lacking first episode.... Well I've been thinking about removing it.
  14. Yeah I see what you mean. What I suggest is that you build the leg so that it doesn't have any slanting to it. That way your working with less complex angles than building it in place. The legs don't slant that much at all and most of the angle can be dealt with by the 'knee' joint. Also a tip. Throw down some rough primitives first before you start a build. This way you have some idea what issues may come up later on and can plan ahead on how to handle them!
  15. EPIC LOLS! @ the OVA remark. I've seen better 'quality' in Hentai. And Gainax is just as prone to 'stock character types' as Gonzo, Madhouse and every other studio out there is. Just look at Heroic Age and don't tell me it looks like it's made from spliced together GUNDAM: SEED materials! LOLZ
  16. I'll NEVER go near eBay. I'd use eBay if I could handle the goods, but not otherwise.
  17. WAITAMINUTE! There are 3 american comic book styled releases and in total only a single GN!?!? Well damn, I may have found several copies then!
  18. Great news! It's a shame though because know it's gonna be incredibly hard to find, stupidly expensive, or only findable on low quality book sellers. Can you give me the publishing date & the ISBN from each book that way it's easier to avoid buying duplicates or a novel version.
  19. I just found some scanlated Gunhed manga. Has this ever been officially translated? http://img135.imageshack.us/my.php?image=h...headp000sy9.jpg
  20. Heh! She's THE defining Moe-blob.
  21. Wow it actually got translated!
  22. LOL! Bandai wants you too and with the 'increased production costs of HD anime' you will see anime head into the 35-38 for 3 episodes and stay there.
  23. After watching the first 5 episodes of Macross and taking notes on my sketchpad, I made some clearly required changes that I think address some of the points made from earlier.
  24. The Glaug & it's Booster is Kawamori's, as is the Fighter Pod, Neo Glaug, and Varible Glaug. Most of the tranforming vehicles are his work. Rodavan, oh I plan to! Thanks anyways.
  25. Anime I'd have to say around 85-90%, but it would be higher if I had the more current seasons & the cheap boxsets of 70's material(Manzinger, GetterRobo, G-Force, etc)available. But when it comes to cartoons realistically it's less then 35%.
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