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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. in the vastness of spacccccceeeeeeeeeee..... No One can hear you fart... unless you got a hot mic....
  2. Nice pic but it totally screws away a chance for Bandia to sell a VF-19 variant kit... or even something else...
  3. that's all fine... but i still don't understand how to get these songs from here online to my phone... what's the mechanics to do send these files from here to my phone? do i email them to the phone number?
  4. ... I guess not every episode can be like 'City on the Edge of Forever...' Neutral.
  5. Me is stupid... how do i get these from here to my phone? Never gotten a outside ringtone beyond what came with my phone... I use a Samsung T-Mobile phone btw..
  6. Master Dex, i just thought of something. make you avatar a gif, with the full head camera glancing up briefly and then reverse it for the loop...
  7. YOU! Back away from the crack! Keep yer hands high, where i can see 'em! Just GIVE ME A REASON! Just one and... and... i'll summon Dozens of Ninja Kittens on you! There! Cuddle Kittens!
  8. it's just... this episode (besides generating massive amounts of mecha jizz ) generated tones of WTF? to a sheer volume... to generally drive the topic bus into oncoming traffic... *sigh* Wish my bro was around... i'd bury his ear in OMG-WTF-XPlain! commentary... pretty sure he'd hate (He was a Moony and Ranma 1/2 fiend)
  9. Most everyone that's posted think it's NUNS. I am still uncertain/unconvinced. The crescent looks the same but no circle with the crescent. That is, the symbol on the VF-27 doesn't match exactly what's been seen on the VF-171. That's why i don't think the VF-27 is from HUMAN/ZENTRAN United Nations Space Forces. It's just done too much interferance to be friendly... it's like Dallas/Bobby Heuwing all over again...
  10. not to free it. if the VF-27 would have been helping, it would have shot at the tenticles... my frigging heads hurts from all this confusion...
  11. Checked the screenies but something screens wrong here. a shoulder patch doesn't make a logo. Has Cathy's patch BEEN SEEN ON THE VF-171? that's what's gonna convince me that the VF-27 is NUNS, that the same logo vaguely seen on the undewrwing of the VF-171 is also seen on the wings of the VF-171's. ok, i spent a bit of time looking various Youtubes of Eps 1 (The Elint VF-171 gives the best evidence of the NUNS kite logo) and i'm firm on the VF-27 not being NUNS.... yeah the wing kite has the bent horse collar (it's what the NUNS kite looks to me) but the wing lighting isn't good enough to see the circle that wraps around the horse collar on the NUNS kite... and the lettering isn't NUNS... you can make out 101 on the tail end of the lettering so it's a logo, just NUNS's logo. this is nuts and i'm gonna stop argueing (I'm hooked. i'm *&^%ing hooked and i want to know ALL about this new wrinkle in the beer can soup The Froating Head has cooked for us.) cause the logo looks too close. i'm really starting to think we know nothing about the current political players of Macross. Just how many goverments exist? If the VF-27 does belong to a different political entity from NUNS and is a foe of it, this series just got a whole hella murkier.... More Mecha Pr0n please?
  12. WHERE EXACTLY..... *coff* *coff* does it say that the VF-27 is affiliated with NUNS? I mean, the SMS fighters would have IFF'd the fighter as friendly once they were seen (It seem ludicruse that in light of passing information back and forth between colony fleets, as well as back to the core worlds of humanity, that current designs wouldn't be indentifiable as non-hostiles? Like i've fussed at Togo about, the VF-27 very much a foe to NUNS & SMS...
  13. screen cap. now plz. I didn't see one. i mean all we've seen only any NUNS mecha is the letters... what does the symbol LOOK like? Pics now! Shneel! Shneel!
  14. Ok, i wet myself... Now to await some sub's on youtube... -The VF-27 is most definately a foe, most certainly Varja or aligned with the Varja. When Alto lifted Luca's arm, in turn making his Valkyrie fire rounds to free itself, the VF-27's reaction (disarming the EVF-25's gunpod) was extremely meant to keep them contained and handled (the continued keeping aim on a clearly defencely opponent shows Hostile Intent). Now the why it left once the Varja carrier opened it's mouth to fire? perhaps he (the VF-27 Pilot) guessed that the battle was lost... Certainly Alto will take personally any grudge matchs in the future. my two cents? The pilot of the VF-27 is a descendant of Shin Kudo (Didn't he play a instrument in zero?), maybe Varja and clearly a foe of the human/zentran races... with a thing for hot pants and idol singers... More mecha porn plz?
  15. Not every original, using Che's as templates but still finger licking good...
  16. we'll see them if Papa Bandai wants to sell them... though The Froating Head's explaination about not wanting to use the VF-19 for CF duties on MF sounds allot like why we never saw any CF Connies in TNG or DS9, where as we saw every frigging Miranda, Excelsior or Oberth in starfleet... but again, i'll bet the people paying the Froating Head told him what they did want...
  17. Begins the ritualistic Beating of sad clod Misa with a Bubblewrap Baseball bat Please continue, good sir. I live for those comments that explains all the crap that makes me go WTF?
  18. So did they annonce the name of the VF-25? is it really Messiah?
  19. did they? i though Macek couldn't air Macross alone because (at the time) 36 episodes wasn't enough for sindication?
  20. Already then. The Lobsters use SWAG as well as Folding. Can someone NOT tell me the end events of Zero have nothing to do with MF? and judging from the views ya'll provided, the Red Lobsters have 3 modes of flight? and externally controlled... Lobsters = Bio-Ghosts CAV's?
  21. I agree. they humped the VF-1 to death and have yet to produce any models of the VF-4 or 11. they could make loads just from the VF-11 and all the ool accessories (dual speed brakes! movable canards!)
  22. you of course assume all is not well in the UN... as long as people are NOT OPPRESSED, why would a insurection need to exist? unless of course, some people were forced to go along with all these colony flights? The question about rebellions in the Macross fictional timeline is good. and allowing the events of VF-X2 to be cannon (does the PTB concurr that VF-X2 is cannon macross history?), then it has happened at least once. How many threats has humanity faced since they took to the stars on the Colonization Binge post-space war one? how many different Zentradi fleets have the various colony fleets meet (assuming they survived the meeting. does anyone know how many total colony fleets exist compared to how many fleets have been destroyed?) and im still fuzzy about the Vartula. where they the 'Inspection forces' mentioned in SDFM? or in light of DYRL, did that aspect of the back story change, too? seeing the events of DYRL in the OP for MF speaks volumes and i believe the cannonity for Macross as a whole HAS changed from the TV series... Raymond: The Pink Pecker VF is still IFF-off atm (everybody agrees it'll be a foe but what faction it serves TBD) and the Girlboy is also TBDGender. Some people said He/she is the Battle 25's IA but is that comfirmed? Sure doesn't look like Cortana to me. The pics doesn't suggest boobage either but how knows... maybe Girlboy will be Alto's Kaworu Nagisa
  23. on the assumption that Mao and Sheryl are related, it puts to rest that the survivors from the Island did moved to South Atara Island and to the SDF-1. and here's more beer cans for the stew. having seen the OP for the series now, does this mean that DYRL is the official continuity now for the frantise? Macross always had the ARMD's (or rather liked up with surviving ships post DRYL-Game?) and never had the promethous/Dandalos, Badoza's ship always looked like a 'Bloomin Onion!' and not a large painfully passed object? kinda like when ST: The Slowtion Picture came out, the Klingons always had forheads.... until Trials & Tribbulations, of course cause i really hate Robowrech in all it's glory afterall, but do we really want them to keep it? hells, their SDF-3 doesn't even transform!!!
  24. TU. the - is added since in all CBT literature, that's how they print the ranks in books. TU, again sir. I glanced at the 1st part of the sub on Youtube (can you guess how long it'll be on?) and the only real fault is the overuse of certain musical scores. make more, or reuse some older stuff. I love the action best when the music dictates the action (Clearly seen in the DC version of the Pilot, also crystal in the Earth-Bound battle in Macross + Movie) the bugs definately want Ranka or Sheryl, or both. Lets hope O learned his own noob mistake for letting his gaurd down around a damaged but clearly still dangerous Red Lobster i.e. back off and range the soon-to-be-butter-covered fiend...
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