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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. I keep seeing people bitching about reton info & specifications for the Vf-19 series but maybe there's another way to look at this. One way, is that, unlike Star Trek, where pretty much one person's been in charge of keeping the cannon material straight (Mike Okuda), is that more than a few pep's get to write all the nice fluff for us to salavate over... and they might not be talking to each other to keep thier notes as straight as we'd hope... another, unlikely but if this was REAL, then i'd figure it would occur... the specs change because of location. A VF-19 might operate at certain figures and specification on one system (on-plant & local space within that system) and will very likely have different specs in another system. the numbers will always be non-specific because noplace will be the same in terms of athmosphere density at surface range, temperatures, etc... anyway i just hate reading about fussing and finger pointing (unless finger is said used to cause farts... o.O) where is this pic of the VC-19. what is it and i LIKE that phantom VF-19. that looks preeeety.
  2. Interesting design, this 'VF-32'. Is this supposed to be a local planetary interseptor, simular to the role the F-16 (or the japanesse version of the Falcon, forget the name & specs...) the artist gets BZ's from me. lotta thought & love put into the artestry...
  3. I think we should reboot TNG before we get a Macross reboot... or we should finally get Battletech (a properly never realized outside of 13 episodes of highly forgetable semi-cannon material, as far as TV or cable is concerned) before Macross. IF, the Gods help me, IF they finally get past the legal battles amoungst themselves in Japan, get over the steel nails and glass hurtles that Disharmony Mold still places over the propery, only then will people in all corners of the world (well, maybe not in aphyganville, those arsewhipes...) will get to partake in Deculturing. that, would be teh cool if or when that happens. but you gotta finish the japanesse legal fights and finally get HG to support the endevior, not hamper or even prevent it but anything happens.... everything else is pointless fan whapping...
  4. TehPW

    VF Girls

    My 1st tatoo... mind the saran wrap and large amounts of lotion to heal it... hurt like hell but is gorgious on the back of my right calve... for a brief moment, i was considering the VF my whole lower leg (still plan to add the Circle thingies and VF above my ankle and exhaust thingie on the back)... I got it done at CJ's Piercings & Tattoo in Cleveland, as part of the Civility Program i'm enjoying while on Terminal Leave...
  5. Those versions of the Imai kits that Revell had gotten... yeah, brings back loving memories. Awesome kits to build. Remember driving my mom nuts with all the 100 & 72 scale kits i hung from the ceiling...
  6. Sure. Every sucky movie has potential to go to Blockbuster...
  7. Battletech fans hate Disharmony Mold because they failed to understand the legal back story (me included). FASA, after reading the 'propaganda' (Ok, based on the podcasts, maybe he's pro-HG. doesn't mean he's on the payroll ), clearly screwed up with their lawsuit to playmates, first. after that, they got it in the rear as reprisal. I didn't get a pro-this/pro-that from the blog. just clarity, since i've read various versions of what happened in the legal case. it seems cut and dry. FASA screwed up. and because of that, it rippled across dozens of fronts. what changed after that? well, one thing, FASA was more selective on illustrations for their mechs. They went out of thier way to make sure the designs didn't look like HG products (or perhaps anything else being made in japan at that time) which is why there was a maked decline in design art (3060 curvetech and huge honking barrels, anyone?). You also saw how the computer games was affected. from the many, many designs (yeah Activision's take on CBT designs was quaint, based on the computer tech availible on Win95 systems and then Win98) to less. and less consistancy since the property changed hands (did Activision drop mechwarrior because of the Lawsuits of FASA/HG? probably, since they dropped Star trek properties just as quick a decade later with Nemesis's epic fail in box office) no consistance vision of the game exists... meh, im ranting irrationally. *waves*
  8. So what is HG's status on Macross? Do they still claim some sh*te on the original artwork from Macross-TV? The warhammer art, i think, is from the their upcoming 25th anniversery book, in homage to one the versions of the orignal box sets back in the 80's. *looks at the entry on DSC's main page* Well, it's the pose of the artwork... but that design... hmm, have to look at it better. it's too roundy for my tastes.
  9. http://www.dropshipcommand.com/forum/dcboa...=7784&page= http://www.classicbattletech.com/forums/in...ic,53514.0.html Uh? I was gonna post on DSC but i've been a lurker for years on DSC, as well as ©BT. So i figured i'd ask here, since it's the legal How-teh-&^%$-did Catalyst pull it off? that sparked my curiousity on this topic. So, since i think all of you are smarter than me, explain to me in little words (or mind-thrust me with the big words) how this is gonna work and how, if they even care it seems, will Disharmony Mold will react?
  10. Gentlemen! Behold! FRANKENSTEINER! .... wtf? did a VF-17 and VF-11 accidently get beamed together here?
  11. in my mind's eye, during the first attack in DYRL, i see VF-1's and VA-3's in flight, to the toon of Def Leppard's Rocket i see the Invader as a contenporariy of the Valkyrie, just like Intruders and Tomcats... plus i just like how 'Bomb-truck-ish' the VA-3 is. it's the Y-wing fighter of Macross....
  12. *hits the Retcon button several dozen times* pretty sure if Macross was edited or recreated for modern audiances, the transformation method of the VF-0 would be used for the VF-1 as well. why? because the newer method is better, more believable and still cannon. line-art is fine but it's the toys that sells a TV show and since most VF-1's made by the PTB, use the swing method. anything else is anime magic... wait... whut?
  13. I spent a month out at sea waiting to see the last two episodes.... and i really need pants.... obviously the DVD's will be worth to masturbate to, story wise. The triangle is open ended, something not quite done before (ok maybe how M7 ended left lots of honest reasons for the M7 OVA's but really. they made those for $), reasons for a sequel of sorts. doesn't look like a second season is to be had but.... glorious. 10, 10, 10. all my bitching aside, i give the series a 10 (then again, i gave M+ 10's too) of course.... does this mean Alto is gonna be a polygamist?
  14. it's just reminders of why we burn heritics with glee.... and to think i spent $ on those comics, the fool i was (So young, so loved homotech when i was little) though the original organic look of Harmful Goblin's STD-3 comes from the Paladian books, correct? funny... Homotech themselves hit the Retcon button. I wish someone dry humped the button so we can get a macross SDF recon brought to the US finally, without any legal dogs following the feces droppings... :/ Teasing aside, TU protoculture for reminding me of how old i'm getting *smirk* been a long time since i've seen anything 'Comico'...
  15. /me pulls into port to flog RichterX with chains and wet noodles.... Heritic! You shall BURN! BURN at the steak! (You want your steak to be Well done or Very well done, sir? ) (Off topic) Who do i ask to get my name tag edited? from pensives_wetness to Pensive's Wetness? (On Topic) for the finale, d3v, your suggestion is probably what will occur (it would be so fitting since it's Alto's higher calling, after all...). Now the worry part is execution. how they gonna pull it all off?
  16. Certainly is the way to go if you want to shed unwanted or undesirable materials, such as materials you can't make any money off, anymore (Harmful Goblins, anyone). With all the legalize around the properties of SDFM, DYRL, M+, M7 (series) and MF, it's hella harder for those folks on Ze island to keep things cannon. Imagine if TOS was radioactive legally compared to TNG or later era shows? would that mean that ENT really was the base line cannon? lots of people, i hope, prefer the cannon smack on the shoulders goes to DYRL. I mean, HG can't touch DYRL, doesn't dare touch it. But HG 'owns' their copy of SDFM and because of that complete shite pile, SK will always, ALWAYS have incentive to move away from SDFM, chaing things in any way possible. I personally wish they would hit the reset button and recreate SDFM, to a modern audiance and with legalists in tow to ensure HG can suck radiator fluid. In a way, they did when they recreated DYRL. of course, when DYRL was made, the intent was far different (make some more $ on popular property... i'll talk more on this when i'm less volitile. as for the Eps 24? I'm excited but i gotta wait a couple weeks more before i look at ther mecha pr0n...
  17. i wonder.... if some did a LARP of that segment, acting, what kind of reaction would one have? To me, clearly Grace was seriously horny/getting off at SUCCESS. She did get lead to the bug homeworld after all. so my question is this: Are we gonna see the Macross Galaxy suddenly showing up to take the spoils from what ever survives the Varja/MF battle to come?
  18. Cripes (Actually someone else ) I can't wait for the subs... what did Grace say when Ranka remembered the falling WTF-4, brere pushing her into the excape pod and then flash back to reality.... with grace looking at her (assumed etherally/ghosting/whatever). is the object inside ranka what allows grace to watch in such a fashion? is it cybernetic? obviously a fold gem is involved but what exactly? *drools* Please... Season 2. SK, i implore you... and do they have MF bumperstickers out?
  19. i thought that was some place else, that O's place was destroyed (based on how O and Pres's Daughter were moving around, picking up the doll, that S'cat hiding around) in Ep 22?
  20. 2 episodes left.... and for all this what if's.... here's the H-Bomb: Season 2? you think they can enclose all the sh*te Macross Galaxy is upto? Since i keep getting confusing vibs (Wiped out? Hidding in the shadows for the right time for SA for 4d6 damage? ) either way, i'd be pissed if ONLY 25 episodes get made. How is MF doing financially in gross market sales?
  21. Maybe i'm cofusing episodes here (two weeks underway does that) but what ship was destroyed by... blimping out? (might be 20. Youtube is my only link for MF) interesting end. Ranka willing goes with her brother. that's why she fled, she knows brera-bot is KIN. overall good episodes...
  22. i waited two weeks to look at this.... *&^%ing floored.... poor micky.... all those locust getting mowed.... god i had a hard-on with all that Destroid action....
  23. I wonder how many drag queens in SF (for the pride parades) dressed up as Alto or Sheryl? I know someone who'd know. I think i'll ask her....
  24. :3 Oh Reilly? The Turkey Baster (and how it's used) should make for fascinating reading
  25. +1 Possitive Vote. I am Happy and confused again (the good, pins & Needled confused) i seem to recall saying Grace's agenda being very Jihadist, that is very narrow focused. Her utter callous treatment of Sheryl is one thing, but keeping her alive? If she admitted all that to her, has she no fear of investigation by NUNS authority? or does she assume that Sheryl won't say anything out of fear of disclosure of how far from the gutter she's climbed in her career... as a idol singer. Wow. You know what? THAT'S IT. Grace sneers at Sheryl, holding the trump card that Sheryl IS dispossable, her 15 min's ticking away.... at 50% off.
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