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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. all i read is wishing that your Avatar (or girls who look like your avatar) do more porn. She is SO Yoko/Alita....
  2. actually Gubaba, i would have been happier with larger caps... maybe neon lighting. but really? isn't this horse amply humped enough? It never came out in public. would the UNS allow a hero's name to be sullied like that? Hell, no, the coms traffic between Isamu & Guld, during the guild squence would never see the light of day and Guld was likely double promoted to the highest warrent rank, if not Captain, and Isamu & Myune would likely never mention it either. (They never did before, because of their sympathy to his genetics) think enough is enough. Until i get god power to smite Harmony Gold from the planet and Cameron or someone created a single TV season of M+ episodes (since im good, i just want 7 seasons of Macross, each year covering a different series in the property), *sigh* i dont wanna think about it...
  3. very nice. only thing i ask is, detail on the skull eneblems on the cockpits in Battroid. black line the white bone so it stands out more... other than that, very impressive CGI...
  4. this might have been asked previously but, for the japanesse and other folks living in that portion of the world, what is ya'll take on Robotech? is the whole concept pretty much a laughing stock?
  5. but there's no advantage for it. all the view it provides (unless the head actually rises up from the airframe) is some views from a certain angle above the back of the plane, and nothing directly behind the plane... even the firing behind is useless unless the fighter banks upward suddenly... it's just a gribble, nothing more...
  6. TehPW

    VF Girls

    *Asists* Hey? How come someone let out the slav, er, Artists? Get back to work!
  7. *mumbles* Put that linkie on your tag line & people might take a look... otherwise it just looks like spam...
  8. Isamu, for all the reasons already spoken for... why wasn't the 2 lead pilots from MII:LA not on the list? oh NM, they are there, sorry...
  9. don't we just bannify spam trolls or tools who just don't post here (4? where else do you spam, boss?) and least i took the time to post a avatar, Lolz
  10. Sketch, is it possible some thrust is generated from above the engines vis the two wide mouth vents on the upper dorsal shoulder blades of the airframe? either somehow linked by ducting from the leg nacelles to the shoulder block or self generating within the shoulder block? something that produce the same amount of thrust put out by those foot-exhaust mounted deflectors? looking at the pics, i actually am intreged...
  11. No, it wasn't Tak. It very Neatly wraps some plot threads from TNG. After all, that episode is the chain starter (potentialally) for the whole gig)ok maybe not...
  12. where to begin... Ok for Episode 1... an NC-8A for Support Equipment? LOL The JDB's need linkages... Still, that was pretty impressive for Stop-motion photography... HOWever, upon viewing part 3.... ROFL that was so In Harms Way...
  13. yeah.... but the only source of these crystals are from dead Varja, correct? Thus creation of the term, Conflict Fold Crystals? After all, Macross Frontier fleet did gleefully declare war on one particular faction/nesting group of Varja and forced them to leave their planet*. maybe the Japanesse might think that's cool but History shows that Might Makes Right makes for famous and reviled peoples, depending on which side of the winner's circle your in... *yeah, yeah, yeah toss in the bear cans into the stew, including that it was Macross Galaxy controlling the Varja & Ranka communicating that it was good idea for the Varja to leave since the foreigners were invading but still
  14. in Alien, I vaguely recall during the decent of the grounding ship of some kind of scream outside the vessel as they passed low mountains around them. Perhaps the creature?
  15. The Thunderbolt is weak as sh*t? Really? I think ill go back to wrapping presents & Listening to NPR than even give that doosh even a wink of thought. serious, that guy the a$$hat Robofan you been bashing about? Just a reminder, youtube allows even the stupidest people they're -15 seconds of fame. I mean, Robotech is what got me interested in Macross but please! his comparison is like, oh.... pointless. My cat could own his line of thought simply by walking over my keyboard... LOL *plays FOO Fighters's The Pretender*
  16. TU Seto. I am smarter now than before. Basically in a nut shell, HG is the sole cause of why Macross property owners in japan will NOT EVER try to bring over anything Macross to the US, nor will any TV production or outfit (example: Cartoon Network/Adult Swim would never try to purchase the rights to air any Macross property not already beachheaded head [M+, maybe MII:LA], nor will properties like Battletech/Mechwarrior ever get live action or animated in any format by a US or foreign-based animation studio because of the inherant risks possed by HG. Now some questions... One: Macross & realted properties ARE aired world-wide otherwise, exept in random countries that HG has inffluence, right? does some american companies that hold foreign interests (like overseas version of SiFi or CN/AS) play Macross? or does it air exclusively on foreign marker cable networks? Two: what are the odds someone buys out the portion of HG that controls macross properties (not nessessarly for OUR interests). It that the requirement before someone would finally dare to purchase the rights to air macross in any form or sell the merchandice as well?
  17. ok i know i missed 'yesterday's' news but when was HG active legally in harrassing fanfilm makers? is this fananime or like life-action not-for-profit deals (like the many Star Trek fanfilm makers)? links please?
  18. wow. what else commercially does China steal? is there a DDO or WoW version of those properties played by the masses of... well... what ever?
  19. Sketchley was Brainy smurf in a pastlife... or (with his own rap music theme by Ice Cube) if this was Counter Strike... still im hella smarter because of both of you...
  20. is it me or or is that VF-1j head different than even the current version seen in the line art or the actual Macross the first? the eye slit looks... meaner. artist intent?
  21. OMFG. ok. they should, SHOULD retoanime this serial. I have a very raging mecharosal to deal with...
  22. If they ever do another serial, once they finish Vigorously thrusting upon the dead corpse of MF, if i was god & wanted to make $ as well as good story, i'd want to see more fleet vs fleet combat, where one group of humanity has returned to its base habits of prey & covetting another's possessions or resources. Basically a repeat of perhaps what ended the protoculture's rein of power. certainly very simular themes have been played out in Gundam, Battletech, even Star Wars & Star trek to more or less a fashion. perhaps, as a nod to battletech, being that former friendly assets of the NUNS attack earth? and to see which colonies of earth take sides?
  23. since when is the method of later VF's transformation anything like origami? i like the site but it started to stray from being useful to a rant quickly as you read sections of it...
  24. %$#@ SiFi. With a stick.
  25. like i said, the a$$hat was talking for a moment... anyway, that was your cue for insight, Talos. I b*tched, you corrected. (That's &^%$ing Team work!)
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