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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. i just wish someone/s with more money than brains would buy the RT rights from HG so then they can make their money back with Macross property rights from japan (and thus putting RT into a box ala Raiders of the Lost Arc). has HG ever tried to get the rights to air macross anything? or if they did, have the japanesse basically told HG to scr*w themselves silly, in spite?
  2. ...who said all goverments were created equal (and not filled with despots, royalty or elected retards?)?
  3. http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2011/03/14/134532391/crisis-in-japan-heres-how-to-help the biggest screw up you could do is get scammed. so be very careful of who you give to, donation wise.
  4. as i said in a previous thread, i really truely think we should suspend discussions on other topics until ... later. if any of those reactors go chernobyl... gods help us all...
  5. guys? in light of the devistation going on there, i think we should refrain from talking about what we love about Macross and just simply pray for that part of the world......
  6. Damian, why do you call the colorful paint jobs 'lead bird'? in Naval Aviation jargon, the painted-pretty birds in the Airwing are called CAG birds, since they are typically the only aircrafted allowed non-low vis paint scemes Examples from 'Teh Last & Teh Stupid
  7. Damian... on the engine nacelles? at the very back of the stripe next to the exhaust 'feet'... on some of the older model kits, they had numbers like 217 on this Imai VF-1J or LOLz, 217 on this Max VF-1J kit. now the numbers being the same is just plan slobbiness on part of the markers or artists... but what if you just run with the idea of those numbers being like Serial Numbers for engine nacelles? on the presumption that when VF-1 Valkyrie's engines need to be removed for extensive servicing or repair, the whole assembly is removed, either the entire leg or just the lower leg from the joint? reason why im suggesting is, because the leg supports so much weight in battroid mode, that it requires special procedures to remove the FF-200#-series motors, something that O-level (the squadron owning the aircraft) cant do. (this presumes that on what ever vessel the aircraft is assigned to, that they have spare motors or complete leg assemblies on board. *shrug* just trying to apply my understanding of how Powerplants works from a real world, carrier navy POV... anyway, think you could put that number in that location?
  8. Damian, i love you...
  9. TOPGUN.... USAF?
  10. i just showed the 1st page pics to my dad (who is a Career BF Goodrich Landing Gear techrep guy) commented about the pics. He said that 1) the brace too small/thin [i didnt try to explain things like SWAG or other overtechnolgy methods to reenforce airframe components during transformation sequences] and 2) the launch bar is a bit too short... you should model it in the upright position when the Valkyrie is taxiing (since he said if the launch bar droops and catchs something, you either bend it [Pilot goes Opps to the CAG MO] or sping the aircraft around REALLY fast [Oh sh*t]. you really should look up aircraft landing gear configs to see ideas what the bar would like in taxi position since, unlike any aircraft build after perhaps VF-4, they still used more modern catapult shuttle designs...
  11. no sh*t. if you poop on the product, or screw away how you conduct the project... of course, it'll be looked upon as hacked crap. it was great right up to the last because of the rush job. there was sequences missing that would have made more sence to make it a 6-ep OVA... in the end, it took too much time between episodes, the toys & models made wasnt as popular as result, thus the whole stigma attached to Zero... but Zero is still better than MII:LA... at least they made more stuff...
  12. who ever knows him, ^%$#ING contact him! Getting these two artists together might cause a dimentional paradox or something.... (Maybe he's on facebook?)
  13. HH, your link just directed me to spam sh*t. Please correct.
  14. i'm floored at your work (especially the nose gear). I worked Support Equipment in my time in the Navy but i always liked watching the airframes doing lift checks on Hornets & Hawkeyes (my dad did contractor level work as a 'gear man' so i had more than a little reason to want to know more about AC landing gear systems). Just looking at those beautiful CGI of the enterior bays... breath taking. I especially applaud the venier details since they retro'd their purpose a few years ago...
  15. TehPW

    VF Girls

    the problem with Danbooru is you might find tongue-in-cheek litterally with Tongue-in-between-the-cheeks if your not careful...
  16. uh hello? Youtube? kinda of a dumb topic (but then again, you guys think nerf guns are more important as a thread than, say.... fish?)
  17. can't see it, not viewable by the public. and i'll be F^%$ing damned if i ever bother to even desire to post anything other than pictures of piles of dog crap on that site... Sorry, just wanted to be over the top dramatic, my distaste for Robowreck & Disharmony Mold...
  18. it's not even worth creating an account for commenting, its so innane. Ninja Scroll was into very cool, but it was a One-shot OVA format, not a movie... somebody just told a tool, write up something & post... idiot probably saw the TV interview that was aired metioning Robotech, why it was even mentioned...
  19. *Mumbles about not allowing fish but Nerf Missle is ok....* The Only Nerf launching device i own is this pneumatic monster... and This Law Rocket
  20. There wasn't a thread about this because, occationally, Real Life posses questions you'd rather ask here than say, Facebook. Post pics of your Cats. Dogs. Fish. Humour stories. lessons learned. Insight into the mind of your uber-retarded dog (who's still smarter than you sometimes). ill start with my adventures from long ago... back in the mid 90's, i was stationed in Jacksonville, FL & living in a small 1-floor 'house' amounst woods & trailers. just east of the old Dewey 10-year houseing site of WWII fame (now offically parkland). Back then i lived with another sailor, and both of us had dogs. My roommate's was a Belgin Terv, named Deco (Decarta). Mine was this uber-retarded mutt hound named Tazz. Now Deco & Tazz pretty much ruled the back woods. Armadillos trembled in fear, usually because Deco would enjoy shaking the crap outta em. Tazz just barked. alot. several times during my stay in that part of Jacksonville, they got loose and hid, being gone a day or two, much to my dismay. But they came home, horrifically dirty & hungry, but generally well off & pleased with themselves... I also do fish, but storied about my experiances with aquariums will come later... and thoughts about 'emergency mobile rations on 4-legs' also apply here...
  21. TU for linkie. Now i will see if i can cause another train wreck elsewhere...http://flare.solareclipse.net/cgi2/ultimatebb.cgi/topic/8/1448.html?
  22. can we go ahead and lock this thread (or change the title since it's no longer valid)?
  23. after spending about 10-12 mins reading this page, watching the videos... i need to pee. someone tell me just why is that troll important (i know he isnt)... off to pee now.
  24. well i just watched a spanish subtitle of the last battle of False Diva (or The False Songstress, per wiki) on Youtube and i was memerized. In terms of cannonity, is this movie of the events that happened to MF during their engagement with the Varja & MG? I could imagine it being something along the lines of propaganda sent to other fleets. still all that mecha pr0n was Pretttttty!
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