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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. THAT is not silly. *engages flamer* I challenge you. To a DUEL! not really, but i do take offence. that image is iconic for fans of battletech. even the fluff supports the art (ref the 5 tubes on the hip that's supposed to be the LRM-20). i mean, compared to 3060 or a few of the really horrible going into Dorkage designs from TRo-3085, the 3025 Atlas art is a Cadillac. stolen? is that your opinion of the legacy of the unseen?
  2. MY erection is now the quite large now... though it is bad that you can get this on console (which is the number one means of making money nowadaze for game makers) i still SEE NOTHING that says Project Phoenix art is affected, only the original art from SFDM and other anime, as well as the art from the original TRO-3055 (becuase the artists were 3rd-party ownership).
  3. what about project phoenix? with the new art, the old imagines are still HG. the issue anew was about the Non-Macross Unseen... Reseen personally i think the folks, who ever, that run BT were retarded epically to even WANT the original images from Non-Macross. Common sence would tell you they are mother &%$ing radioactive. but... they did what they did....Derp. anyway, back to HG glory humping.
  4. I have a erection now. Thank you.
  5. i'll stick to buying from Adam & Eve, thanks.
  6. isnt the issue time displacement too (ref: AIM For The Top!) travelling in Fold Space consumes more/or less? time than in real time?
  7. well, the RL answer is they made things up as they moved along. in anime terms, its a issue never before encountered as for as humans are concerned...
  8. Good. i'm still on the official position that they can go &^%* themselves. AS soon as they loose the rights to Macross (and who ever scoops the rights up AND sucks up seriously to the Japanesse) we might still be able to see Macross in some form back in the states. It's like the only way this drought of VF's will end for us in the states... or at least in Cleveland.... [link Failed Derp]. well it was supposed to wrok
  9. that pic is EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, LET them even try to do that to me, with all the Macross pics i've clip-arted over the years (something like 1.5Gb on the main storage) from here and elsewhere on the net. It would be the excuse for me to go visit friends in Oxnard and SF after going to their office and publicly telling them to go &^%$ a moose.
  11. isnt this the chinesse ripoff of MF? legal wise, could HG even negotiate for AP9?
  12. TehPW

    VF Girls

    &^%$. you think? atm, no. too busy trying to keep my GF's oldest from utter destruction that 10-year olds tend to do when they are stupid... derp. LOL anyway in a vain attempt to keep the thread on tract, Poly? ARE you working on something new, dear?
  13. TehPW

    VF Girls

    nah, just pissed off that i got a 3 day ban from DDO after i told the server , in terms of K-Mart shoppers, that the folks who summoned Air Elementals during the Mabar dragon raid were %$#ing retards (because Air Ellies gust-of-wind removes friendly AOE attacks, like Firewall, Cloudkill, etc). I'm sure others felt the same (just had more cool to NOT b*tch & moan about it) but the GMs didnt like that but *shrug* i'm Chaotic Good so &^%$ it. and it wouldnt matter anyway since trying to run the event with the Lagtastic delay so large, you could cut several servings for the whole family and still be dead & booted from the instance before you were even aware, let alone be able to move, LOL. and i still want my 5-mins back, just on principle alone.
  14. TehPW

    VF Girls

    may because i'm in a fowl mood but i want my five minutes back, Hikaru....
  15. well i light of how the Macross the First looks, would they (TPTB in japan) consider animating M1st to finally remove the sad story that was the original, because of all of HG's monkeywork? i mean, we can all agree that America has been blacklisted from macross products because of HG's continued existance and legal control of the macross property rights. what could happen once HG loses their rights (or they sell them to someone else who would be more than willing to work with the japanesse)? a bizzare thought-fart occured when i was down stairs... HG loses macross. the new owner wants to work with the japanesse owners on a mega project: reanimating macross with the consent of both making M1st as anime, AND allowing the new stateside owners to remake Robotech... wow. i need to rub my brain with 80-grit for that line-of-fart....
  16. well the term 'Remastered' was used but paramount because that's exactly what they did... so i suppose remaking/correcting might be a better term... but remastered is the term that might make the sell at Best Buy or Walmart, so to speak...
  17. you know, in light of how successful the TOS-R run of remastered Star Trek episodes was, and TNG is currently next on the list, with HG owning the images in the US for Macross, etc... what's stopping them from remastering the films they own? its not like the series could NOT benifite from some of the sloppier animated segments... or can they? has who ever that owned Macross in japan considered the same?
  18. are those unseen Secret Agent OSO titles? never seen those on Disney before... Well i don't need Viagra for the moment at least...
  19. cant we just call Macross-7 a TV-show aired across the foldwaves depicting Fire Bomba!!! and how they sayd they saved Macross-7 (and probably the universe) from the Protodevlin? Its not like they havent done it twice... really 3 times (The Minmei movie from SDF-TV, DYRL as well as the Movie version of Zero from MF)? and maybe the what actually happened to Macross-7 was less silly and far more dangerous than the UNS would allow peps to know... maybe?
  20. First thoughts: Ew. Robowreck themed...... 2nd thoughts: HOLY F&*%ing sweatly testes, even the poor subject matter aside, those are GOOD ART. *waves hands* I command thee: You will do pics of Battletech! Maybe Star Wars or Star Trek... Derp. Seriously, those pics were very cool, regardless of thier radioactivity.... especially the splash-on pic. I can swallow my distaste of Robotech to appreciate the art (and the effort for that art)...
  21. i am curious how they are able to retroize the fighters from Pre-1991 (and justify) when if one didnt know any better after watching Macross Zero that they never existed and just convential assets was used in the UN wars up to the SDF's arrival and soon after. id just as well rather take the old Gene Rodenbury POV: They (the Klingons) where ALWAYS like this, only we never had the SFx to do it at the time...) of course, pretty much everyone pissed on his grave with the eventual storyline from ENT... but... Back to Macross!! Now with Low Carbs!
  22. i might get that made into a patch honestly, SA...
  23. the fact you use a mask at all makes you better than most retards i know in the states that paint for various reasons (PPE? whats that?)
  24. took me 5 mins to figure what this clip was from, via Wiki... i could have spent that time on Youporn instead. derp. Horrible dub, LoL..
  25. TehPW

    VF Girls

    an 8-month bumb isnt epic (it merely qualifies as thread dusting) though im happy to see it. looking for stuff on MW (regardless of othewr peps thoughts contrare...) is a B*tch. is there anything on the chopping block you're working on Sir Poli?
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