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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. Holy Crap, ive seen everything. What's next Helen Keller: Behind The Green Door, part-2?
  2. If i didnt know any better, we have the beginnings of.... FLAME..... WAAAAAAAAR.... actually i couldn't a *&^(, either way. im talking about the exact demographic to which Macross 7 (and its advertising) was aimed at. Thats why you didnt have a whiney little kid in MF (whiney Teenagers = slightly different demographic).
  3. well, unlike the other series, M7 was always made for a much younger audience (thus why you have the whiny kid)... i mean, these guys had Constuction Mechs before even MW:Dorkage came out LOL... derp.
  4. i just dont fathom why the VF-25 gunpod is all the rage (what is the designation?)? its too large for the transformation, plus the shield was designed for back-clips (Bullpup), not a long dorsal clip like the VF-11 uses... Sorry if ya'll disagree, its the mechanic in me talkin'...
  5. just so i understand what is going on, did the publication stop by one company and someone else pick it up? like how Devils Due's run of G.I Joe and then IDW picking up the IP (but not the story, for legal reasons) why did the first publication stop?
  6. god, dont get me started on that. I had to google a lot of sh*t just to get insight... my fish are doing ok atm.
  7. bruhahahahahhahahahaha and my plot device to BRING you here was successful
  8. remember, they are retconning all this, Sketchy. Claiming small numbers of VF-17s helps their rational on using the VF-171 as MFs cannon fodder birds (since we know they claimed they didnt use the VF-19 because of heroship conflict with the VF-25 [Though i argue it was legal reasons with M7 that they didnt even show a VF19 in MF])
  9. *shrug* ill believe it when ink hits the check... ill assume the wait and see, while i watch YP, POV on this IP...
  10. they did alot of filming on East 9th. Street in Cleveland last year. there are no bridges like that in the city, so i wonder, either that Pershing Square bridge was filmed elsewhere (presumable, since i dont know where else they filmed) or is the structure CGI?
  11. uh..... that was VERY retarded. Un... totally fake? you're like supposed to 2 two actions after you swap clips (hey even CS gets it right)... i want my 4 mins back. ok keep it. It was mindless fun, at least... still cautious about the movie...
  12. IT totally DEPENDS on what art are you basing likes & dislikes. not only the anime art used above as examples but model kit art from all era's. I enjoy it ALL but a lot of why i have a love affair with VF's, period, is the Pitaban artwork. Totally faking you out to buy those silly 1/200 scale 'toys' but so beautiful... When they were coming up with the design for the VF-0's, unlike back during the SDF's era where i THINK they didnt show the F-14 as the direct lineage to inspire the VF-1 [That goes to the F-203 Dragon, forgotten now because HG's stranglehold] because of legal reasons [perhaps?] they didnt feel the need to worry about using real life sources for the back ground story. i guess the real proof about who came first (the egg's VF-0 or the Chickenwalker VF-1) will be revealed if they ever reboot SDFM, using new art (probably DYRL) to finally remove the stain that HG continues to leave. I mean, Hollywood is certainly out of ideas, what's to say Japan doesnt have the same issues? of course, im a stupid american, whattaiknow?
  13. *eyes in depth* i was gonna say 1980's CV but i see an SH60 parked next to the island, the Tractor is a A/S32-A31A or B (no way to tell unless it had the turbine on it. Easy to tell its a B if its got the MSU-200/Nav on the back thus 2002 or later), a NAN-4 (or later model) by the radar/crash storage, cant tell much else other than its a early Nimitz. im not even sure that H-3 in foreground wasnt photoshopped since we stopped using Sea Kings in the late 1990's [british? Aussy?] oh, yeah, the photoshopped Transformer~'cats look cool. damn, did i go and have a Navy Moment again? Sorry, i'll go take my pills now... o.O mind if i clip-art & and steal it and put it on FB? the group im associated with will appreciate it (and might be able to ID what ship this pic originated from)
  14. At a glance that looks like scratch art to describe how a Pin Point Barrior works, at least on the YF-21/VF-22...
  15. heem... Been a while since ive checked those finny retards (totally loved Star Wreck in the Pickering) and when i first seen the first trailers, i was smiggling. Horrible idea but really, ONLY these guys could pull off something this wacked (I loved but they died off like most attemped serial fan films....oh wait... part 2... *cough Star Ship Exeter cough*.... oh wait.... thats more than last...)anyway.... i look forward to.... what ever,... derp.
  16. ok. Opinions and Rectums... its not quite are stupid as you think.You just gotta have faith in anime magic... or maybe Disney magic... derp. as for my idea on 'evil clones'... it's a subject they havent done yet at least. It boils down to merchandicing really, like every other show they made... LOL what's the matter? dont care to use your IMAGINATION? (Only the Shadow knows! Duh duh duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) (i only know this because my grandmother used to listen to 'The Shadow Radio Shows' LP's from the Library waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the late 1970's, when i was a weeeee pup)
  17. what if Megaroad or its decendants return to earth as a foe? personally its not gonna happen because the idea that they 'disappeared' the orginal cast belies their anger towards HG's control of the IP, so catty an act. Kinda hard to backpedal on the subject now, considering the japanesse nature & conduct. But i think the idea of Evil-Hikaru, Evil Space Leather&spikes Misa, Dom Minmei could be awesome. It would piggy back on MF that not only are there alien & zentradi threats to human advancement, but threats from supposed allies too.
  18. *mumbles* that TV show is comparable to Macross 7, cringe worth that is... then again, that Bushwacker... really? i didnt know they made that as a toy... geez, the folks at FASA's maunfacturing choices make some of HG's own look... angelic in comparison...
  19. i can imagine thats why most mecha genre, other than Gundam, would have a actually limited selection in profitably manufacturable models/toys... can you imagine the mess that Battletech would be, merchantise-wise, if a show was aired. actually i would have a anurism if they did that... but still...
  20. TehPW

    VF Girls

    lovely... this actually reminds me of the Venture Brothers...
  21. ok... i really need to think my words out phoentically right?I'm Charging mah BFG! nice pic LOL
  22. this art pic was made before the first OVA came out right? so its just speculative and NON CANNON?
  23. the one thing i sorta dislike is the quickness of leveling up... from the POV of gear. it made crafting far less important since its better just to shop at the exhange for items as you level (plus that they limited what you could craft though you can craft low level purple gear but again, with the ease of leveling, having purple gear that soon is less worth the grinding... and the dilithium is used for purchasing ships (not worth it, since the cost almost makes you want to spend CCs, which is their intent for F2P), duty officers, and high end crafting Ing, the only thing worth crafting purple in the first place. once you have one toon with full crafting ranks, you never bother with others...
  24. I have a question? Even if the RT IP changed hands to someone with more intelligence (that is, they know the Macross name brand is better and would make $), would the owner(s) of the Macross IP even care to deal with those said wishful feelings? or would they say 'We don't need your market for our product'... i mean, do TPTB in japan even care if they had a suddenly unrestricted access to the American market, in light of how HG has treated Macross?
  25. well... guess i gotta change my shorts again. damn you modders and your causing mechgorasms...
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