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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. It was like, a million zippers lowering all at once... then... nothing. They realized she wasn't a porn star (is she?)
  2. ok lets mind... fart this a moment... 1. The paint job on the Kelvin was that grey-thing... from ENT... and you can blaim ENT's existiance on the events that happened in STFC. 1a. The paint job on the Kelvin was that grey-thing...from ENT...because the one guy that otherwise would have been in a certain board meeting no longer was alive (otherwise all the ships in JJtrek would have been TOS pearly-white) 1b. It doesn't matter. String theory and liberal doses of Jim Beam will explain it all... 2. The reason the ships didnt look like TOS round and greeble-free was, STFC---> ENT---->JJtrek... somebody missed a important meeting/missed his flight/his ship had a warp-core breach in flight... anyway, he/she/it's dead. so they when with "Continue with Greebles!" 2b. String Theory, Jerry Springer and more JB black label... on a more serious note, anything that changed can be blaimed on First Contact & Enterprise...
  3. say your a retard 9th grader attending some school on some Macross-7 era Colony ship (not nessessarliy M7's fleet) on a tour aboard one the Escort Gitmo's... you ask what is a good example of overtech. the tour guide points the vernier's (about as small packaging of a otherwise huge pulming package as you can get) of a handy on-hand VF-11... or VF-14.... derp... something with really small ass fart nozzles that in all other concepts should be as big as your dad's Ford F-150 (with the extended cab)... or maybe an Abrahms Tank... eitherway, anime magic = Overtech = FTW maybe they should do a side story about the AD's that work on those Verniers (and everything else related to propulsion)
  4. *Jaw Drops* :wub: :wub: :wub:
  5. funny things you find reading forums while your sick... (AZ Rant: anime is dying?!)i was reading a thread i started on BT.Com and saw this link... me being the agressive halfling that i am, made me think this is but once reason why we wont see much Macross in any animated form...
  6. chicken, egg... its like Matrix thinking, always assuming they are legit/on earth/etc... think about it. you could possibly even get Star wars involved if you add several thousands of years into the hole scope of things...
  7. *smirk* in the back of my mind, assuming all legal preventions are gone, the 'Earth' of Space Battleship Yamato/Star Blazers is actually a far in the future Macross colony that lost access to its overtech roots, and maybe the various humanoid aliens are all desendants of other macross colonies.... sorry i just like the idea of EDF frigates and destroyers next to old, decrepid Gitmos...
  8. +1. I was trying describe MtR to someone.... is it fair to call it NASCar with Valkyries without Rednecks? Thanks, Rei *site Favorited*
  9. Trek Movie is my source for info (used to be Sci Fi Flare but certain Individuals-of-dislike kinda made me move on from that dying* forum). at least from the pics seen, the lead villian is human, at least... *Your Milage varies, applies here
  10. sorry im not smart enough to you, or lack the time to be bothered. im skilled as a mechanic, not skilled in c+++. but ill just put it into words that suit the situation*shrug* Your experiance varies. but just to make things crystal clear, nobody, NOBODY likes folks being condencending know-it-alls, happy to dump onto others. your opinions remain your own but for damn sure, you dont have ANY right to to be a complete ass about it. Perhaps its you that needs to revisit PBS, if for no other reason than to be reminded that you get farther in life by not being mean-spirited to others... maybe i'll see you there, sir. seems we both need a time-out... @graham: you're spot on about one shots & side stories. but like all things dealing with money, nobody will make something that doesnt make more Yen in return, ill gather. i still think the reason they wont touch Macross SDF is because of the stain of dishonor it has, from all the legal crap it has, from both the local legal fight for the rights in Japan, Harmody Gold's taint as well as the extended legal battles with TSC & FASA. Japan is all about the honor (and FACE value). Its not about what is know officially, its the private, back room discussions that will never see the light of day, in typical japanesse fashion when it comes to saving face... my opinion but, to me, its the one that makes the most sence...
  11. This question is directed to the PC FPS-smart folks: It is possible to have your strafe sensivity to insanely good at side-to-side movement with the A & D keys to avoid getting hit (or to make yourself very hard to hit) without the possiblity of haks? im often seeing rather amazing and suspious moves that some of my common foes make on Counter Strike: Source, usually on Deathmatch servers like XXL or Hellgamers. just like to know that its my age and aim that sucks, compared to the possiblity of either good fingers, controllers that simply are game breakers, or even haks?
  12. o.O anime magic.....anime magic..... and im pretty sure the Kali Yama Big Bore... fires like Maytag shaped rounds... LOL i never said BT beats Gundam... its a game that enjoys some popularity, enjoys some level of disbelief to play, etc... The computer limitations extend to practical experiance with the programs that help run the games. you simply cant toss a MW2:Mercs CD into you comp and expect it to run with up-to-date tech. the program itself is so 1940's radioshows compared to last week's Jersey Shore... id love to play those games but... i simply cant (or to your comment, dont know a suitale work-around)... but im glad you like the video's. Its all about story, whether its Harry Pothead, Star Wars, or Akira. its all about story... and magic flowers for you robowrech faries out there....Derp. of topic but funny: You think you seen weird until, while your busy printing D&D, BT mech, Vehicle and Map sheets, your future step daughter finds and beings to play kiss with your 12" tall Grey Godzilla & Destroyah plushies.... O.O WTF. (and damn it, leave the cats alone!) why the hell have they not done move OVA type videos?
  13. i'm not gonna argue with you on your OPINION, sir but considering one is a Board Game, that during it's several enjoyable (if in ) (that you cant play because the computers advanced so much in 10-15 years since MW2 came out) dozens of paperback books, a sh*tty cartoon and other, lesser merchantdise.... and the other is thinking that Lancer can be the new Jersey Shore...So care to continue to belittle Battletech, Mr VF-5SS? Yes i would want a anime reboot of Macross, but most of the folks here agree it wont happen for several reasons, already discussed like the well humped horse... is pettions even possible? do they (in japan) even give a damn about any product beyond Japan's borders?
  14. come on, VF5SS, you can use your BIG WORDS here on this forum... think the only the five-year old's say little words on Seseme Street...
  15. wait? what? Who are Robowreck fans? Do you mean, if a large and fanancially and well Legalized company bought the rights to Macross? specifically Macross the First, with intent to bring a anime TV to run both in Japan & the US (and presumably elsewhere) as well as mechantdising? *sigh* VF5SS, nobody cares about what a arguably small minority of people may, or may not, care about a radioactive Product (Tit for Tat) that, by it's very existance prevents 'Job Creators' from bring a Product to the US, as well as world wide. That's either Robotech or Battletech. It would be wonderful to see Macross in some form played on, i dont know, Si-Fi? To see Yamato Valkyries sold at ToyR'Us or Walmart... but it aint gonna happen until HG gives up Robotech (or even better, get bought out by BW).... I have to ask 'em, on their forums but im fairly certain the PTB over at CBT dont even have a interest in movies or TV for their product, for the same reason BW cant or wont bring Macross to the West: Harmony Gold. From all the BS legal sh*t HG has pulled in the past decade(s), nobody in their right minds will touch such radioactive IPs... which is a same, cause i gots some monies and i would pay to see macross OR Battletech in some form or other, elsewhere besides Japan. wouldn't you?
  16. Keith, when you generalize Resurection like that, i suppose Nishizaki having died the way he did... *mumbles* I just didnt know about his political leanings... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMs8-dcPy3s at 30secs.... Captain Gideon (i forget his japanesse name)?
  17. where online is the dirt on Nishizaki? i checked wiki but there's nothing to imply anything other than legalize about control of the IP at the top of the article... reading up the wiki on him and a couple bio's probably made after his drowning, just make him seem like Japan's Linsey Lowhan (maybe?)... or maybe the wiki is simply sanitized?
  18. well, gotta say it : F&^% HG, amungst others...
  19. It never occured to me to compare Chronicle to Akira but the comparision is apt... to me thought, i got the vibe of 'what if', simply the aliens or what ever, testing the kids. kinda like Spiderman without anyone even suggesting 'With Great Power Comes...'
  20. The overhead sholder lights/sensor thingies are supposed to be yellow on the Kazaki(sp?) VF-1S... and id just make the skull go away for something else [really? Kazaki(sp?) as a command element?] other than that, nice astetics.
  21. is that entry 'VF-3: SVA-155' is that a error? i can imagine they meant VA-3 (though presuming they are using USN Side numbers, the use of 603 is confusing since 600-609 is used for E-2C birds in a typical real world CAG). I think these guys are tossing numbers just to make the Macrossverse look cool, LOL...
  22. enjoy the lack of sleep (and dont kick the baby!)
  23. is Yukikaze even having much popularity atm in Japan (it certainly was a single blip on radar during its 'run' here in the US)?
  24. originally it was a oil painting of a F-14 going low over the water. I see it all the time in advertising in Sea Classics...
  25. ill guess the first one is the ASS-1 just getting to 'South Atara' Island... the 2nd one was a photoshop or something else of a waterart of a F-14 doing a low fast run over water, making the waterbloom behind it...both are impressive works, one because we know the subject material, the 2nd implies a unique story, using elements of Macross....derp. The F-14 Gerwalk could probably appear in Heavy Metal Magazine as a story by itself, thats how much emotion that pic does!
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