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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. listening to all the comments (plus all the spoilsers, from here as well as Youtube), i think im gonna spend my funny money on some comic books for the kids and watch this when its on Cable....
  2. i recall seeing pics of a Madcat play 'house' that a father built for his kids some time ago... i dunno if it was actually SAFE to play in... not to discourage you but you really have to have established mechanical skills before you do something like that...
  3. interesting... and im glad he did tweek the head module designs... though im surprised he just didnt follow through with the progression from Zero (since both the VF-0A,B and D have near identicle head modules) designs, as far as the heads of each machine are concerned...
  4. In the west. maybe... Urban's Aussie-kinda so our September is the Southern Hemisphere's Spring (right?) had someone had the balls to get Stallone to keep the helm on constantly per cannon (was it his idea or someone else's?), the movie would have been better, retard comicry and all...
  5. that begegs a question on Max in the manga: He was originally a Destroid Pilot, then before presumably being invited the Valkyrie squads as a 'Trainee'? Then what was his ranks and service? Obviously thinking Japanesse armed forces as the model, was Max a marine or Army soldier originally?
  6. now ill admit im just tossing beer cans in the stew, but in the states, most folks with some disposable income get thier movies/TV/whatever from cable, Netflix and the Xbox, if not from online. I havent bought a DVD in a couple years myself. Perhaps its because as a military retiree, what interested me in my youth, holds very little importance (Macross and related aside, of course). I rarely go to the mall and im pretty sure places like SunCoast or FYI have shrinking DVD sections for anime (they are almost non-existant at BestBuy)... its all about creature habits as well as costs and marketing bull*&^%. 15 years ago, DVD's was the *&^%, but now with the ease of getting stuff via Mother Bell's telephone lines, why bother going out? The only one suffers is retail... and the country or countries... derp.
  7. wow... ok lets end the arguement before it goes nuclear (since brainy smurf nuked best )
  8. another way to say it it's just that he's being nicer about it (and all of you should be too)
  9. Well it seems Kallon Industries also had a hand with the engineers...
  10. ok... if anyone is looking for me, ill be in the bathroom.... i need to relieve... myself after looking at all this crazy, lovely art efforts...
  11. i thought he said 'a 100 travel books don't equal a single trip'... ? *smiggles*
  12. and even better example, in real world terms? When i was in the Navy, for 20 years i worked on Aviation Support Equipment. Equipment that ranged in age from as little as 2 years old (the new SFC's that replaced MMG-1A's) to as much as 30, 40 years. Example of extreme age: A/S32-A31B sea-based Aircraft Towing Tractors, the frame itself being from just around the begining of the Vietnam War, upgraded at least 3 times and only now looking at finally being replaced. true that. i was mostly mooking the silly drama going on. still doesnt matter. story could be crap but if it makes enough profit then we'll likely see another film to continue the questions and profits...
  13. who gives a sh*t. you still forked out the cash for a ticket (right?) that's the bottom line that will make the next movie, not people's wants or opinions.
  14. you paint Amon with too nice a brush. I'm waiting for a heckler to ask him if, once all the benders are gone, if he will harass non-benders next, with all the potential threats gone?
  15. that makes more sence that the Klingons on RP would the flats, if you consider in some of the recent novels, how the authors made the flats as second-class citizens. But when you also consider what JJ himself might do, they might remain wth helms...though a better, and less-means-more kinda of thinking, for me, is that if Klingons have a place in the next movie, its either you see TMP-era Klingons, TOS-era Klingons or both and by less-means-more, i mean they won't go into the why both exist and instead simply just make it sutle that the flats ARE treated as 2nd-class citizens via dialog and acting. Stick with the story and let the visuals explain any treknoable like the previous movie's success...
  16. it would have been better had the JPJ had it been a exclusively DDG movie (maybe just getting the BB's guns to fire)... and less of the lead actor being qualified with his SWO/AW/SW/SS/SW/Para/Cyberwarfare qualifications... yeah, it was cool but mostly worth watching on Netflicks (for those of you who uh... dont violate copywrite laws and illegally DL stuff...) i dont for the record does anyone have screen caps of the end, to see if our hero LT actually had his Rifle & Pistol ribbons/medals (they'll be dark blue with 2 or 3 verticle green thin lines, maybe a S or E tabs as well... but dont confuse the E tab with the one for a Battle E.... yeah i know this sh*t...
  17. http://www.google.co...9,r:1,s:10,i:97 well i dont know if this pic is legit, but having a Engineer with a Predator Shoulder Gun certainly would be cool (or awesome way to link up the francizes)... was this a euro movie poster? meh, read the article. cool but probably fake as the Jan 2012 date makes me think so...
  18. blah, i could give 2 sh*ts about suits... is Tony gonna deal with his DRINKING PROBLEM? thats what i want to see, something that hits home for the actor himself (just as long as he doesnt hit the rocks himself mind you)...
  19. i think all the info they gave away so far makes me worried... then again, a movie about a unable to get to sea BB that got kicked in the gonades (for stateside profits at least) by The Avengers... shrug. maybe part II, LOL...
  20. maybe. if they were intended to affect flight, then they would be sharper. dont they connect with the Fast Packs? another possibly is that they antenna recievers or some other kind of radio reception (you have to look at a 1980-81 F-14 & F-15 to understand what K was thinking when he first did the line art on the finalized VF-1 for SDF-M to be sure) *glances at some pics* id have to ask my Dad since he's a Tomcat expert but id agree with the flight/air flow stablity rational for those shoulder bulges...
  21. *shrug* it's Floridah for a reason. Folks go down there to be retards, after all (or to be the next OJ)
  22. Klan Klan's Breasts explain the flight charactorists. The suit only explains how to wash it (gently)
  23. did any look at the one of the videos after the DYRL Game, another video remake of the original TV intro? I swear i dont need viagra everytime im... pleasured in things mecha around here :wub: :wub: ultimately does it matter if the IP holders rewrite history? its no different than Star Trek's Cannon... oh wait. paramount doesn't have any issues with Disharmony Mold, does it?
  24. *looks, junk relocates due to rapture* I swear if Macross & yamato had children, then their yamato CGN's would have PPB systems and Cheyene hard points, and many, many Otaku zippers would rattle the heavens...
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