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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. Ok, I'm gonna say it: SHE'S THE TOKEN AMERICAN.
  2. there could be a logical reason why the ship is under water. the planet or system may in a location where having the ship being seen in system would be bad. You wouldnt take your ship underwater unless you really did not want to be seen by ANYBODY...
  3. TU Westfall. i commented on the Ep. 4 but i guess ill ask here, too. at the end of your screen caps, did the gams capture a Yamato crewmember?
  4. it makes me question who exactly is considered the aliens... OMG Wall-E/Battle Angel Alita team-up, coming soon from Marvel Comics, LOL
  5. yea i gotta agree it seems fishy. Though on one hand, casting that spanish guy for the role that CB now has made sence, since the orginal JH was spanish (and also the first example of The Navy's b*llsh*t method of manning, by making the guy hold at least a dozen different ratings over the course of TOS's run LOL... you know, i was gonna linkie the Original John Harrison from Memory Alpha but some retard already screwed up the entry with the CB's mug...
  6. uh... where did you find this? and are you sure this isnt just b*llsh*t photoshopping? LOL but yeah, i dont even think those are Zero's in the back ground... Amazon is not normally asociated with film viewing, to my knowledge
  7. The Steven King Novel turned Movie is waht i refered to LOL. Good points i suppose...
  8. Have you considered that maybe its his morals that is preventing him from taking action (or the possiblity that others are not actively ensuring he does not)? He's is a former Star Fleet Officer, obligated to follow the law, even if the law hasnt been drafted yet LOL. And yes he knows how to get back but he's also how old? The Anwers seem so clear when your young and retarded. It's alot harder when you grow older.... and Spock is reasonably old by the end the Nemesis's timeline... As for Nero & crew NOT engaging with dialog with all things Imperial Roma, lets delve into how Romulans act: Just a little passionate. Can you image the &^%$ storm having Nero's Bugboat park in orbit? The Preator would crap his pants at the very least. Calling the Romulans high strung is not quite like calling a European Soccer game (or its drunk fanbase) mild and calm in comparision. Nero didnt contact the local Roms because he knew it would cause more harm than good because Romulans freak out in acqusations first LONG before they actually think. Nero's plan consisted of destroying the Federation, period. He knew he had the firepower (if properly used) to win. But he was stupid, thus eventually he did fail. would you prefer the ending from The Myst, instead for ST 2009?
  9. It just occured to me to ask: what Number was that preskin job supposed to be?
  10. LOVE it 'Just because you are enlightened, unlike the rest of your race, doesnt mean we dont hate you less? (sp).... derp. or something along those lines...
  11. im just curious if that cruiser that crashs into the harbor is the JJprise, another of her class, or a KelvinPrise (which is surprising a nice version of that sceme)
  12. opinions and anuses, people (we all have both) ... Im excited, which was the point of JJ's marketing crew. Now besides the negative, let's hear your other thoughts about this clip?
  13. http://trekmovie.com/2012/12/04/exclusive-into-darkness-teaser-to-debut-online-december-6th-longer-trailer-in-theaters-dec-14th/ 2 days....... 2 dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyysssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss..................................................... derp.
  14. Ok, good points. Its mecha porn, to me. if i wanted plot, i would get it from Liberal Arts porn, LOL. In actuality its folks trying to relight the fire on a subject that for some folks (meaning the original cast of the 2003 series) have already moved on about. I give them coodoe's for effort but your assessments where mostly dead-on-target, sir.but maybe there is another narative to what purpose miniweb series can serve (The video version of short story novel). Now if only folk did MWS for subjects i love (Macross, Star Trek, Battletech, hell even Space:1999 LOL) what do you think of the fan stuff made for Star Trek, in the previous decade?
  15. I love the EDF ships but that view totally shows all the grebbles that need to be removed so the ship's main guns have a full 180 degree range of fire (only the cruiser can actually fire over its bow, to match its forward hull-depressed mounted guns)
  16. did they change actors from this series? The guy doesnt look like the other Husker shown, when the first trailers came out (im talking about the one where he's channelling James Bond with that in-air shotout with a Toaster?)
  17. well if they wanted all the planets nerds to start b*tching... well we are, LOL. Gary, Garth or Khan? Can't be Lazarus (Benny had no beard in the stills)... So... are you folks gonna bring Happy Socks when you go see Teh Hobbit in a couple weeks? 9mins of film is about average lenght of YP clips, so that 9min clip better be good porn...
  18. its all about POV i guess. i swear my testes hugged my bladder when he took that machette hit...
  19. Nice pics. The first pic, of the VF-25, was that originally a real-life Hornet pic (based on the Landing Gear), then lovingly photoshopped. The only thing really wrong with that pic, is that a VF-25 with Super Armor Packs like that, parked on deck, would have a BILLION Remove-Before-Flight pins installed all over the airframe LOL. but what ever, its my back ground now
  20. The Bears and the Fourty-Niners. The Haves and Have-nots. Bert vs Ernie (that's a game i would buy on Steam LOL)...
  21. Some of the Blakist LAMs from the Jihad era (Battletech) look a lot like sculpted bricks...
  22. +1 Very impressive artistry!
  23. Good to know, finally. Sadly, TM has been nothing but people bitching about the lack of updates on the site, to the point of idiots linking to other, more active sites... derp.
  24. yeah... single player.... kinda hard to play the game if your laptop was on a ship half way across teh ocean LOL...
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