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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. do you mean the plane itself out or the amount of work required to maintain it (let alone all the Pecular Support Equipment required to support it. i only met the AWG-9 Radar coolant Test Stand once. it was a one-time date for me...)?Seriously, a lot of the reason my rating lost people is partially due to the amount of PSE that the A-6, A-7, S-3B and the F-14 required to keep those cold war legacy planes flying. Once those items stopped being used, the I&R pool of a typical AIMD SE division (now, FRC) dropped like in half. im talking thousands of IMRL items. though im not sure the exact details but i can imagine a lot of SE for the F-14 met the business ends of blow torches and crushers, just like the fate of the F-14 fleet... BTW, Peter... do you have any pics of the VX-9's Black Bunny (or what became of the Black Bunny?). i GOT TO TOUCH THE BLACK BUNNY (at least before it was tranfered back to the east coast around the time of final decom of Fleet Tomcats... http://www.f-14association.com/display-164604.htm derp. seen her at Oceana (though it didnt jive to me at the time that it was Vandy-1. i memorized SE serial Numbers, not AC Bu Numbers)
  2. i love that image as a possible replacement vessel.(I mean the Fan imagine above. The 2520 yamato should only go boldy into the rectum of some evil dictator) I mean, how many ships in Star Trek have been named 'Enterprise'? If i have any critique, its the bridge. I swear im looking at EVA-02's head (though if i could look at side views or close ups, to imagine the internal layout/functionality i'd probably shut up and droll some more...)
  3. i swear i clicked on pic and i saw the rapture... So F&*^ing beautiful... the side view with all those EDF vessels... :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: ...
  4. those have the potential for being very cool tats at the very least... especially that VF-0S
  5. one is a trailer, one is pictures? couldnt you put the actual trailer... or is there not a trailer out for the 2nd one? i dunno. im not cool with the 1st one's hero. he's much better as a bad guy. maybe we'll have a twist in the end and he's not quite a hero still...? the AC-130 is BS btw, the guns only face onside and the AC has to bank hard to make good use (prefect in the 1st Transformers movie)
  6. were all those taken as stills from the previous 2 movies?
  7. why do you have to use the term 'Gaijun', mate? can you just say 'some folks' or something less... offensive, to those so-called 'Gaijin' (but you did call 911 on 'em, so to speak? that i do agree with)is these films/DVDs going to be available in the states? I pretty much dropped interest in anime in stores (guess its part of growing old) but i still am a fan of Eva and be intriged enough if its available. Only question: what is it Rated as (or think it would be)? Growing old and having minions means i actually have to pay attention to that now, as per OPNAV 4790.TheGF LOL
  8. THAT was entertaining
  9. im ignorant of who this man is, in SW lore? who is he?
  10. oh lord, to see the same POV for one of the later EDF vessels...
  11. the question begs: If he never left earth, would he have his pad in rebuilt San Fransico? Please do. The Sheryl and Ranka pic are especially pleasing in a naughty and yet nice kinda of way.
  12. should be no surprise there. someone said 'No' and the minions said 'Ok'...
  13. LOL im an AS, not a AO, 'mate. seriously, when Star Blazers was airing on tv i was inspired to make what vaguely looked, from the POV of a 9-10 year old, the Yamato. Ok, the Argo. My brother on the other hand was a complete d*ck... that was when the first-generation lego people legs came out i think, thats what i used for turrets, with a 2-piece. I dont think they came out with the round barrel pieces yet (that came out when they started making Star Wars-themed kits)... Derp. Sometimes i drive the topic bus into oncoming traffic, sometimes the topic bus rams into me LOL...
  14. TehPW

    VF-14 Vampire

    *mumbles* ...do a remake of Macross 7 along the lines of NuBSG and ill have a sex change to celebrate... those VF-14 pics ARE sexy.
  15. you gotta give the guy credit... but... the urge to plant large numbers of m-80's all around that POS... is immence. When i was little, i made something that vaguely looked like the Yamato out of legos. MY brother shoved a m-80 into the wave motion barrel. i might have found like 10% of the ship looking around the yard before i ratted him out to mom...
  16. Thank you... ARE YOU USING LARGE PRINT AND assuming that my eye prescript needs an update?
  17. man your gonna make me look at Danburro(sp?) again for macross pr0n...
  18. I thought Yamato was supposed to be used to sell comic books, models & toys, not political Bovine Scatology (to misquote the recently passed away General Swartzkoff)... I think the only person who can make a political statement (and get away with it) with his films is Miazaki...
  19. Vep.... this theme.... ive seen this somewhere...?
  20. I remember playing with the HUGE toy Eagle when i was in the single digets... When the 1982 era GI Joes came out, the fun i had was the epic awesome... ah well, its not that we lose people, its more that someplace else gains some great insight...
  21. LOL 'Not for EBay Use'
  22. *casts Summon Bob Seger* OMG that dude is OLD! LOL*casts Summon Phil Collins* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39hIMBA0hRM LOL he had my future hair style when i first joined the navy (and had hair) LOLOLOL.... anyway, moure Yuki fan service please? maybe the Beautiful American...?
  23. what was good in my neck of the woods? Fro all the good (and craptastic) movies that came out, all will agree Avengers ruled, and Prometheus... not so much. DDO came out with new content (and i grind for the Monster Manual Kills, TUVM), MWO pretty much became the 3rd word, of every 3 words that comes out of my future step son's mouth, and i pretty much dropped STO (for lack of time to play as opposed to general disinterest. im sure its still cool for some). Mostly im happy that my future minions are doing well in school (especially my youngest, who has some form of autism and has been potty trained since last february. Oh how i how YOU get to change a few diapers for humility's sake. Derp.). Ive been engaged to my fiance for slightly over a year and im still here, all the chaos that kids do aside. my country of course is not well, but ill leave the politics (and all the profanity I generate in angry as a result from exposure of) out of this. I just hope all of your xmas tides (or paganistic overtures to orcus, if that applies LOL) is merry. oh yeah, Yamato 2199 and STID. im looking forward to buy one eventually and seeing who the hell is bad guy is (finally) next year...
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