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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. better analogy than mine LOL. it seems as time draws closer, the rumor mill is going nuts. you think its intentional some things are slipping, to make mouths drool for the upcoming movie? Khan? related to khan? April? Finagin? meh. i just wanna know what ship is Cucumber driving in the big fight...
  2. i thought the reason ratings dropped was because less people are able to watch it... that is, physically unavailable to watch it, cause you have to remember, a lot of folks where busy... fighting some war or wars someplace... can't remember the place... derp. just know that the numbers dropped when moare(!!) folks deployed? maybe? cause you gotta admit, we had other things on our minds in the middle of last decade, to pay attention to Star Trek...
  3. believe it or not, pretty much all those arguements, when you push them together forceable and tie them up in ROLLS of Duct tape, are accurate. The biggest problem is, of course, is the fanbase, which is very old, and increasingly relevent-less. Star Trek, because it is no longer a TV-based entertainment, isnt gonna be on folks minds much longer, thus harder to continue things like conventions themed by ST alone. I see the same thing happening to another item that i enjoy (Battletech) on a lesser scale because the one thing that got some fans into it (the novels) are no longer produced with any effort (MWO currently enjoys much rav for being Counter Strike: For Mechs). When that starts happens to Star Trek, because of readership confusion (TOS? JJ-Trek? TNG? Post-Nemisis, etc), Star Trek goes right back to Paramount's Hospise Care... and do any of you think the current youth that runs in the middle of Paramount will give a sh*t about ST when they finally run it? Probably not. anyway, what were we argueing about? Happy Easter/Happy Bunny Rabbit Sacrifice, everyone.
  4. Well, considering the movie is showing at the same time, most of my paycheck is already spent, once DD drops tonight... meh, indeed. (the good thing is, my future stepson isnt asking me about it LOL)
  5. so the Tea-drinking dude from that Chapter 5 clip, who shot the envoy from the world (i assume), doesnt seem to mind 'Not taking prisoners, today'... is his fleet aligned with other gamalas fleets? i keep seeing different colors (though simular shapes and tech)... are we gonna get a civil war going? Man, if i could wave my magic wand of combining genre's and call the Gamals Empire the future of ONE (or more) Macross Colony fleets? im talking thousands of years into the future, so that the simularities of each culture is the reason folks are still going to war with each other... Yeah, i know. Never happen. but one can dream?
  6. Voyager..... erk. You know, for all the hate that show got, you would THINK, someone would suggest that the carpets only get mildly cleaned, the walls only mildly cleaned... some lights dimmer, some bulkheads only slightly repaired.... the filming miniuture weathered, etc.... (of course that isnt the only problem with VOY but. brought to you by the same minds that asked 'Who the &^%$ has been mowing the grass on a certain currently aired Zombie-themed TV show? anyway, back to our previous discussion on PONIES.
  7. the first thing i thought of was.... Sovereign-class. some of those pics imply a triangular shaped bussard collector...
  8. i see the sand filters and rotors for a H-53 at the very least...
  9. ok... so who the hell is John Harrison? and what did Section 31 do that totally pissed him off? http://badrobot.com/stid/twitter/ even more mind blowing sh*t. Battle damage at warp speed... it seems that JJ likes sucking out helpless red shirts in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace. I swear im gonna have erectile disfunctions by the time this movie is out, im so mecharosed...
  10. uh... well for AMV's go... meh, ill go watch some midget pr0n on YP instead...
  11. well it could be Kodia is hiding the letter 'L" in his pocket...
  12. the 2nd one doesnt look specificlly like Hikky and Misa but... still looks tat-worthy. really impressive angst expressions...
  13. thats what i think, now that his ship (or a ship is seen in orbit that looks nothing like the previous Kelvin-ish ships seen in ST2009) has been seen and it looks simular to the SF bay crashing vessel...
  14. http://trekmovie.com/2013/03/09/shot-by-shot-analysis-of-star-trek-into-darkness-alternative-teaser/ I asked on the site but everyone was too bust bitching to answer me, ill ask here: who thinks the debrie that Kirk space flies though is the remains of Star Fleet ships, possibly the fleet base itself? note the still of the new conny-shaped vessel. possibly the ship that Harrison is seen sitting on his command seat in previous trailers? things are getting interesting, especially in light that some folks dont think that ship that plows into San fransico bay and into the city isn't the JJ-prise
  15. OMG... someone make that into a meme, please!
  16. It speaks volumes that they care enough about their 'boss' to carry her home when she's sauced out. The backstory about all three of them as a unit is sadly untold (but should be)
  17. i thought at the time that Macross 7 was being created, Mr K just thought the F-117 was sexy so they made a Valkyrie version of it?
  18. if you looking for ideas, i think you should first contact others who have more success in fan films, for insight. a good example, the community of folks that have been making Star Trek fanfilms the past decade...
  19. when they created all the various mechanical work art, i wonder if the artist(s) took inspiration from SE seen at the three major bases where Navy operated at. Because outside from the rear twin wheels (something no real piece of SE that im aware of ever had) it looks alot like an NC-8A MEPP though the TA-75 was the shore based tug used by the fleet at that time
  20. im surprised no one is discussing about Jon Harrison. Is he an augment or what? he certainly has the same amount of hubris Nero had...
  21. i would think it would be ironic to have Megaroad-01 (or decendants) return to earth, with violent intent, not unlike how The Clans were introduced to Battletech...
  22. come on, there's always gonna be a retard or troll on anything that anybody can log onto. i wouldnt even waste one thought on those folks... (thought you were very nice to them. i, on the otherhand, would have told them to go hump sheep, to be even remotely nice about it)
  23. Guess its funnny what thoughts go through your head after making lov.... er, ahem... I have a question about the Comet Empire era EDF ships... was the CVBB's the only vessels that had carrier ability? on the Andromeda and Boredo(sp)-classes, both vessels that skoop opening at the front, blow and behind the Wave Motion Gun... could that serve as a hold for EDF Black Tigers? Kind of like a bow version of how modern H-60's are kept in the BACK of modern Navy Small Boys? now i know that might seem hazardous because of enemy fire hitting from the front but... what is those scoops for, if not aviation use?
  24. VF-15, that maybe the backstory that was reconned thats the story that had (if you can call it) maybe-retconned into cannon. and to be honest, its probably the best idea going but when the PC's created the PD's, was the PD's conflict more like a revolution? that begs the question for the current timeline. Will the next big war be fought between former colonies of the UNS/NUNS? I mean, it sort of already has been, if you consinder the Frontier/Galaxy engagement...
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