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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. it's pronounced 'Frankenstean'... LOL i recently saw a PBS show about Mel Brooks and it talked in length about Gene Wilder's toon...
  2. damn you Mr Hingtgen. THAT brought me to tears...
  3. o.O for those who think Wall-E sucked? clearly we watched different versions of the film...
  4. yeah, i agree. at first i thought this was gonna be a sh8tty version akin to EVA but now? Me & the Boy will certainly go. Maybe Ms Fartalot, too...
  5. that assumes the maker gets another chance at the IP lincence from any future sequels... will that be corrisponding Pr0n version of PR?
  6. OMG the Comet empire song seems sooo cheezy but i remember soiling myself the first time i saw The Battle at Saturn when i was little... how much is left for them to make to cover the 1st season of the original? is there any talk about The Comet Empire? The Sub theme is immpressive just by itself, on the other hand
  7. i think the best part of T4:S was the part not included: when he had that famous meltdown over a retard of a gaffer screwing up his shot 'You're a Professional?'
  8. what i hope for, in any future reimagined EDF vessels is either the grebbles on nose ar variable pitch to allow clear lines of fire for the Main Guns... only the Cruisers, Frigates and Destroyers had no issues with LOS with their mains... and i still think the Frigates especially seem to have more firepower (in terms of how many barrels and weapon-looking locations on the ship's hull)... any chance those ships seen on CONCEPT SHIPS could see the light of day for any official IP?
  9. and some people call this, a T-Bolt... in the fanboy section of my brain, i still think clan Threshers and Summoners were designed based on SLDF Thunderbolt's
  10. interesting... though the cowboy-act seems a bit forced, i cant think of anyone else being able to pull it off...
  11. still think its not as original as others say, but its got my interest, finally. Certainly the setting is entertaining...
  12. Eye of the Beholder, mate. i might give it a try if i can get help from my G-mom for minion-duty...
  13. i've been mulling this over the pas few days, about the end plot for STID. What if Khan was the one who sacrifices himself in the warp core? Ok, everything happens in STID up to the bridge invasion of the Vengence, but all the betrayal by Khan didnt happen? Marcus maintains the upperhand in the attack, Khan holds Carol hostage instead. Marcus aranges the beaming of the 72 Pseudo-Torpedoes over to Vengence then beams Kirk, Scotty Khan & Carol back over the Ent (with regret). Marcus gloats of course (says some throwaway line like 'I still have your brother, Carol'...), the Torps goes off in the Vengence (Khan screams in rage until he is told His Crew is still safe) and events occur as normal in STID... save that is it Khan that goes into the chamber to fix the warp core. though i cant think how or who is suitable for the SF chase scenes or if marcus would willing ram the Vengence in SF proper.... maybe Marcus could be a Klingon (or like Khan), like the one dude from 'Trouble with Tribbles'? They actually did a good paperback story about that guy a couple years ago... anyway, it works in my mind i guess (your own milage will vary)
  14. yes but for at least a good percentage of those scenes in space, there is a compelling story to go along with those sounds in space LOL... at least i hope the total is a good %... but then again, i'm a Gen-Xer and grew up with Space:1999, TOS, Star Blazers/SBY and Robo.... Robo... MACROSS & Friends....derp
  15. when you make less money that it took to make it (right away) does that mean the actors OWE the production? Derp. gotta admit, Cars and crashing C-5 Galaxy's beat an actual Galaxy...derp.
  16. i'm still gonna see this but... from what i've gleened from that linkie plus what a lot of folks are b*tching about on TrekMovie, pretty sure JJ is gonna say T U F U to any further Star Trek projects...
  17. saw it last week with the minions. it wasnt the best but it did the job (the deal with mandrin, especially awesome when things came to light). 8 out of 10 halflings.
  18. Ive never read the book (seems like something my minions would read however) but at a glance, does this movie smack of Brokeback Airforce in some ways? (of course i have no idea who the 'bad guys' are in this upcoming film...)
  19. i'm not too worried about all this china-finanance stuff... unless things start going Clone Republic... (even then, France is a gelding country)
  20. i have to admit, it was a clever commerial, the new GE-Matrix tie-in...
  21. Forget it, Sir Duke. you can't convince some folks the world is round & stuff, why waste the breath?
  22. ...and is probably calling 911... (seriously, not at intending to dis your *ahem* love affair, that one pic was hillarious but something i can never look at with the minions around me. God help me if i ever have to explain why those mini models exist...)
  23. i have to ask about each emigration fleet's VF assets... does each & every fleet upgrade and replace their currently used model of VF, when they recieve the data for newer models of Fighters or Technology? are there some fleets (the surviving ones) that are still active & mobile that use older model of VFs, compared to recently launched fleets that probably use the most currently advanced models?
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