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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. is that video real or fanBS? because i want to feel ashamed to have a raging hard-on after seeing that (its that good that i distrust it)
  2. you know its been 'A Long Time' since you read anything Marvel when you gotta wiki Ultron... still looks to probably be a good popcorn money and raking in the Billions...
  3. Meh, Steam is for playing Counter Strike, not surfing for pR0n... i already have Windows for my YP needs...
  4. all three grew up as the Mickey Mouse bunch. really likely 4 since the one girl with huge hair was also a close friend of Myung's. they got into high school and Myung started to get the hots of Isamu (but Isamu wasnt yet into it, his lover was Aviation first and foremost. Guld, being of the 1st generation microns still had major anger issues, quick to rage and judge. (he already thought that Isamu was a irresposible jerk). and the Kicker: Guld did have feelings for Myung, too. so seeing them in a percieved intemate moment, Guld Rage-Quit and beat the snot out of Isamu and also almost assaulted Myung. it isnt shown (only stated that he blocked that memory out) but ill guess that Guld leaves the apartment in shame, and Isamu and Myung DO NOT PRESS charges, since they understand his temper because of his race, as male Zentradi. eventually Myung departs to mend her broken heart though a musical career. Isamu joins the Armed Forces (i dont know if he followed RL pathways through college to earn his commisiion or in the Macross Fictional universe, its much easier to earn a commision into the Officer Ranks as a pilot) and starts a long career of Epic fails... apparently they need all the bodies they can get, considering the number of events that in RL would have gotten Isamu resigning his commision and doing time in Levenworth probably. can i stop now?
  5. and it does not harm to continue to remind that process to those on the fence about such purchases. Ive never purchased anything overseas so some insight and lessons are always appreciated in the community at large, mate.
  6. i'm not sure who or where to ask about this (didnt want to start a topic to only get it locked for being stupid or something) but oddly i had a thought about the VF-2JA Icarus while waiting to pick up my son at the bus stop, specifically its wings. Now i understand how normal aviation wings basically function (everything is the same save the PN's*) but how would the VF-2JA Icarus's slats and flaps function, mechanically speaking? is it really just a silly innovation amonst many of Macross II's faults? has anything been described about this? * your planes make may differ from this
  7. I agrre that being the only ship in the sector is a narative gimmick constantly used in every film. Still, only one ship was in town when the E left for Kronos... no shuttles? no fighters? even in Teh Best of Both Worlds, they had those Red October/Perimeter Defence Ships that had like 3 seconds of film life. So again, nothing at all to investigate wtf going on behind the moon? They already established that they litterally crap out shuttles for each ship, given the new size of each JJ-Trek ship's secondary hulls (2, in the case of the Newtown-class). So JJ being too lazy to show the Vengence blasting a few investigative Dead-Shirts?
  8. your not the only one... or better yet, why did no other Star Fleet vessels (shuttles, fighters, the one Newton-class ship seen still there when JJ-ENT leaves for Kronos) investigate the ship-to-ship fight happening in the neighberhood? so many stupid wrongs in that film. Funny too. apparently Simon Peg told folks FO about how shitty STID was... i posted that maybe he was defending it so to avoid any Meagan Fox-like occurances before JJST3 starts filming?
  9. wow. my wife gives me grief when i masterba.... er... vigourly review all forms of art.
  10. i think you should admend that to 'of the few SURVIVING...' It's strongly implied from M0 onwards that the UN/AUN war (is it safe to just call it Macross SDF's WWIII instead?) was very attrition oriented and experianced officers, crew, pilots were all in high demand and very small availality by the time Macross SDF's 2009 year rolled in. He got the job by being one of the lucky ones, if you look at the whole from a certain perspective. And your right about his selection being very political. politics is what started the war in the first place...
  11. no different than questioning presidential cannidates of their qualifications/birth certs/etc LOL...
  12. this is a concern and not actually fact, i hope? I really think that would be terrible if it never occured...
  13. i swear, ABH's in the future have the hardest job LOL... that diorama is EPIC. Very well done, sir...
  14. well its nice to know that even the japanesse have a portion of retards amungst them LOL... really? a crusial scene that gets cut by canned credits? even f*cking Spongbob Squarepants will end an episode with the credits rolling in the backdrop... and of course, because of their habit of not encouraging anyone to rock the boat, nobody will even bitch, once?
  15. i recall that the FF had something to do with finding the real Jean Grey (when it outed that the Phoenix was the one who died in Issue #137....) thats pretty much my recollition of the FF. after that, i was Dark Horse's slave for the longest...
  16. ok, im confused. Delock(sp) is familiar with Starsha. Is she trying convince him to stop prosecuting the war with the Yamato? WTF his endgame goal? TU for video clip. I am most... moist in the shorts, so delicious that clip. LOL...
  17. uh... after Space War One ended... pretty much ALL of the Earth looked like Death Valley, California...
  18. ok... i will admit that, at first exposure, i feel as if someone shoved a brillo pad into my ass and vigoursly scrubbed.... this is a joke right and not legit? *mumbles* i guess, today's youth may think the original theme song as lame...?
  19. *spits in disgust*
  20. i for one would enjoy a sequel....
  21. this or watching the first transformation of the Vf-0S on the first episode of Macross Zero. TU btw. i didnt know that the undercarrige containing the landing gear had to move as well...?
  22. hehe, Sad that some folks will be out of some cash. glad that, at least, they didnt get mine.. .
  23. ill stick to watching pr0n late at night than watch that... tripe.
  24. that movie was pretty awesome, if you dont think of it as a Godzilla film but merely as a really epic Music video... that dude was so sooo fing campy! Reddsun1. MOST EPIC GIF EVAR!
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