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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. Question, dealing with Comet Empire from the orginal 2nd season of SBS Yamato: Why does the Comet Empire/Gatlantian Dreadnaught have main guns simular to the Terrans Wet Navy ships instead of the common rotary turrets seem on almost all of the Gatlantian ships?
  2. Inner Sphere? can we use a few idle Macross ships and go to town on any CAP CON worlds? between the 3145 era CCAF and the DCMS's, the FedSuns are getting raped...
  3. IMG_1935 (Medium).JPG this is a A/S32 A-31A right after CYLOP. its got a GTC-100 Airstart on the back (since replaced on both Fleet and Shore-based by the MSU-200/NAV, which resulted in the modification of the Tow Tractor to the A-31B specification)... the question i ask is, because the VF-0 and VF-1 were principly Navy assets, would it not be more apporprioate to use a ALBAR type towbar? (your guess is mine to what length of towbar (8', 15', 20' or 22' feet model) would be used. If you didn't know, different lengths are used at sea as opposed to shore based...
  4. I just watched a clip of Deslar's final battle with the Yamato... and a thought occured to me about Talan. Now maybe im presuming things based on my own experiances in the Navy (at least my own understandings about things at least, as best my rank will allow) but regardless of the fact that Deslar put the ship in harm's way by attacking the Yamato in 'warp space' for lack of better term, does Talan not have the authority to remove Deslar from causing the ship into hazard? (again, presumption) I mean, If Talan had testes, would he have risked Deslar's wraith in order to make a point, to his surpreme boss? or was his hesitation based on the fact the toon was spineless or was his inaction a cultural limitation? and when i mean Cultural, i mean both in terms of Gamalas/Nazi Germanic or Japanese cultures...
  5. can i get the cliffnotes on this thread? i aint got the patience to stift thru 13 pages of drama. what happened between pages 1 & 13 on this stuff? I have not idea why the font dropped to this?
  6. ok that was hillarious. gotta give those folks BZs for the very imaginative Cosplay fanfilms...
  7. Thank you, that does help a little bit.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEXOdV914T8 can someone explain a few things? the reference to a Icandaran sister? the Gam/Iscan chick's kneeling action upon realizing what or who is depected in the image player. and Yuki stepping up to save the soldier from getting (more) corperal punishment for some misconduct (i assume the mere talking with Yuki while she was still in the brig).
  9. the editing of that first video... so it goes from a cop car going over the edge of that bridge... to the Poser ending (as if the heroes of the show could give a F about that cop car...?)
  10. that's a horrible VF-1J AP... that i am curious (actually i must be diseased if i said that)...
  11. Still not mean looking enough...
  12. Thank You Mr March (for being bored and volenteering to take point on that Op).
  13. His is of a era where acting was more than reacting, to plagerize Rango. His skill of the arts won't be surpassed, not by anyone in existiance now...
  14. there's also a bigger issue at play. With MG actively at war with a fellow Colony fleet, we have our first makings of civil war in the new NUNS era? It's been implied in various readings (Sketchley can explain better i hope) that low intensity war has already occured between colonies already but this the first big one. If any more Macross properties are made, i hope they keep going along this line to make comparisions with the violence that colonies and Colony Fleets may wage to guessed at violence that plagued the end of the Protoculture civlization. perhaps we are seeing another Endless Waltz, in the making?
  15. uh, if it bothers to come out next month, does that mean we'll see it on Netflix by March?
  16. Sure, its corny now but back when this aired on local TV in 1979-1980, that sh*t was awesome. The american voice actor so made his version of Deslar so... i guess almost ambigious in his sexuality. Way different from the run-of-the-mill bad guys on TV then. Charismatic i guess is the word for it. But definately something sexual/coolness...
  17. back on the subject of LAMs: my biggest grief is making sure i understand aerospace movement when it comes to Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground combat. If your up on current errata for Total Warfare, they eliminated the make shots at hex 0909 and just made shots based on the flight path of the ASF and the attacker in question. thats one reason i've not made much effort to even use them in my son's home game. Using LAMs requires a special level of savy thats lacking in many players, considering for the longest time, even saying the word LAM at an official convention event would be like farting. loudly and smelly.
  18. SPOT. ON. Sir. and they had gripping stories too, mate. FSS is a very good example of hmm... think sport teams and prestiege one gains from that. you also gain the contrivercy of the woman-bots (for the life of me cant remember their name type. Fatama's?) especially when they are treated as property (something i also thought that was supposed to be a undercutting dig on how japanesse woman where treated at the time FSS was written, too). But you also forget that all these media forms support merchantising (especially Gundam, the benchpost that everything else on the planet measures to, when it comes to Toy and Hobby kits and other merchandise) What to you make of Catalyst's efforts to 'salvage' the current storyline, when you consider the time gaps between the Jihad and Dark Age (as well as the book line that covers events up to 3145)?
  19. i finally got around the getting Era Report: 3145 when i took my daughter to Kenmore Comics in Akron the other day. I already had TRO 3145 so i'm already familiar with the concept of Clan Hell's Horses QuadVee. I agree, i'm not sure what to make of it until i actually try and fight one. I know some of you like to bash Battletech but to me, its more than just funny looking 'mechs (some of you are out right racist if the 'mech isn't a Gundam LOL!), its the story behind all those funny ass 'mechs. Reading the Era report's attempt to unfluk the mediocre Mechwarrior: Dorkage storyline does it for me. If i ever wanted an anime made of a subject matter, it's battletech. Come on. You got a faction that just totally said FU to centuries of a style of warfare for this new No Mercy POV (Malvina's Jade Falcons and their perversion of the Mongal Doctrine), two factions that are getting their freak on a mutual enemy (The Draconis Combine and the Capellan Confederation vs a very battered Federated Suns), the kinda back in business [mostly] Free Worlds League, COMSTAR will probably be out of business if author fiat doesn't cure thier HPG woes... holy crap. it really sucks to be mercs (RIP the ELH).... Yes i had a wonderful evening reading in bed.
  20. will all of Deslar's intros include "Des-Loc DeslocDesloc! Des-Loc DeslocDesloc! Des-Loc DeslocDesloc!"? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bCr6sMLDvM
  21. since we are discussing the future, i have yet another question. Now in the original series, Desler eventually evolves into a charactor of respect (something, you'd not expect for a toon supposedly modeled after a famous and reviled terran dictator). With the way they depicted Desler in 2199 (especially since it seems Desler is a former dictator now, if he's still alive), is there any chance he could/might be redeemed in a simular fashion to the original charactor, considering that 2199's version is more supposed be a homage to a famous and reviled terran dictator?
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