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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. except a new master to control any remaining SA forces...? you know, a certain female villan from MF might have had designs to lead the masses, so to speak?
  2. *shrug* MY brother was the one into Sailor Moon... Bt im unsure he would be into this version (had he been alive to see this...)
  3. *yahn* You guys know they wont get this 'movie' out before 2015, right? JJ is already just saying F*&^ it about 'his time dealing with those retards at Paramount'...
  4. Pensive's Predictions for Yamato 2204, based on that spoiler video provided by Anti... -Presuming that this movie (Yamato 2199: Galantis Ships Do the Twist!) is cannon there should be several major changes to the old 2nd season chain of events: 1) The Galantis Twister Rednecks now have a reason to attack Earth, thanks to death-metal Captain Ahab & 'Princess Invidia' (im guessing that's supposed to be her) 2) Unlike in the original 2nd season, a renewed Cosmos Navy has some comprehension on the Galantis Empire, some of their vessels, potentional tactics, their method of Warping in [for sensor long range indentification purposes] as well as a major spoiler on their 'Magna Flame Gun' So WTF is with the thingie planetoid/flying cross with higher glphics all over it and... W,T.F. was with a Yamato vessel in the trees?
  5. This event has certainly made the various cyber security companies more profits... though i just gotta ask: cant we just cut ALL their communication lines (outside of those in China) to the outside world. you cant hack if you cant get a dial-tone, right?
  6. im impressed. are the high sections on bridge mounts there because that part of the island floods?
  7. Just watching that proto-Magna Flame Gun (Ok, my Japanese friends, WTF is that gun called from the original series?) just nuke the Gamalas ships makes me weep when(if) the Cosmo Navy Refits start getting nuked... in the TV series that we are waiting on batted breath for them to even annonce that they will make? Has Yamato 2199 been fanancially successful enough that they will continue it?
  8. I dedicate my next Level-Up to you, sir...
  9. *shrug* For a second i thought this was about Suicide Girls (Ophra naked? *shivers in fear*)
  10. *claps* Questions... one, is the materials of the original videos/tapes/films salvagable or even doable for a remake remastering? Two, would TPTB even want to? its not like TNG-R is selling well, is it?
  11. I was in a rush before work, LOL. But thank you.
  12. OK so Street Fighter's Akuma is the lead bad guy with a massively bad BFG... and this movie (and its results to the continuity of 2199) is the reason for the Gatlantis Empire for having a beef with Earth & the Cosmos Navy. presumably. and the GE ships are better at Anti Ship Missile tactics it seems. Is the one scene of the lone survivor vessel ("Avatar's Ship") from Episode 1 being viewed by a Galantis ship?
  13. *eats popcorn* Love it when War nerds go to Gwar over details most of us have no clue about... it's how WE learn about that sh*t...
  14. here's a thought. Okita made his promise, something the surviving Yamato crew members would honor as well. Who is say though, that the Admirality in the Cosmos Navy back on Earth would honor Starsha's demands as well? I think that deviation will be a major part of any continuing TV series, if familiar CN/EDF ship designs are used.
  15. http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Eridani_Light_Horse_lawsuit I'd dare discuss this on the BT forums but i'm loath to risk the ire of the TPTB over there. My question, based on the current cannon events in the Field Manual: 3145 and Era Report: 3145, was the destruction of the http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Eridani_Light_Horse the result of author and property fiat, in order to rid themselves of another painful legal subject?
  16. Saw it. Loved it. Hated the ending, though. it was too... does anyone besides me wish the next G-movie includes Red Ronin & those 3 space monsters from Marvel's 1970's comics?
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4rU_A_ZcnY 4min 30sec http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaJLfhdEzWA 16min 30sec (yes, i washed my hands after grabbing that last link) what always made the Gerwalk mode, epic to me, was that lone VF-1A that made it around that intersection, then transformed to Battroid behind the next block of buildings. Alto's excape from the small Varja in Episode Two of MF even more illustrates the coolness that is Locomotive Kneejoint...
  18. Thats the one thing i disliked about the MTF's VF-1J. For one, it's clearly trying to look like a VF-25, paint sceme-wise. If it did away with the markings connecting the wing to the chest, then i'd have no reach to dislike it. Because the wings are variable, when the fighter is at near max speed, it's wings would be swept in (as far as any ordinance still on the wings would allow) farther back. when it's landing or in Gerwalk, the wings would likely be fulling deployed out or close too it. those wings move alot (or should in practical application)
  19. Ok, time for necromatic spell casting... http://www.trektoday.com/content/2014/05/starship-exeter-completes-second-episode/ some of you are probably familiar with the many Fan Films produced in the past decade (Phase 2, Hidden Frontiers, even Star Wreck in the...) well Starship Exeter finally released their act4 of their 2nd and most likely last effort. If you read the comments, its clear something bad happened to explain why it took a decade just to finish it. does anyone know or understand the backstory about contriversy? i am a bit curious (and i'm making popcorn for the occation.)
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