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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. *yahn* How many names changes can something go thru?
  2. Saw it with the whole family (as my wife's BD gift this year). 9 out of 10 halflings. I really liked the VA's they choose, couldn't hardly tell the difference in comparison to any of the 70's VA's of that era.
  3. Dude, there are people out there who make special needs citizens look like Einstein in comparison to those very people that require that type of disclaimer. Either that, or some lawyer suggested it to the Comercial Production Team, "Just to be safe".
  4. Well... as a official 'Old fart', if i annoy others with my opinion, well.... oh well, mate. I never read the book so I guess I am missing out on something. P&P. just listening to the words in my head, sounds like something Spike Lee & Tarnatino should have made... well after actually LOOKING at the video link, my only question? Will my wife still think Lion's Gate streak of making Good Movies (according to her) will be broken by this movie? or not... hmmm. (yeah, yeah, they made some horror/zombie B's but does Direct-to-Bargain bin equal box office?)
  5. As i recall, when Mechcommander was being made back in the 90's, it originally was supposed to be turned based. At the time however, because of the popularity of other Build Sims (like Starcraft , Red Alert, and Total Analilation, they went the way they did with the MC theme... Skull Leader: They had no choice to completely fill in the Jihad because of Clicky Tech's efforts to jump the timeline. Something that huge had to be explained (and at the time, because of legal issues that prohibited any novels asides from the pulp stories formate, source books for the Jihad story arc was the only way to get ANY comprehensive understanding of how Clicky Tech's story evolved into what it was...) You're not the only one to either scratch your head and figure out things like the Capallens and Kuritans are THIS FRIGGING CLOSE from wiping out the Fed Suns as a faction or how the hell The Wolves managed to move their faction from the CWOZ to the middle of former FWL/LC territory and hold it for themselves!!!
  6. http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/reviews/game-history.htm Yeah, this subject link is for Star Trek but my curiosity is for Activision (specifically their Mechwarrior 2 series titles made in the mid 1990's) Reading this article was eye-raising, the detail that Activision ordered the destruction of all unsold Star Fleet Command III discs. When Activision was done with the Battletech licence after Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries, did they decree the same thing (perhaps to explain why the game disappeared) and why? Was it the same reason that they dropped ST's licence (because they accused Paramount of raping their own product to irrevalance?). i would ask this on CBT but i don't think TPTB would let the thread ride as is...
  7. oi. i just never liked how... dislikeful they were about 'Merica. Otherwise it was a hoot in it's day. I thought they came out with a version with ships de UPF'd so Paramount would not bother them?
  8. speaking about imaging what Yamato 220# could be like, hears a thought: the Cosmo Navy ships of SBS Y2 (The Comet Empire) were highly automated, with Bots replacing some crew jobs. will a Y220# continue that line (use bots) or go automated machinery so explain the rational behind it (personally, i think they would do that because they dont have enough people in terms of population yet)
  9. I do like i do like QV's take on living in the solar system... http://www.quantumvibe.com/ I read about the news on Trekmovie this morning. total nergasm.
  10. Maybe it's kept with USS Voyager's endless supply of Type-7 Shuttlecraft?
  11. Im curious... Certainly the trailer has its hooks in me...
  12. What was the back story for that pic (besides the whole idea of a semi-variable F-14)? To me, that pic sings of a conventional war story over resources (using Gerwalks, of course)
  13. or maybe if they can come up with an actual rational about Sound Energy (like M7 was a childrens show telling of what actually happened)...
  14. OK, im hooked...
  15. honestly would it not be better for them to air Yamato on hulu or Netflicks? or is there legal or financial considerations i'm missing?
  16. Although i knew he had been in relatively poor health as of late, his passing was unexpected (and for his many, many fans, truely unwanted). *salutes* Our world is most certainly for the worse, with his passing. Heaven, on the other hand, is likely having a Kareoki Night for Mr Nimoy's arrival...
  17. one of those links back on page 1 said that he's no longer working on this (or something to that effect)
  18. It sounds like the this new dude isnt gonna direct after all?
  19. OMG, my eyes want to explode... via my anus. So horrible, so hillarious...
  20. That also makes me think about the storyline in BATTLETECH: During the lead up to the Amaris Coup, the Terran Hegmony did anything it could to keep a compeditive edge with it's neighbors in the Inner Sphere... and in the end, the Hegmony still crumbled... I wonder if that might happen in the Macross universe? It's a common theme in historical literature after all.
  21. you know, since M0, came out, how do you even know if the F-14+ Kai also RETCON's the entire existance of the F-203 Dragon II (or the Anti-UN's fighter from SDFM RETCON'd into the SV-51)?
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