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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. I suppose that rolls into the NUNS SOP when it comes to fighting unidentified Zentraudi forces: Because of the sheer numbers of enemy units that can be brought to bare against an MUNS force, stealth/evasion or excessive use of reaction weapons is the only way to 'save the day' The NUNS, although generally fears encounters with random Zentraudi forces, the bigger danger is, "What If a Zent force improves itself after capturing NUNS modernized Zent tech".
  2. So that's what a EVA cosplaying like a Frontier-era FAST pack looks like...
  3. Facebook the music... really the thing that was good about... That.
  4. So they think a plane, with 2 small engines, a 1 single main engine... No, that looks like someone was drunk & stoned with access to a DCS F-35 model and tried to improve it...
  5. Not at surprised about his view on the LA CB. He seemed very polite about working on Macross + with The Floating Head. Too Polite, IMHO (because that's the only mention of SK in SW's interview). I am looking for dirt that doesn't exist?
  6. Is this why they will never make a Live Action Battletech/Mechwarrior (nitch community, too much Lore [Where/When exactly do you set it]), Macross (larger community but also the question of Where/When it's set) or MS Gundam (ridiculous community across the globe but WHICH SERIES/SETTING/AU to use?) ??? For everyone here dialing in their Nopes on Speed Dial, you might be shocked: They could make something that on it's face looks like One Piece but they go their own way and become just as beloved as the anime or Manga.... assuming that the people in charge are not epically retarded farts... I'm talking Macross Frontier, Yamato 2199, Mandalorian or Strange New Worlds levels of success needed to meet Quiteria standards. On that, I can agree with all hands, the bar is THAT high
  7. rabbit-lineart.gif (1400×900) (macross2.net) *cracks knuckles* I got this... Look at the the bottom left (SouthWest) pic. Its the underview sketch. The Foot struts have (each) 6 pads spaced from each other in someway equal measures. That tells me (or at least, makes me think) that the design is space-based, never meant for planetary service. No Wheels. *Back tracks a moment* Before I continue, I ask this: What kind of gravity exists on the SDF-1 and its carrier-method deployed assets (SDFMTV: SDF-1 + Prometheus + Daedalous Amphibious Carriers; DYRL SDF-1 + ARMD-1 + ARMD-2). I ask this because there is less reason to have what I am thinking about, in terms of how the RC-4E is handled while inside what ever ship it is loaded into, the question of how much gravity is available (if things are normally Zero-G, then things are more likely to be man handled with cranes in order to get the item from the stow point to the launch point thus less rational Anyway, my idea. Boggy Wheels. UH-1H Helicopter S/N 66-17099 | www.dakotaairparts.com (dakotaairservices.com) Look at the first pic of the Huey, at the back of the landing skid. its got, what I heard was refered to as Boggy Wheels. Its how the end user of Hueys (or other skid-using helicopters) moves the A/C while not under power. I think (assuming that gravity is a thing on where the RC-4E Rabbit is stored/maintained) that the Rabbit sits on either 4 boggy wheels or a large single/multi-piece of Support Equipment (think like two skateboards or one big pallet with imbedded wheels). That, to me, seems like the most likely method of how the Rabbit is handled, in the hangar (other than by crane)...
  8. My first DM, waaaaaaay back in high school (in the late 80's) ran his 1st ED game with a iron fist, unmercifully dice and utter delight at rebooting the party WEEKLY at times (especially if you were rolled up with Chaotic Neutral alignment. There was no "Might save your life, might screw your wife", just KILL KILL KILL (and rarely survived an encounter, typically) regardless of class. CN Wizard? the rest of party contemplates the loot from dead PC.... Oh, and when you have classic monty python sessions? (did i mention the Delayed Blast FB on a timer in a room we're trying to Bed Bars/Lift Gates to escape from.... I know i did NOT mentioned that the highest STR in the party, was 9....)
  9. Its gets better. I mentioned this article on BT's forums and got a very Davion Guards response... (scroll to the bottom) Talk to me about.....the Battlemaster (battletech.com)
  10. Thank you. Now I have a word for you. Control. That's the word that I have heard said on several occasions, on some more... reputable streams on YT, on WotC (Really Hasbro, since I'll bet a weeks rations of Navy Beans its them via Hasbro's stockholders Shareholders dictating terms to WotC). They want to control the market and show some effort in increasing their profitability, since folks finally put Two & Two together on just how Habro makes their cash in the past two decades: WotC (thus now applying just a liberal amount of pressure on the Toy Giant...)
  11. I'll never look at an Unseen Battlemaster quite the same way after this... Are those angled launchers artillery or smoke (in Battletech, they were considered MLs on a stock BLR-1G)? I asked my wife about this suit "It looks like a nurse's outift' *giggles*
  12. colorcode-vf4.gif (923×900) (macross2.net) VFs are not Omnimechs. Are you sure they even mention the ease of swapping those over nacelle weapons*? Is it possible the 30mm guns are a variant of the common VF-4? *after spending a bit of time looking at the imagery and imagination, i would figure any swapping of parts would include the entire arm assembly (mostly because the logical locations to remove the housing of the weapon cannot be reached in Fighter mode, unless the module (and arm) slides forward and slightly up, away from the nacelle below, in Fighter mode. thinking about that, alone, maybe is the reason the VF-4 was replaced as soon as it could be; The transformation sequence alone must of made it a maintenance nightmare...
  13. Thoughts (because i don't want to create a new thread for what is a nitch topic)? What i am concerned about is video games like Dungeon & Dragons Online (a legacy 3.5-based MMO still active), NWN1 and NWN2 (legacy PC games long gone save a few Persistent Worlds)? how does this legal crap that HASBRO is pulling work? How does this affect fan-skit operations like VivaLaDirtLeague, All for 1 or Critical Roll?
  14. This Question is mostly geared towards Japanese folks (in terms of understanding): Does Warlord (later, Gunji-no-Kanrei) Toranaga strike a cord with any Japanese (or Asian) military historical figures?
  15. Fixed it for you. I actually really like The Bad Batch (enough that i cannot binge it too often, something my family gives me crap over LOL)
  16. wasn't the F-203 supposed to be, if they had the rights to do so, actually a F-15?
  17. Well, Zappan is still alive. It wouldn't be a bad thing to have him as the bad guy in the second film... The question is, how would they end it? The original book ends with the space-station side of Zalem turned into a Flower... but the goings on of Last Order.... seems way too political and complex for a 3rd movie (a multi-year Netflix show, on the other hand?)
  18. after xmas, when they spam "IN Memorium" will they even include her as Savvik? 😕
  19. Heaven is like Denny's (Open 24/7)... I mean, CLE's Gaylord Perry (MLB legend) has apparently passed away...
  20. we might get Ikea the Furniture series before anything else 😕
  21. This is my private view on the matter:
  22. Possibly in the same region of space, suffering the same fate?
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