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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. You are thinking using 2018 logic, NOT 1984 logic. You get your news spoon feed on your phone. in 1984 you got your news every morning in paper. at 1800 hours on your local and from the big THREE. Film at 11 actually had a meaning. The only thieves was TCI. Why? because greed is good in 80's America and why the flipping &^%$ would a two-bit outfit, using a derivative name of 20th Century Fox, give a damn about selling a bunch of cells to some 20-somethings gamers wanting to create something in the 80's? It was just $$$ in TCI's pocket, just like something i would expect from folks in Cally, specifically. Nobody knew that those images were or would be radioactive right then. That insight only came from experience, xp FASA only got to spend in the 90's. Please, STOP calling them outright thieves. Jim Bakker was a thief. The folks at FASA? Victims of inexperience is appropriate. Do you even understand the reference to the Brooklyn Bridge? Then you are either too young or not American* if you were born in the 70's or previously. * Not every is perfect, mind you.
  2. FASA didn't steal those images. They bought them from TCI. I wish you would please stop calling it theft. It wasn't and it wasn't meant to be. Theft is that Chinese VF-1J knock off fighting mutant rats. What FASA did and got for their troubles, was the deed to the Brooklyn Bridge... a piece of paper, completely worthless.
  3. Well they were all Unseen at one point, prior to Project Phoenix. Now? But thanks to modern computing (SCIENCE B*LLSH*T!) and advanced CAD methods, MWO made some pretty nice Reseen/NuSeen designs that muddy the waters... As for FotS:D? Well, if someone ponies the cash to buy the rights for a remake/update, they just might go back to being Unseen again. Personally, i just wish TPTB just went with PP as the base line and not even court any risks... I just more BT stories and Lore to be told on the big screen.
  4. OMG that was so retarded.... Yes, I'll see it. I was totally ROflcoptering...
  5. Yes it's necro threading but it's the literally the only topic approp (and it's worthless to create a new one): https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/pauley-perrette-responds-to-cbs-statement-about-her-multiple-assaults-claim/ar-AAxlT7k?ocid=spartanntp I stopped watching this, for various reasons (don't watch TV as much, watch Netflix upstairs with the wouman, other reasons~old people, etc.) and I suppose I should not be surprised that finally someone else finally 'decided' to leave. But I wonder: who caused Abby the llama dramas? It wasn't rape or sexual (otherwise, NCIS would have been a blanket victim of the Me too movement in Hollywood) but I am vaguely curious.... in a rubbernecking in traffic sort of manner...
  6. The only ship designs not seen yet is the Destroyers (no WMG visible) and the original BCV's. If i had to guess, they might still be designs to be used for next season? what do those Quad Triple Barrel mounts do? Both the original Destroyers and Cruisers had those guns but that have never been seen used...
  7. Is there a reason this movie Slade is retarded sounding compared to the original TV run?
  8. Will the Micronauts movie be true to the original Marvel Comics story? I suppose it won't because of legal/license issues (the same reasons by the comic reboot from the previous decade wasn't at all related to the Marvel M run)? As for GIRock? Did the last movie do OK?
  9. Lots of reasons why they didn't use WMGs in Eps. #1: Technical restrictions in place at that time on small boats, may not have wanted to reveal that even small ships had WMG capacity, or smaller ships had the equivalent of Wave Motion French Ticklers [thus: WMFT] instead...?
  10. Doesn't matter (to them). fandom is full of ants. The owners don't always care about the ants but once they take notice, it's a can of RAID for fandom. A better example was how Disney vs that overseas school (with classic Disney imagery, painted on the side of the school) went down...
  11. I'll take a gander that the destroyers getting nailed is the flanker force that bites it first... and the wave motion shields are nerfed because of those crazy ass blade missiles. Derp...
  12. and that's why antimatter chick wants to save them: because atm, they are ALL disposable toons. Even the thousand-ship Cosmo Navy fleet suffers from that Malady: We know a few of those ship's names and even less of their individual crews...
  13. I had to wiki his name to even know who he was (a euro-based musician). I knew him not, but apparently we are still at a loss...
  14. I think you all miss the point: all this is supposed to make the ending meaningful... what I am curious about is how they make tie-ins from the original 3rd season (and make it work sensibly). We've only seen 2 major empires in Yamato reboot. When will we see hints of either the Black Nebula or Bolan Empires?
  15. Not that it matters but how is a calendar considered cannon? Very few novels themselves are considered 'cannon' as it is...
  16. Loved the first adulation of TT, couldn't get into TTG (partially because of the animation choices, it was so deliberately not TT). Live action? Honestly the only live action 'TV' i like involves adult actresses mostly... but if it makes DC $$$, so be it.
  17. https://bg.battletech.com/forums/index.php?topic=60546.450;topicseen#lastPost Is this true? March 21, 2021, HG losses ALL of the various TM's they have involving RT?
  18. Can someone shed more light to this (specifically, how can I watch this series if it's planned to be available in CONUS?) https://www.facebook.com/Yamato2199/?hc_ref=ARSx8tT3AwIcJHX7ineifKyMXwij92B6Z1q5QIM0BTlr9fVlyXAAaFxf-zDdTgYyKOU&fref=nf
  19. Old Nash, sir... that meme is EPIC!
  20. someone on FB speculated that the young adult first seen in this clip was the previous Leader of the Gamalas Empire and The Gamlon Liaison/Kinda-Traitor guy on Yamato is his son?
  21. Is it too late to report Palladium Books mess to the Better Business Bureau?
  22. To even remotely speculate, one was know these questions' answers: 1) How many VF's per squadron? 2) How many squadrons per vessel (presumably it's still 1 Air Wing per ship)? 3) Out of the entire number of VF's the ship can carry, how many of those VF's are considered 'UP status'? (that is, how many planes are able to sortie, how many planes are expected to be down for scheduled maintenance/being rebuilt as result of battle damage)?
  23. As i continue to read about this topic thread over on BT (the lawsuit between HG & PGI aka Mechwarrior Online & co) ... i wonder. If the fates actually give us light (that HG loses completely the rights to Macross & Co in 2021), does that mean TPTB in Japan (if they have any interest in making the effort for profit's sake) may finally consider putting some or all of their TV show productions on some platform in the states (say, Netflix's anime section) sometime after?
  24. uh.... that's retarded.
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