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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. Another fades to white... *Salute!* I wonder how TPTB will finish any voice work required for the remainder of 2202's run?
  2. You have to admit why ZQ's Spock is different: Pan Far access isn't as much a issue for him, when the need arises LOL...
  3. I noted on the Thread on BT.com that she died the same day as Elvis... Oh it's gonna be loud tonight up high... Long Live the Queen!
  4. Not t mention they might have been closet Battletech fans: They used the same gimmick to hide their facility that the Word of Blake did for 'Ruins of Gabriel' (right in plain sight)...
  5. It's better to contain the discussion here, since STD is currently the only active topic on anything Star Trek (besides, you MODS always* lock down frivolous threads when there IS a better thread to use, via search. Remember the thread on picture taking? I still do). *We still love you, but you guys ARE annoying when you do that...
  6. Now that sounds like ego (which makes sense: the best that Pine has ever done was being a 'fratboi' captain... and drive a GE AC4400CW. Hemsworth probably thinks he's worth* more because he's been a god or such, several times over) *See what I did
  7. compared to the previous 2 JJ films, STB's villain was pretty normal in comparison (it was a nice change of pace at least). The ONLY flaw I wished they did was some mention of Carol Marcus is passing, perhaps her picture on a wall or Bones mentioning that she left on her terms, not Jim's (which would be cannon when you recall his interaction with Carol in TWoK). it would make that sequence in which Kirk is beginning to feel... bored on his multi-year mission, more gravitas?
  8. LOL, I love see the Pickard rock shirts on FB...
  9. Who says it will? Nobody outside of CBS believes that the Discovery exists in the Prime universe timeline (as if all those bald Klingons were actually Klingons... oh wait, Season 2 will have even different Klingons... are Discovery's Klingons the equivalent to Gamalans?)
  10. are you meaning a Netflix Bubblegum Crisis? or Alita? Hells, why not both? regardless, I growled and howled with delight with this new trailer. I have full and utter confidence that this movie is gonna be F*&^ing EPIC!
  11. what about the this: https://bg.battletech.com/forums/index.php?topic=62299.0 This actually troubles me: why are they doing this?
  12. So that's her in the Berserker "suit". Does that mean she will be seen in the later part of the movie in it? It's been ssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooooo many years since I've read the Manga novels that I forget exactly when she replaces her body with that.
  13. here's a pleasant thought: What if some of those ships survived to reconditioned as enemy units? The Galatians are already big on using visuals to demoralize their foes. What couldn't be funnier than a dozen or more G-DN's fighting against friendlies?
  14. is that the toy trend these days? Sixth scale as opposed to 1/6th scale?
  15. Well, after listening to several podcasts on the subject... This is killer. I wonder what Andy ships escaped (besides Andy herself)? Did the Prometheus as well?
  16. Wouldn't it funny if excessive use of warping or WMG energy causes Fold Faults (or as I suspect will be important for the next season/series) or some kind of environmental issues caused by something simpler: What happens to the solar system, gravitationally speaking, now that Saturn is destroyed?
  17. I saw something on Facebook that looked like some kind of mod for the main guns, today... any ideas what that was about?
  18. Rest with Responsibility
  19. So it's been radio silence since the trailer came out? What exactly was the justification for delaying release until Dec again?
  20. My money is on seeing Macross on Crunchy Roll towards the end of 2021. It's a platform that already gets good views from Yamato 2199/2202 alone...
  21. OK. The case is closed (apparently) between PGI and HG (and by circumstance, CGL). What happens now, for each of the IPs involved? Macross Battletech MWO Battletech PC
  22. I don't even know the guy... but i can relate. He's fine now, in the here after. It's the people still here that have to 'deal with this'...
  23. It's still retarded. The OPFOR certainly can't be the Chinese (funding) nor NK (politics) so it'll be the Neo-soviets by a land slide... maybe the Libyans, again?
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