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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. I just watched the 1st eps on Netflix... so the hero mech is EVA Unit 01, the breen are Angels and the male lead pilot is on the Spectrum. Is that a fair description of Pandora/Last Hope?
  2. https://cycomi.com/fw/cycomibrowser/chapter/pages/5692
  3. Would you agree that maybe, because they are riding the Delta train to the bank, they are holding out on anything else because of the franchise status in the US (that specific date in 2021)? Imagine the amounts of cash they could make putting Macross on Netflix or similar without those ***holes in real estate?
  4. It's doing fine.... assuming you're into the idea of actually connecting Mac-II into all this, LOL...
  5. How delightfully... vague in information or content. I suppose the concerts are being held to either pay for the new filming or just plain greed?
  6. this reminds of a Star Trek fan fic someone did on BT.com (but there is no relation to macross per se *grins* just something else...) https://bg.battletech.com/forums/index.php?topic=47909.0
  7. https://www.npr.org/2018/09/13/647105973/after-a-promising-start-the-predator-loses-the-scent NPR wasn't so kind...
  8. Best quote, mate.
  9. I'd say its from a book made in the past decade at least (perhaps Tenjin Hidetaka?). It's supposed to depict a unfilmed scene from the TV series, after Fokker dies (although the artist chose to use the DYRL flight suit).
  10. AI would be my guess... or lots of automation that renders a typical crew requirement mute, thus you only need a skeleton crew to man a DN or CG. This matters especially because the fleet was probably planned for system defense, not conquest or exploration. That might be a theme for the next series, when you consider how the original third series/season went about. I'm pretty convinced that all the WMG fire (or the Time Fault itself) will cause environmental problems for earth... or they did the Iron Womb route and 3d printed kids aka The Clans of Battletech...
  11. Did they ever give a good reason why the production & direction duties were changed between films? Was this a Disney directive from above? (or basically, would have TLJ been better if JJ helmed both films?)
  12. Are we talking from the POV of TOS? or Enterprise? He didn't exist prior to TOS because the events that went into the creation of TOS's Prime Universe were (arguably) retendered moot when First Contact changed the Prime Universe to include the events of Enterprise. Now that I think about it, they might have not existed (or posed no threat to the nascent UPF) simply because of the events of The Voyage Home (Time Travel ultimately is the best means to reboot anything) for all we know, LoL. Clearly something happened after the arrival of the Narada that set into motion Edison's decision to go to war with the UPF, something that doesn't happen in the Prime Universe, perhaps? Another reason Edison never destroyed TOS was maybe our 'friends' in the 29th and 30th centuries?
  13. speaking of JJ-Wars: Since the reason JJ jumped ship was the soured returns (in terms of merchandising) from JJ-Trek, how have the Star Wars toy line since the release of the recent movies?
  14. basically this, the rumors & such. For the record, I didn't see Solo specifically because of the stupid politics involved in that film but that's an entirely different topic...
  15. You forget that Spock was a weak bit... emotional? between holding in his rage about having to deal with BratKirk not once (getting insulted via the Kobiashi Maru test), not twice (BratKirk still getting on the ship) but three times (Kirk getting a promotion?), He wasn't in his best mind (especially when you consider that Vulcan just went *Puff!*) when he made that order...
  16. I'm really glad I don't do CBSAnalAccess… Thank you, Capt. those videos are quite eye opening to the mess Star Trek is... the funny thing? NO MENTION of Star Trek Online. I suppose it's because the game is most certainly not cannon but... is there any official comment?
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