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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. A little mild necro-threadism but... http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/new-series.htm?fbclid=IwAR1Ou5qqw8EeFDTmuyBwRUbG5Z_4zO1gR72BEwDJfy6cDKIiDtKIUoJt7BQ#20190513 WTF? Now Amazon Prime?
  2. maybe it was those series of "OVA style" videos that are on YouTube that light the match?
  3. maybe MtF isn't the thing any more. It might help if they were selling toys from it?
  4. *eats popcorn* Please, continue the Otaku stuff. Personally, I blame the translators for any confusion caused. When it comes to noting what careers the macross military follow, I assume that everything is patterned after how the JSDF is organized. But just to make things either crystal clear or complete muddy of waters, I ask this: 1) Can a helicopter pilot that initially flies helicopters that are based aboard ships, transition to a helicopter that is based from what is considered a Japanese Air Force Base command? If so, then the Japanese kanji is used as is (F the translations). If not, then the distinction between Naval and Shore (or how ever you want to describe Army and AF) is important. 2) Is the JSDF organized where the chain-of-command for Naval forces and Ground Forces are distinct commands, tied together only at the flag level? or are they treated as elements of the same combined command structure? (another way to look at this is how are they funded? together or separate? A good example of the latter is the US Navy, where we have both Aviation centric funding, Surface centric funding (including Amphibious units), Sub Surface, See Bees, SEALs, etc...) 3) Why does it have to be Spacy? The term Cosmo Navy seems more... professional? It sounds better at least.
  5. THIS! F*cking right in the FEELS!
  6. well, certain things will be the same as previous: The fleet will be mostly disposable because the human population is implied to be not large enough to support a fully manned Cosmo Navy...
  7. It must be... but I suppose (as many have lamented already) its a thing for 2202 to slap that Green Skip Card right after the Red Skip Card...
  8. it'll be ^%$& if they can't sell merchandise... but what continuity will they follow? It's clear as bells that CBS/AA isn't CBS-TV (otherwise they would have not used JJ-Trek motive's)... Belay all that. My official POV is this: Who Cares Wins.
  9. Well, Doomcock is very happy in this review... I did not put much thought into this thread when it first appeared. I honestly thought this was going to be a movie (and not a web series). after listening to this review, I'm gonna fix that discrepancy.
  10. it would explain why the company already seems to know about zenos and has employs so many skin-jobs to ensure they finally bag one (which they apparently did in Alien 4). Seriously, all the colony expansion crafted by W&Y? They are not trying to create the Inner Sphere or the Star league or the League of Non-Aligned Worlds: They are bait for David (perhaps the engineers as well, maybe even the Yuanti?).
  11. It funny when you realize that the dog is actually barking at the skinjob Telephone Operator.
  12. From a Facebook commenter that posted on a group I follow: All can be explained easily. It is US scriptwriting for mass market performance. Fast food. Superficial instead of tight research, eye candy mass cgi instead of believable battle etc and way too many crew soap opera instead of logical plot developent. GREAT to watch but little to please the intellect. Be it Discovery or Elementary, in the end they will be cancelled. Quality is a dish served way too rately I had to borrow this. Does this comment seem accurate?
  13. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/an-interstellar-meteor-may-have-slammed-into-earth/ar-BBVZawI?ocid=spartandhp a failed planet bomb? Kinda cool (and probably another reminder that most of us ignore that the big one is still out there to smite us back into past era without Netflix...)
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