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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. Although it has been some time since the end of the FASA era of published books, there are new books out in some forms. Your mileage will vary but I've come to enjoy some forms of fan fiction (specifically Alternation Historical Universes or AU) that asks 'What If?'. There are quite a few, some complete and some unfinished for reasons but it can be worth the effort to look at. here's the links to 3 Four stories that I personally like, because the author succeeded in drawing you into their stories: https://bg.battletech.com/forums/index.php?topic=49460.0 this story is based on the idea of Hanse Davion NOT dying at the end of the initial Clan Invasion... https://bg.battletech.com/forums/index.php?topic=61566.0 this story is set in the Magistracy of Canopus region of space prior to the 4th Succession War (and based on a regular game session). https://bg.battletech.com/forums/index.php?topic=62173.0 an SI type of fan fic. If I could wave a magic wand, I would make this cannon... Excellent reading. and this https://bg.battletech.com/forums/index.php?topic=47909.0 a Star Trek-based story... with Kerbils (eventually).
  2. I came across this looking at (of all things) Cat videos (specifically Marmalade & Cole). I liked this but I am curious: Do I hear traditional Japanese music hidden (or woven) in the techno beats?
  3. He is the first of the DS9 cast to pass through the worm hole, Quiaff?
  4. OK I'm confused. Why Hikaru and not Rick? This is supposed to be a Robotrash game? The mini's look impressive (they actually remind me of the 80's Imai thick look) however...
  5. It's gonna crap, wrapped in feathers, boxed in a crate made from crap-laden feathers. NuBSG completely, COMPLETELY overrode the 1970's BG (so did SBSY:2199) in my mind. To do it again? Why, indeed? Greed, probably...
  6. Aqua man's ass cheeks?
  7. to quote Star Trek: He's unable to respond. He's unwilling to respond.
  8. Not a fan of the music choice... but I was intrigued. I've never seen the movies in their entirety but I've seen clips. I did not know this part: the massed engagement against (the or A) Vajra queen nest... that was inside the remains of a DYRL-style Gol Boddole Zer-class MF (another, clear slap towards SLDF:M and HG that continues to taint it's legacy) . What was the sequence of events for this?
  9. to be honest, any toon from Space Balls might be enough to save the franchise at this point... hell, i'll take CREEPIO at this rate. derp.
  10. Yes, hilarious... now make a EVIL expression on Jar Jar… THAT would be hilarious wrong. As for the video, filling the first 1min with old school nostalgia is just a plot to make you interested. Its still a trap...
  11. I was looking around reading various different takes on this mess and then it occurred to me, after reading Mog's thoughts. How could this (Doomcock's thoughts on the SEC looking for a meal) come into play on the nixed Sony/Disney Spider deal?
  12. Oh man... he's actually happy for once...
  13. Maybe I'm considered too young to know (I wasn't even born yet when this movie came out) but it seems like PF wasn't as renown an actor compared to his family? I know nothing of what he's famous for besides this movie above... RIP, regardless.
  14. maybe they did, back when they were filming the 2nd POS film [to kill Snoke]. That fan film is arguably far better than what they have done in cannon. Ignoring all the stupid parts, the way they have done KR is still a modern thing. So much potential to have made the 3rd triology epic... and they just filled it with retardation.
  15. reading that article about the floating head makes me wish there was a video component: It would have been telling to see his facial expressions when asked those last questions. Actually, it would have been nicer to hear more substantial questions but The Froating Head is wise enough to get someone else to bite feeding hands... maybe he'll write a tell-all book (do Japanesse even have that ability to do that?). However, can we go back to MOSPEADA for a moment? please explain how in japan a 2nd coming of MOSPEADA is in the works? links would be nice, I'm just curious.
  16. lets be honest: merchandizing for anything isn't hot anymore. Not since the iphone's been around...
  17. and STO: what is going on with that? Its been years since I stopped playing but STO's storyline isn't cannon as I vaguely recall? I wouldn't go as far as call JJ Trek a failure but more still borne if anything. JJ Just lost interest because the $$$ he hoped for didn't materialize... and the shitty story telling in part 2, mostly.
  18. This reminds more of older shows (like Heavy Metal the movie) but also like other shows this guy has made...
  19. This is what I remember of this series: The Bad Guy was weird AF. Was the Voice Actor intentionally playing the toon as quasi-gay?
  20. *shakes head* Well, that man will probably get all the mental health needs he rates, once he gets to prison. What if he commits seppuku before trial? Is that still a thing with mere rank & file Japanese?
  21. [mumbles darkly] ...At least it's a violent event not involving firearms. Here in the states, that kind of attack is measured in when, not if. How often do events like this happen involving the mentally ill in japan (or eastern Asia in general)? https://www.npr.org/2019/07/18/742981029/japanese-anime-studio-hit-with-suspected-arson-killing-at-least-16?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=20190718&fbclid=IwAR12T6Y-JLwa011Jrs_ZEskreaXgLpbEomP-7vsQrt0SvqFTh7daU_Aveqc When I saw this mentioned on FB yesterday, there was one KIA. Now? 26 to 33 depending on whom you ask. Parent me is shaking my head in mild grief. Gamer me, however, is darkly wondering if some anime studios are celebrating the destruction of a competitor studio apparently known for actually paying their employees (as well as reviewing security around their properties). In my middle age, I no longer just assume that everyone wants to be the Lawful Good Paladin...
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