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Everything posted by sleddogg83

  1. I loved my VB even though it caused temporary sight damage (seeing all red is trippy to say the least). If the headset had been lighter and was capable of being strapped to the head or worn as some sort of helmet, it would have sold much better. THe VB controller is by far one of the best ever.
  2. Don't pay retail ($80) for any of the MPC's except maybe volumes (1 & 3, though they will likely be making more). They even just reissued appendix A for the MPC's.
  3. Bah! I'll see you duel gizmo thingmabobber and raise you a star wars lightsaber.
  4. it don't matter which one you pick, you''re gonna be buying them all eventually. once the valk-o-holism kicks in, its the beginning of the end for you and your wallet! 'Tis true. I need one more figure for my 1/60 collecton (thanks to haterist) then its onto my 1/48's. And to think, it all started with the purchase of a Yamato VF-1A Cannon Fodder. Well I should say that it started with Jetfire . . .
  5. I draw the kine at role play items . . .
  6. I love my VF-1J (non super). I dunno what to tell ya.
  7. <nicole richey> That's hot </nicole richey>
  8. I kill you NOW! Ninja Vanish.
  9. I was born exactly one year after the start of Macross.
  10. the retail price of the monster has already been disclosed Noel Not trying to be a jerk, but if you look at the context I was asking about the scope dog. I am sorry for asking an honest question about a figure that is completely foreign to me.
  11. They say that about all Sony & Nintendo products. The two manufacturer MARKET the products for different demographics. However, that is largely based on the average content rating of their respective systems.
  12. Becuase it is an extremely rare item that was produced in a very small quantity.
  13. Those 1/48 are tempting though. The price should shoot up soon enough! I've got my eye on them and some money to spend.
  14. This sucker appears to be atleast 18" tall. The shipping cost from HK must be upwards of $60 USD.
  15. Not sure if one has been released for the US yet, but the Japanese price tag will be the equivalent of $350. Hah, HAH! No. The U.S. price for the system is $150. He was talking about the PSP, wich is definenty going to be more $150 USD.
  16. Should I even ask how much that monster must cost?
  17. Not OT, have we got confirmation on the US price and release date for the PSP? How much are the games and media running for the two system. I really havent kept up as much as I used to.
  18. What is the large green item on the far right?
  19. For the price its tempting. I have to see more games before I make a descision.
  20. The "other" blue helicopter is from a UK only TF that's part of the turbomasters: http://www.tfu.info/1992/Autobot/Rotorstorm/rotorstorm.htm
  21. Does anyone know why Roadbuster has only one half of a gun on its left side?
  22. I just got the item in the mail. The figure is incredible. Though the legs have minimal articulation, the arm articulation is pretty decent. The figure is fairly tiny but does have nice molded detail. I'll try to snap off a few pics if I have time.
  23. Nice to see official pics, but that other guy's prototype was in much better poses. I swear Hasbro has blind people setting up their toys for photo-shoots. At least it appears to be transformed correctly this time, though the gun looks odd for some reason and the shield is being held upside down.
  24. Official pics: http://www.hasbro.com/transformers/energon.../dn/default.cfm
  25. Looky what I got: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...me=STRK:MEWN:IT
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