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Everything posted by sleddogg83

  1. sleddogg83

    fp yf-19

    Would you like that in BC or AD?
  2. Yeah hopefully some of the KO parts don't make the figure too fragile. It is a very clean custom.
  3. Do you recall the title or have a link?
  4. He understands english well enough to tell me that he would have sol me the 1/48's for $600 shipped. He chooses to be short with answers. Even if someone is lacking a mastery of the English language they can attempt something more significant that a one or two work answer. Hell, the person had to know english well enough to get on ebay.
  5. It would be a pretty extensive kitbash, but I wouldn't mind seeing one of these transform as sort of a bigger joke machine/SD type.
  6. Pics, Pics, PICS!
  7. So they had to use the hamony gold molde then .
  8. A baseball bat and mail fraud? I know that eBay won't do a thing.
  9. Was this ever released?
  10. Good luck man, thats a lot of money to risk. Make sure to get as much protection as possible.
  11. Sorry, geography isnt much strong suit . I was under the impression that the person might have copied and pasted the voltron description which doesnt look good either way.
  12. sleddogg83

    Scale Pref.

    Maybe if the trickle of new figures slows I'll pick up the 1/48's. I just don't think that its enough bang for your buck and is more of just "bigger is better." The hip to back joints also cuase uneasiness.
  13. I was tempted to bid on four of his auctions but I had several red flags: 1) Pitiful description 2) Pitiful pictures 3) Odd/wrong location (Ontario California, did he mean Canada?) 4) Short and uninformative answers that too far too long to recieve 5) Unlisted shipping costs 6) Selling several high end electronics devices (he was selling 3 $400 gfx cards among others) 7) Possible shill bidding Low feedback 9) No feedback from buyers 10) Member since April 04 Yeah that about sums it up. The temptation to get a "good deal" was crushed by the shadiness of the auction.
  14. Yeah I bought it for display purposes (will display it leaning back with a wide angled stance) as I knew that the armor would make the figure a complete brick. However, I didnt think that the armor would literally shake off. I might try the clear tape and use a little goo gone whenever I take off the crotch armor. I hate having to alter the pegs of the hands for them to fit. Does anyone sell an alter set for a decent price?
  15. I agree the metal has a good feel, but isnt that just nostalgia? In the long run is it not better to have a more durable and more poseable figure? I do agree that the BT's look better out of the box, but what about 5 years form now when they are chipped to hell?
  16. sleddogg83

    Scale Pref.

    The 1/48's are just so expensive to start collecting NOW. I just don't know if its worth it (I have almost all of the 1/72's and 1/60's, 1 of each basic design). I dunno. Also, the amount of space to really display the figures is quite large. I'll have to give it some thought. I thought about just having a LV as my gem, but the type of paint application has somewhat turned me off.
  17. Yeah I was trying to get them in, but I was afraid that I would snap the wrist retractors. They were literally going into my finger and I knew that I as having to use too much force.
  18. sleddogg83

    Scale Pref.

    This might sound odd but the 1/60 feel more like actions figures where as the 1/48's feel like statues. The 1/48's just don't have that many more bells and whistles for their size and price as the 1/60's.
  19. Yeah I was going to put it on my CD also. What can I do about the hand pegs besides cutting them down?
  20. I just broke out the 1/60 GBP armor and several pieces either don't want to stay together ot they aren't the right size. Here are the issues that I am having: 1) Included hands have too large of pegs to fit 2) nosecone/crotch arm won't stay pegged together 3) boosters won't stay on Is this a common problem? I'm trying the armor out on a Hikaru VF-1J Super. Is the VF-1J Hikaru GBP have better QC?
  21. Would you guys be willing to take added durability (cosmetically), increased poseability, and a significant price cut as a result of having little to no diecast metal? I had to make this choice with TF Alts/BTs and went with the alts so far for the above reasons. However, I might still pick up any colorschemes, remolds, etc that are BT only.
  22. sleddogg83

    Scale Pref.

    The 1/48's have more features, greater poseability, and a perfect transformation, but when compared to the 1/60's they seem somehat shallow to me. I dunno why, they just do. Maybe if they had more diecast this wouldnt be the case. I think I might like the 1/72's and 1/60's better than 1/48's. . .
  23. Yeah you're right. They are covers for the screws. I'll have to find out which ones for sure.
  24. Here's a picture: 1 is from Hikaru VF-1A 1/60 2 is from Max VF-1A 1/60 It almost appeared as if something snapped or popped off .
  25. I actually have two questions that only a noob like me would ask: 1) Why do only select 1/60 come with pilots? 2) What is the small (~1/16 inch in diamter) painted "disk" that is usually found in the tray underneeth the figure when newly opened? Sorry for the criptic question, but that's the best way that I can explain it.
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