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Everything posted by ghiblione

  1. I have a 1/3000 taka SDF-1, the way of its transformation is not complicated, so I really like to try this DIY very soon.
  2. DIY a transformable 1/4000 DYRL SDF-1 with a battle mode model. What do you think? Is it possible?
  3. You can get a Roy and then repaint it for red colour, or opposite. They two are the same ,no?
  4. Thank you a lot! But I don't know that animation, so not very interested in..
  5. OK, I see, thank u, Graham! The seller is no good!
  6. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=5952064277 I don't know at all what it is! but it looks lovely.
  7. Waitting for your pics.
  8. wow... $450, it's high for me in these days. Maybe I couldn't realize it... But I really like to see more photos of it, also the custom made box and the instruction book, if Escaflown4 would put them out.
  9. Me too, would like to know your price!
  10. Hi, I found these pics half year ago, I didn't know what it is, yesterday I just remember it again, so put it up here. It's a great surprise to me. What does Kishimoto do now? Does he have a site?
  11. maybe someone repaint and reconstruct a Takatoku SDF-1? slam_sdf_1_dyrl.06
  12. more: slam_sdf_1_dyrl.07
  13. more: slam_sdf_1_dyrl.02
  14. Hi, does anyone know this SDF-1? It's not the yellowsubmarine SDF-1. But it's what? It can transform. slam_sdf_1_dyrl.01
  15. Thank all of you, I'm reading them now, there are a lot of , I need time to digest.
  16. One more question! I think I know but I don't know exactly: What does it mean "DYRL"? Why did they change the form of SDF-1 after the Macross TV series?
  17. You can read the review of Bandai and Yamato here For the "masterpieces" check this in MW http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/gunsight/gs1julaug02.pdf Now, "mpc" veritechs are robotech american merchandise and they aren't considered Macross toy(so use the topic in other anime and sci-fi),keep in mind that being robotech toys you will not find DYRL variations (so, dyrl color schemes, strike cannon, new fastpacks color and design, new cockpit, dyrl pilot, dyrl hand, UUM-7, new vf-1a head) but only the SDF Macross design that were ripped for robotech. Thanks for those informations, very detailed. I like Bandai much than MPC...But, Yamato is always my favourite.
  18. I have a question: The Valkys of Robotech masterpiece, what's the diffenence between them and the valkys of Yamato or Bandai?
  19. Wow, Takatoku 1/55 has really high price, it's the original 1/55 for Bandai I think.
  20. Wow, my wallet, have you heard what they said, Go! Go! Go!
  21. Guess my second 1/48 is which?
  22. Toonz, what has he done with that VF-1S in the pic? He repaint it? How did he do like this? The color is different and looks like be used. What can I do something for mine? And where to buy the Fast Packs, will you propose?
  23. Please don't tell me about the fast packs, if not I may force me to order them...
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