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Everything posted by ghiblione

  1. I use custom waterslide decals made by Anasazi. 354186[/snapback] Thanks, Kurt. I don't even know about that!! Where can I get them? HLJ?
  2. the VF of Kurt is always beautiful!! About the decals on every your VF, are they the decals which come with the toy OR are they the customes decals by yourself, too? Why they look like no any thickness, not like the Yamato's decals?
  3. Thank you rohby, you saved us!!!
  4. 353778[/snapback]
  5. The price always is another story....I need to become rich before every thing. Hahaha...
  6. Thank u guys. 350? Let me think about it. When they origanly came out I didn't even know Yamato exist. I'm a beginner. : ) A lot of things I've paid more than you I think.
  7. What you don't realize is that every valkaholic has that same little voice that says "You just NEED one more. Just one." My voice isn't God though, it's Christopher Walken. 353405[/snapback] You're right. I need it, I need it, I need it....
  8. God tells me when I sleep.
  9. Is it too late to buy a 1A LowVis? Just today I find that I need one. What price is it recently? Maybe I will sacrifice my wallet to get one for Xmas.
  10. I find these: http://cgi.ebay.com/MACROSS-MODEL-KIT-ART-...8QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.com/MACROSS-to-ORGUSS-MODE...1QQcmdZViewItem hi samurai m, do you have any detail about the Figure Oh! #77 ?
  11. Just dreamming for this kind of book. No more anime book, but toys and kits book.
  12. I find a preorder: http://cgi.ebay.com/Yamato-Macross-VF-1S-V...1QQcmdZViewItem $134,99.
  13. You'll need to change the 011 on the Hikaru -1A wing to 001. 347678[/snapback] maybe we can have a 011 1S, haha, not bad for me.
  14. How about replace a 1A Hikaru's head for a 1S one? 1A and 1S Hikaru are all the same except their heads?
  15. Hi, I'm looking for a 1/48 Hikaru 1A's head. Any chance to have one?
  16. I kind of guessed you didn't want to make your own (like me and the DYRL Max -1A), but you asked what the differences were. 347578[/snapback] After you tell me the differences, I decide to try to find a 1S Hikaru. Thanks.
  17. Well, I won't paint a Roy to a Hikaru. 1s re-release, maybe one year later? I don't know.
  18. You could scoop up a Roy -1S from one of the trusted Macross retailers and break out some red paint. 347547[/snapback] The different between roy and hikaru is just the yellow and the red colour? nothing else?
  19. You mean if I find a cheap one just go ahead to get it?
  20. Is the 1/48 vf-1s Hikaru more expensive than ever before? How much does it cost recently? I can't find one on ebay.
  21. OK, Bobe-Patt, I'll scan it when I receive the book. I'm happy with that price is it really ?? Well, I need to wait about 2 weeks to see.
  22. Where should I go?
  23. I bought a Macross gold book which comes with the vf-1s poster and the film bookmark from ebay for $149. I don't know if it's a good price, but I just love this book so much!
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