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Everything posted by GMK

  1. Whiteness aside, is this up for pre-order anywhere?
  2. Who will be the first crazy or silly enough to hack up into a GERWALK?
  3. Lovely, Hervé!
  4. Sweet mother of god!
  5. Thanks MT. So, picked up the HobbyBoss M706 to plagiarise the turret hatch. Was impressed/surprised by the size difference (& how closely it scales with my efforts, TBH) Decided to rework the splash ring that surrounds the commander's hatch, moving from .020 x .020 (0.5mm) to .030 x .030 (0.75mm). Also, instead of using multiple pieces, I'll fashion it from one bit, bending it around some pins drilled into the turret roof: I've also started to open up the viewing episcopes, & adding weld beads.
  6. Ouch! The ending for this one wasn't nearly as dramatic. This one punched through the floor right at the edge of the door and landed on the troop step (Australian Blackhawks have steps to aid entry). The guy pocketed (!) the unfused round & kept his mouth shut. Wasn't discovered until the loadmaster tried to slide the door closed at the end of the mission & it got stuck on the distorted track. Aircraft immediately grounded. Then there was the problem of how to get a grounded helicopter from the heliport to the airport to be put on a Herc..,
  7. Great progress. The pilots look sweet.
  8. Well, the first attempt at building a mantlet from flat parts & bending them to shape was a bit of a fail. The second, from .50 cal (1/2" or 12.7mm) tubing worked a little better. Considering it'll be under a weather boot, it'll work. Those Aber barrels look lovely! Friction mounted in the turret itself. And with the start of the commander's hatch. Not terrible.
  9. Spartan? What about the Monster?
  10. Half of our MAG-58 had L7 struck out on the side. Ah, you're referring to D Company's 'fraternisation' issue. 'Ramps up, pants down.'
  11. Yeah, I did INTERFET, UNTAET, & UNMISET. Good times. Had to chuckle at the NZ SAS M203 ND in one of our Blackhwaks. Neat hole, that one! It'll be 31, the platoon commander's car of 7 Platoon, C Coy, 5/7 RAR. May cast up the turret - was really jealous of the Kiwi M113 when I saw them. Belly armour, EAAK, MAG-58 (don't know what the NZA calls them, C6?). Only thing I was down on was the lack of a turret basket. Sadly not. I bought a knock down M113 kit from a guy in Germany. No running gear or tracks, so trying to find someone to 3D print the Diehl 513 track.
  12. Thanks. It looks ugly now, but should improve with primer.
  13. So, while waiting for decals for my Sea King to turn up, I thought I'd try my hand at scratch building a T50 turret in 1/16 for a future build of 'my' M113 in East Timor in 1999. Luckily a mate works at the Australian War Memorial. He arranged access to the M113A1 in storage for a reference run. It's a small turret, but a relatively complicated assembly of flat plates. The turret race spacer ring (my terminology, may not be prototypical): And some rough work on the mantlet, with the Aber .50 & .30 cal MG barrels. Thanks for looking.
  14. Well, a little more progress on the HAR.3 -> HU.5. Added the lumps, bumps, randome, filled the inappropriate widows, bulged the appropriate ones & got the fuselage (hull?) together. Here it is alongside my slightly-damaged-by-thinner-spillage SH-3H conversion.
  15. And all is now right with the world.
  16. Waiting for fire never is a nice feeling... The floor chipping was pretty simple to do - base coat, followed by Mr Hobby MR.MASKING SOL NEO applied via dabbing a torn-off bit of sponge into it, applying it more heavily in high traffic areas. This was followed by the top coat. Once the top coat was dry, I rubbed my fingertip over the dried masking fluid, chipping the top coat. HTH.
  17. Yeah, baffles me a bit, too. Never been in a Sea King: experience limited to the normal UH-1, H-60, Mi-17....& the Mi-26! This'll be a SAR bird, so unarmed. Thanks for commenting.
  18. I've got a start on my first Airfix Westland Sea King - a HU.5. This the new tool Airfix 1/72 kit & will accompany my converted SH-3H and, in turn, will be joined by a HAR.3. The interior was converted... And painted. Floor chipped with Neo mask. Quite a bit different to the OOB HAR.3, I think you'll agree: Should get the fuselage together this week. All comments welcome.
  19. Just received my GERWALK -1A & -1S kits. Very impressive.
  20. Yep ten points & three thumbs up on your Max. Perfect!
  21. That Max -1A looks fantastic! Love the Wave 1/100 kits.
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