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Everything posted by GMK

  1. +1
  2. Just got the body, arms, & gunpod of my CF -1A Battroid together - wow! May ditch my Wave 1/100 kits.
  3. Elongated nose, too small canopy.
  4. 'Touch & shoot'? A measure of excitement?
  5. I'd just like a GERWALK & Battroid in 1/48!
  6. How freaken tall is that Eva?
  7. And in 1/48, too.
  8. Thanks Arbit.
  9. Well, this is what it looked like out of the envelope: With a bit of motivational paint:
  10. Some more progress today. AMU brush guards on Australian M113A1 were a bit beefier than the standard, using flat stock section twisted, then bent into shape, before being welded in position. The results were somewhat agricultural - thankfully. As such, I rate my efforts as broadly representative. More tomorrow - may even finish the roof!
  11. Most of the work over the weekend was related to getting the hull in a better state. The glacis has been glued on, with work commencing on getting the transition between the lower hull & it correct. Also test fitted some tools from the Tamiya 1/16 M4 Sherman. In addition to tools, the Tamiya Sherman donated one of its fuel filler caps: Comments welcome, as always.
  12. Why is everyone calling it a SAM? Because it's being fired upward? Both the firer & the target are both on the ground. A real world example: Javelin ATGM, climbs to 180 metres in top attack mode, but it isn't a SAM.
  13. The A-29 is available from the US Government via FMS. That's how the Afghans got theirs.
  14. That'd be cool, NZEOD. Made some progress on the roof...
  15. Thanks NZEOD - may be a Kiwi thing, only? My instructors were firmly inside the cargo hatch when I was learning how to be a crewie. Tanks were different, they had a cage bolted on in place of the turret bin. Looked like something from Mad Max. The car I'm building - 134329 - had a M113 hull, not a M113A1, so it had the bolted plate around the armoured fuel filler cap. Thankfully, so did the 1/1 scale example I measured. 400 x 500mm... Anyone know where to find a 1/16 armoured fuel filler cap?
  16. Prefer the integral ones of the A-29. Actually, prefer the A-29. Period.
  17. Nice Space Battleship Yamato there, arbit. A little more progress over the course of the week. The cargo hatch & filter box are close to completion. The trickiest work to date has been adding the gun depression rail ('Jesus bar') between the turret & cargo hatch to prevent own goals into the vehicle itself. The turret makes the full 360 degree/6,400 mil traverse, without interference. Interestingly, on the upgraded M113AS4, electronic interlocks superseded the need for a physical bar to prevent own goals, so one wasn't initially fitted. User complaints about the absence of a 'hand rail' led to the incorporation of a purpose designed one into the build state. Cheers.
  18. No prizes for guessing what I'm planning...
  19. Yep. Liking seeing the different angles, though.
  20. As expected (hoped?) the primer has both hidden & exposed sins. Still, pretty chuffed. This may actually work out.
  21. Since you've made the hospital, you just need to add Max's VF-1A & Millia's Q-Rau...
  22. Real life has been brutal this week, seriously hampering progress on the T50. Take three on the commander's hatch seems to be working well, thanks in part to HobbyBoss providing a three dimensional reference. Also, have started hacking up a CD case for the episcopes. Will paint the inside of the turret sea foam green so that the correct shade is visible through the epis themselves. And a side view...only another four facets to go until the rough shape of the hatch is complete. (Oh, the gap at the bottom of the spacer is intentional.) All comments welcome, as always.
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