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Everything posted by GMK

  1. Put it this way: I'd watch it again, but not at cinema prices.
  2. Would love to see a straight, non-strike, GERWALK.
  3. Saw it last night - was better than Prometheus.
  4. I think I'd lose my mind.
  6. This is the best profile shot, yet: http://p.twpl.jp/show/orig/sJj3z The nose actually looks pretty good here.
  7. Sweet mother of fu......! Jebus that thing is huge!!!
  8. Hanging for a VF-1D.....and a GBP-1.
  9. Not without shooting off the nose landing gear....
  10. That profile confirms that it could work with a nose job.
  11. That nose is waaaay too long!
  12. Still unsure about the nose/canopy. The rest looks good.
  13. Interesting parts map. Could be the only scale kit I buy this year.
  14. Do you happen to have a link to that - a friend was after a set.
  15. Yeah, it's not intended for the user, with only thirty rounds, it's no big deal. Just use these: https://www.magpul.com/products/firearms-accessories/pmag-magazines/pmag-30-ar-m4-gen-m3-window The maintenance aspects of the rifle fleet over a life of twenty years are the killers...I'll stop or I'll geek out
  16. Round counters are fielded tech from 2011. Thing is, they're internal, sealed units, interrogated by RFID, for conditions-based maintenance. Invisible to the operator. Google "Ru-bee" for more.
  17. There's also VISMOD EF88/F90/Atrax in there, too.
  18. GMK

    Hi-Metal R

    What's going on with that other CF? D model heat shield, unknown spine, A model head?
  19. Best. Star. Wars. Movie. Ever. Made. So many Easter eggs. X-wings have never looked half as good as here. Best ending, too.
  20. Lots of great work going on here Well, after some time in the US, Japan, & Indonesia for work, minor progress has been made on 31. Thought I'd add a splash of colour to see what things look like. Neither the camouflage pattern nor the colours are 100%, but they are good for project morale. Comments welcome.
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