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Everything posted by GMK

  1. Wish they had drawings like that for the Type 100 (single issue zealot here). Excellent summary can't wait for my BD to turn up in late May...
  2. +1 on the Cosmo Tiger II (Falcon II now?). I'd love to see an update of the Marines' flying tracked vehicle/spaceship with tracks and a kit of the original and any update!
  3. Damn - still no Type 100 (apart from the 1/1000 one).
  4. Looks amazing - maybe a U.N. Spacey kite would improve it further?
  5. Very, very nice
  6. The folded parts (wings & eppenage) are options, not hinged nor moveable. Just buy two!
  7. Nice - thanks. More detail for the Cosmo Zero hanger diorama....
  8. Now just need someone to post screen caps of that preview. Jebus - awesome.
  9. GMK


    Just a bump Dan - this is too good for page 2.
  10. Thank you Westfall! Shame 3,4 or 5 view drawings aren't available :-/ Thanks again, Greg
  11. Guys, I'm looking for the data sheet on the Type 100 Recon craft (ep. 1 & 14): line drawings etc would also be useful. Thanks, Greg
  12. Nice! Great paint job too. That gashapon Q-Rau is also very cool.
  13. Got my volume 4 yesterday - wow. Now I'm stuck: only 'discovered' volume 1 in early February. Now I've caught up and have to wait like everyone else :-/ Bring on April!!!
  14. Having purchased the Blu-ray volume 1 & 2 and the requisite Blu-ray player: all I can say is 'Wow!' The quality of the animation, the tightness and pacing of the script, the overall high production values have produced an entertaining, brisk and extremely watchable show! To say that I am impressed is an understatement - this is magic! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2vVrxLhz5U&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  15. http://app.m-cocolog.jp/t/typecast/195385/171038/73740894 Wow!
  16. What is that music from 1:12??
  17. Thanks guys! I'm pretty confident with scratchbuilding & mods, I'm just keen to confirm whether the 'real' (anime?) VF-0 had the c/f fitted in the locations as modelled in the other link. Regards, Greg
  18. Thanks - that was the scene I was thinking of. Still can't find any pics of the outside though! Nagmammit! This is the build I was talking about: http://s362974870.onlinehome.us/forums/air/index.php?showtopic=210908 Regards, Greg
  19. Guys, Just 'discovered' Macross Zero and the VF-0 (thanks VF-0 Master File). One of the builds online has chaff/flare buckets added to the arms. Does anyone have a reference for this, or is it creative licence? Also, any pics of the refuelling probe & recess would be helpful. Regards, Greg
  20. That's a shame: they look great.
  21. Yes please Mike! Please include an 'A' head. Any pics of competed ones? Greg
  22. Looks amaze-balls! Very, very slick. More please!
  23. It's been updated now though..
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