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Everything posted by Zero

  1. Hi, May I know, where to get the news?
  2. Cool pics ¡ã¡ã¡ã Dear all, How many set will you get ? Although I have already got 6 Sets. But I want to get more 4 Sets for the furture VF.
  3. Zero

    1/48 Out Now!

    Over ! Over! Graham, Are you still in Hong Kong? Have you got the Fast Pack Sets?
  4. Hey ! I have already got 6 sets today !
  5. 1/72 = 2 pcs 1/48 = 6 pcs 1/60 = 0 Plan to buy:- 1/72 = 2 pcs (YF-19 Fast Pack version) 1/48 = 8 pcs (Valkyrie) 1/48 = 10 pcs (Fast Pack)
  6. Zero

    Meeting with yamato

    Welcome to the Macrossworld Forums (v.2) Zero! It's alright...there are sometimes when I've had a bit too much Yoshinol (while visiting the forums). Are you looking to add another Yamato to your collection? I already have Macross toys as below:- YAMATO 2 sets of 1/72 YF-21 Fast Pack version. 1 set of 1/48 VF-1A "Hikaru". 1 set of 1/48 VF-1S "Focker". 2 sets of 1/48 VF-1A "Max". 2 sets of 1/48 VF-1A "Low Vis". Banpresto 4 sets of Transformable Valkyrie. I will plan to buy from YAMATO :- 2 sets of 1/72 YF-19 Fast Pack version. 8 to 10 sets of 1/48 Fast Pack. 2 sets of 1/48 VF-1A "Hikaru". Many sets of 1/48 VF-1J. I hope YAMATO can issue 1/48 VF-1S "Max" and "Low Vis". Zero
  7. Zero

    Meeting with yamato

    Hello, everybody. This is my first time to post message. But I have already visited this site have a long time. May I know "YAMATO" will issue the YF-19 Fast Pack version within this year? And will they re-issue the 1/48 VF-1S "Focker" and VF-1A "Hikaru" version? I hope all of you can understand my english. Because I am not good at it. Zero
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