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Everything posted by RedLion

  1. Not sure was trying to start it last year 2008 to much stuff to do to focus on it at the moment. I wanted it to transform accurately, however couldn't find good images showcasing how things slid out of each other and maintained their scale. Lots of anime magic on this spaceship tp make it transform. Even Yamato's version is not entirely anime accurate. Oh well! Give me some time...
  2. Very Cool Indeed! When the live action version of the movie comes out they need to give you a call!!
  3. Thanks Guys! more info later.
  4. Try this link they are very bright LED's and are more bright than standard super brights. Luxeon Star LED'S are also in some of the latest flashlights. http://www.luxeonstar.com/
  5. Thanks for the comments everyone, I love sharing kit building and techniques with you all. Here Is a PDF without instructions to show the layout pattern. I score the edges with a non working ball point pen. Use legal size paper for it. Sorry for no instructions or a scoring diagram. ARMD_01_PaperModelb.pdf
  6. No Problem Give me some time on this. The file I have is ans AI file and PDF at the current scale. I can up size it to 1 foot no problem. I have to finidsh up the crazy work related product first that's going to take several weeks. Please be patient. Best Brian
  7. Wow that's very interesting! Let me know how big you would want to replicate it and I can upscale it. Also if the could print it from an AI (Adobe Illustrator) file. The decals done by Anasai I wonder if he uses vector art as well using Corel Draw or Illustrator?
  8. I will, You have a printer at work that can print on plastic? What kind of machine is that? Please share.
  9. No Shame however don't give up. It was coming along nicely!
  10. Do you have Adobe Illustrator? If not I can send you a PDF file in a couple weeks. It is pretty straight forward and if you can build boxes you should be able to build this without instructions.
  11. Here are more details one showing the rear view. Enjoy! I will Update with more info later.
  12. Here are the side bay drawings and the top section. Since this model is relatively small, I decided to cut out only the larger portions inserting a textured black paper to give it more depth. The details aren't super amazing as it could be, however I think it fools the eye enough that the essence of the A.R.M.D. is captured.
  13. Here is how the thrust pods look before I added color to them. Note that the edges of the paper are colored using design markers to prevent the light outline that would occur.
  14. Thanks all for the nice comments sorry I haven't posted anything for a while been busy. Here is the drawing I used to start from. From it I began to trace the proportions to make the 3D forms. Very Labor intensive!
  15. Thanks for all the comments As it was a labor of love. I also prefer styrene as it is more durable when sealed properly. Here are some reference photos I used and colored before the model was built. The last 2 were recolored to match colors in the books and Movie. I hope Yamato's version will have more detail then the one I did! Would love to see Lights and sounds on something that big! Oh well one can dream right!
  16. Here are the color Photos for you enjoyment! I will Try to offer this free for Macross Worlder's to enjoy, However no instructions at this time?? The penny shows the scale. I'll upload how it was done soon. Enjoy the rest of the photos
  17. I will Try however no instructions lots of parts to this puppy!
  18. Hello All, I thought I would share with you a project I started working on last year in reproducing the ARMD carriers that were featured In Macross Do You Remember Love. I like the designs of those because of their aggressive nature. This project was based on testing the limits of card model construction. I had planned on doing the S.D.F.-1 to fit the A.R.M.D.'s but not enough time in the day and besides Yamato is coming out with theirs later this year. (designed In Adobe Illustrator) Anyway enjoy I will upload the final color version soon. Brian L.
  19. This is the tightes looking VF in the Frontier series, my opinion! Bandai needs to consider this one seriously as a toy or model! I prefer both!
  20. Nice! They Definitely need these some of these shots on the package of the toy! it would help sell it better!
  21. Does anyone Know if they are going to do the VF-27 in 1/60th scale??
  22. Good Pics! halfway succesfull engineering. Why couldn't they get the engine nacells to seat properly in jet mode is a mystery to me! It is very possible!! I wish Takara was working on this more than Bandai, becasue they are slipping in final excecution! The landing gear are so much of an afterthought that it makes the toy look cheap. I pray that these are not final fits!!!! Please tell me Bandai will fix!? Or is it too Late?
  23. I wonder if there is going to be an art book done for this series. I can't recall one for Macross 0 other than sketches, line art, and computer renderings of the Sv-51, in Kawamari's Design Works book. It would be nice to have a book with all of the characters and mech like the days of old. If only I could read he Japanese!
  24. I though that was the new Macross Battle 25?
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