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Everything posted by nemesis_trooper

  1. Guys - Thanks for the tip about using polish. I finally broke down and bought an armored DX vf-25 and am looking to preserve it (for eternity). How did you guys actually apply the future polish ? Did you spray it onto the DX (25 or 27) while it was in fighter mode or battroid mode? I am worried that after coating, there will be a clear transparent but uneven layer on my spanking new $200 toy! From what I am reading on this forum it seems like Pledge Future polish is the best brand for this usage and will not corrode the paint? Thanks for your advice in advance!
  2. Like the design of the Lucifer vf-27...but not so hot on the color schemes (pink and pale green)? Think I will wait for eventual repaints: Black, grey, blue, white, anything but the canon colors for me..
  3. Help! Has anyone managed to run the game? I have tried everything (emulators/burning the game onto CD) but after loading the game, I just get a black screen! Any help gratefully received! Thanks!
  4. !! Being a great Langrisser and Macross fan I am kicking myself for not discovering Eternal Love Song earlier! <everything is on iMacross - Thank you Boinger!>
  5. Pinch me...is the 1/100 Mave FINALLY coming out? http://cafe.dalong.net/board.cgi?id=cafe20...w&gul=18846 Larger pics of the ones posted above...
  6. I would buy them in a heartbeat! IMHO big guns in space totally work since aerodynamics do not matter (i guess if you compensate for the recoil force, if any)! Even if the idea were scientifically ridiculous (i'm no expert), I'm all for super tooled up valkyries!
  7. Yeah! I think half the reason why its so epic is because of the music... Speaking of the music, I just found this online typing game which features the Aimo song from Macross Frontier... the game is strangely addictive but incredibly tough since you're typing japanese with english alphabets... http://somoe.org/typing/ <if you scroll down to the 2nd song, it should be "Aimo">
  8. Have you guys seen this? Clearly made by a macross fan as it has Mac F music spliced in. Awesome!!
  9. Is there anyone who is going to this who can help me buy some stuff (only 2 things I could possibly want and can cut down to 1)? Pls PM or email me?
  10. I cannot wait for this mod....
  11. Wow PetarB thanks for that! Can I ask how you heated up the acetate without burning it? And where did you get your acetate from? Was it just regular transparency paper?
  12. That is beautiful Sebastian!
  13. Love the last episode! Query - does anybody know what Alto was on abt? "If you think not, you will blossom. Nor shall you blossom if you think" I think I roughly get it, but what are your views on that phrase? Is it some subtle or famous japanese idiom ?
  14. A tad harsh maybe but I do feel they could have done a better job with the plot. Zero character development and the plot was slightly contrived. But that's not the worst part (the first clone wars animated series was arguably thin on these too), I think the main problem was the lack of any suspense (never once did you feel any of the characters was in any danger). Maybe its best if you guys catch it and see what I mean. The "banter" btw Anakin and the wise-talking padawan was particularly bad...that really tipped me over the edge for this flick.
  15. This episode is just pure win on so many levels...
  16. Clone wars was a desecration of any of the SW movies and the first animated series.
  17. Yeah if it were half the price i would be on it in an instant...love the DYRL helmet, lukewarm on the TV one...
  18. eh - its been bothering me why NUNs never even bothered to find the SDF Global and check its records...they should have tried harder considering it was their first major encounter with Vajra (i think) and the Vajra wiped out the 117th? Or maybe Grace hacked the records and continually arranged for SDF GLobal to remain hidden (hard considering the size of that thing)
  19. Hope there are megadrive fans out there - I'll pay to watch Langrisser II (Warsong) or Herzog Zwei !! These are just classic games!
  20. Anybody have an extra VF-1S head (preferably separated i.e the two halves not glued together)? I dun mind if its a recast and I have to paint over...Thanks!
  21. ho-hum i'm so happy my prediction of Mac 1/4 vs Battle frontier is coming true....
  22. Does anybody know if an international mail address will be accepted for the order?
  23. DONE- armored Vf-25 vs Vajra queen rescuing Ranka (tho Brera did the actual rescuing instead)...
  24. Good point! ok slight revision in crazy theory...Macross 1/4 goes alittle nutso haha..
  25. I have this crazy idea that Battle 7 will suddenly be taken over by Vajra and go rogue (a la that PS2 Macross game) and Macross Quarter will have to go against it. That would be awesome, esp if Ranka and Sheryl are on opposite sides for whatever reason....song attack versus song attack?? Its that red "visor" hence "evil robot" effect... PLUS the fact that Sheryl has the v-type illness and liable to go berzerk as well! And just to support that theory here's a screencap from the OP scene showing Battle 7, Sheryl with evil red glow, and a strangely organic (hence Vajra) thingie all in the same frame.... Too much to hope for esp. with there being so many mysteries left in the overall plot...but it would be fun!
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