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About Ronin777

  • Birthday 11/17/1969

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  • Interests
    Chogokins, Macross/Robotech, Anime, and a lot of other stuff.

Ronin777's Achievements

Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I hope I am posting on the right area. I have a problem with 2 1/35 Gakken Alpha's of mine. First one is on my green alpha, the piece of plastic that holds the spring on the knee cover somehow broke off and now the right knee cover stays down at all times when in battroid mode. I am asking the guys that have had experience with these alphas if I can possibly and safely open/unscrew the leg section and put it back together. Second and last is I have the 1/35 blue alpha and there are no knee covers they both appear to have been broken off. Is there a place that I can buy recasts (Rhobby perhaps?) to replace them? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  2. Yamato 1/48, the best.
  3. I don't know how tacky it would look but what if you paint it silver first then black. I think it might give you a mirror effect but I am not sure. You may want to try it out on a small piece of glass first.
  4. I wish I had the talent to customize my toys too.
  5. $95 is a steal! I paid $120 for mine last year and it's selling for $170 in ebay nowadays. Which store are you getting it from? Do they have anymore 1/48's at that price?
  6. I could use a set of the tv hands myself.
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